Caution! Harmful cookware
We all periodically cooking food yourself and your loved ones. We eat several times a day. And do we know what we cook and what we eat? Helpful or harmful utensils we use? Let's deal.
In Russia traditionally tableware was made of wood. Not every tree is suited for its production. Of great importance was the healing properties of wood.
So, it was believed that dishes of the tree had anti-inflammatory properties of ash — guard against vitamin deficiency. It is known that birch bark has many healing properties, from antibacterial to tonic. Ate with wooden spoons from wooden bowls, used wooden bowls, buckets and jugs. In addition, weaving utensils from birch bark saltcellars, thesky for storage of flour and cereals.

Next came the dishes of copper. Perhaps your kitchen has a copper bowl or saucepan? Many families utensils of copper and its alloys is passed on from generation to generation. And no wonder: it was always used with pleasure! The fact is that due to the high thermal conductivity copper has excellent culinary quality — the heat is distributed evenly over the surface of the cookware. And therefore, delicious jam, coffee or a wonderful sauce to work in a copper pot like themselves.
But modern science somewhat overshadows our emotions — she warns that even a very small amount of this metal destroys ascorbic acid in fruits and berries.And again, the food stored in copper vessel, it loses vitamins, it is easily oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids, forming hazardous compounds — free radicals.
With frequent use it is not ruled out poisoning.
In addition, the copper in a humid environment easily oxidized and dish appears green or blue-green film — patina. When heated it interacts with the acids of food, forming harmful for the body salt of copper.
So after wash a plate or bowl should be thoroughly wiped clean, preventing formation of a film. If patina appears, it should be thoroughly removed from the entire surface, otherwise you cannot use harmful cookware is dangerous to health. It is possible to make so: wipe clean with table salt moistened with vinegar, and immediately rinsed with warm, then with cold water.
Lead in ceramic dishes
For centuries in the alloys, which produced tableware, was added lead. The sad consequences of this in our time well known scientists: lead, gradually accumulate in the human body, has led to the poisoning.
In the Roman Empire, wine vessels and other utensils contained large amounts of lead. As a result of using such harmful cookware life expectancy has decreased almost twice. Some historians even believe that lead poisoning of the Roman "elite" was not the last reason for the decline of a powerful state.
Also nowadays scientists have proved that lead is guilty of the destruction of health of the Moscow princes — the water that was served in the Kremlin, tech lead water supply...
In many countries more than a quarter century ago, there was a ban on the use of lead in the production of tableware.
But despite this, in our days you can easily become the owner of a harmful or pots, for example, cups.
It is appropriate to recall the famous story of one American couple.
Once, while vacationing in Italy, the couple bought a beautiful ceramic Cup. Once home, they did not put them in the cupboard for a glass, to admire and to show guests, and began active daily use.
After two and a half years both of the spouses showed signs of lead poisoning: insomnia, nervous disorders, sudden "walk" to different parts of the body pain. Doctors who were asked by the sufferers, was at a loss — they could not understand what it is.
The man even made two completely unnecessary, and a woman was persistently treated from liver disease.
But, following the well-known saying "the rescue of drowning — the handiwork of drowning", the American couple, "shoveled" the mountain of special medical (and maybe not only) literature, herself was diagnosed with lead poisoning! And it was absolutely true, then what was confirmed by the professionals working with poisons.
Let's try to understand how the lead got into the dishes (because the cups are ceramic, not metal!). Most likely, they were decorative and, therefore, not intended to have drank tea, coffee and other drinks.
The fact that the sanitary standards in the manufacture of decorative cookware, the presence of lead allowed. Turns out, it is added to paint to give the pottery a smooth and beautiful Shine. But: in the instructions for use of such products must be written that they cannot store food! And we must understand that it's harmful cookware.
Therefore, we do a conclusion: if we buy the vending plate, a Cup, the pot is brightly painted, do not hesitate and be sure to ask the seller a certificate. And in this document looking for data on results of check of utensils on the content of toxic substances. But, unfortunately, the reality is that certificates are often counterfeited.
So, it may be better not to beware and not to buy pottery with a too bright red and yellow painted, which almost always indicates the presence in the paint lead and cadmium.
By the way, bright green perhaps "touched up" with copper. And she, in addition, that by itself is not useful, and even accelerates the process of release of lead. Therefore, for the beauty of these cups-plates purchase is not forbidden, but for everyday use for its intended purpose — the experts strongly recommend.
Lead in cans
In addition to cookware harmful source of lead poisoning can be and some cans, as their elements are connected to each other by solder containing lead. These banks are easily distinguished by the corrugated seam and line connector silver-gray color with irregular outlines. Although the inner surface of cans is usually coated with a special composition, it does not always help.
Known cases when long-term storage of lead was accumulated up to 3 mg/kg, which is much above the permissible level. Especially great its content might be in canned acidic foods: tomatoes, fruit juices, etc.
Besides, they, as a rule, there is another toxin — tin.
In order not to endanger yourself, you have to buy canned food in cans with smooth welds that are between the sticker and the upper or lower end of the banks.
Aluminum cookware 10-15 years ago can be seen in almost every kitchen. It is easy to clean, and when cooking food in it is not burning. Very well in a saucepan boil the milk, cook porridge, jellies, vegetables for salad and lettuce, etc. But, sadly, all that food gets "spiced up" by aluminum!
And under the influence of milk, as a representative of alkali and under the influence of acidic environment preparing vegetables in microscopic doses aluminum "peeled" from dishes and successfully turns our stomach. Aluminium is not oxidized in water, but even she "washes" his mikrochastitsy.
So neither boiling water nor store it in harmful aluminum utensils should not, however, like any other products.
No, if you once or twice cooked baby in an aluminum bowl oat porridge, nothing bad will happen. But if you do it daily, then do not be surprised that the baby became terribly excitable.
Well, if you cook in the utensils of this metal for years, it is the opinion of experts is that sooner or later your body will produce enough aluminum to cause such terrible diseases, as anemia, kidney disease, liver and various neurological changes and even Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
It is not recommended to cook wild game, goose, chicken in aluminum foil. At a high temperature in the oven is an active saturation of food with aluminum. You should seriously consider.
Relatively recently in our kitchens appeared beautiful tableware from the melamine production in China and Turkey. In appearance it resembles porcelain, but much lighter in weight. Due to its very attractive appearance, the purity of the color, it is popular among buyers.
But it is toxic and harmful utensils! One of the sources of danger — salts of lead (again!) cadmium and other metals included in the composition of paints, which it signs.
Paint, applied by decals that are not covered by any protective layer, and they are very easy to fall into the products.
Another danger lies in the fact thatthe composition includes melamine toxic formaldehyde. It is isolated, many plastics, but the melanin according to results of specialized studies makes it particularly strong — in the tens or even hundreds of times exceeding the acceptable norm. In experimental animals such doses of formaldehyde cause mutagenic changes in the body and the formation of cancer cells.
Public health authorities banned the sale of melamine tableware. But go to the China Department in any market and you will see the cute cups, plates and various sets of them.
In addition to melamine in the market you can find harmful dishes and other polymeric metals.
The experts involved in the testing and certification of these products, I believe that you can use it, but only in strict compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.
For example, if a plastic utensil is designed only for bulk products, the liquid in it is impossible to hold, otherwise it may absorb toxic substances. If the instructions for use, for example, plastic containers are written, they are for cold food, then do not put in it hot, etc.
The stainless steel and silver
Last time got more and more popular tableware of stainless steel — alloy of iron, carbon and other elements. Steel containing 18 % chromium and 8 % Nickel is widely used for the manufacture of the cookware. If it is made of high quality steel (and not a violation of the production technology), that does not change taste of products and are safe for health.
Pots and pans of a steel is preferred with a thick bottom — they provide a gradual heating and for a long period of cooling. The dishes of the "steel" is not overtempered — then the food will burn. And again,we must remember that Nickel is a strong allergen, so people with allergies should be careful with it.
Enamel and glass
Perhaps all safety requirements meets good old-fashioned enamelware. She, of course, is in every house. Its main advantage is the enamel, which, due to the inertia of its components, it does not interact with neither salts nor acids, nor alkalis. This makes the enameled utensils are very popular.
Of course, to enjoy such dishes can only the whole. Indeed, in areas of damage, cracks and chips appear yellowish-red spots that are not removed with washing. It is a plain rust. And she interacts with the acids of food forms harmful iron salts. In addition, when washing the areas of damage could be particles of cleaning agents, which also then gets into your stomach.
Another type of safe cookware — heat-resistant glass. To give the glass properties in its composition adds an element that retains strength at high temperatures. So afraid that the maker of this glass on the gas fire or baking in the oven can crack, crumble, etc., not worth it.
But we must remember that when you use heat resistant utensils when she's in a "hot condition", you need to avoid its contact with very cold surfaces — then the pot will burst.
Glass is also non-reactive like enamel, so the dishes from him and from this point of view is not dangerous. In addition, it is comfortable, well cleaned and the food in it looks nice and when cooking and when serving.
This begs the question: so is there absolutely safe cookware? Maybe with silver plates a silver spoon, and drink from the silver Cup? After all, we have all heard about the healing properties of this metal and history of Suvorov's army, where the officers did not hurt gastrointestinal diseases as well as ate from silver dishes, while the soldiers in large numbers were dying from these diseases?
Indeed, experts say, silver ions inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora in water solutions.
But, it turns out, food, enriched with silver ions, prolonged use can adversely affect the human nervous system, cause headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, loosen the vision. But if again to use silver utensils constantly, for years, it is possible to "earn" such a serious illness, like gastroenteritis, and even cirrhosis of the liver!
Teflon is a trade name of the polymer used for the non-stick coating of the cookware. Indeed, on a Teflon pan the food will not burn even if we coat the surface with only a minimal amount of oil or fat. Agree, it will benefit our health, isn't it? And extra fat we don't need, and all sorts of harmful carcinogenic substances that are formed by perezhivanie food, especially.
But that Teflon cookware was the "faith and truth", it is necessary that it remain intact as long as possible. To do this, you first need to start on the farm wooden or Teflon special spatula for turning or mixing of the prepared food. And not to put on the fire an empty pot or pan.
By the way, experts advise to purchase cookware with a thick bottom, because experience shows that thin skillets as carefully nor take care of them, are somehow long.
And nowsome tips about the dishes made from different materials. I hope they will be useful to Housewives.
For any porcelain longer served, it must "harden". Cups, saucers, plates and stuff for a few hours pour cold water. And then, taking one subject, pour hot.
Utensils made of enamel are also "harden", but different. A new pot is filled to the brim with salt solution: 2 tablespoons per gallon of water and allow to boil. Then leave to cool.
But even the "hardened" enamel ware is better to take care not to put directly from the refrigerator on a hot stove — from the sudden drop in temperature, the enamel can crack.
And again. It turns out, the white enamel retards the absorption of heat, and so you will spend more time on cooking in a pot than in the pot with a dark enamel.
By the way, to make jams experts consider the best capacity enamel or stainless steel.
Teflon is good, but, unfortunately, very fragile non-stick coating. So for cleaning such utensils is not necessary to apply not only sponges, but also powder products — even they might scratch the Teflon. Wash pots and pans with a soft washcloth with the liquid and then carefully wipe with a towel.
For microwave oven is not only suitable cookware heat-resistant glass. You can use a different glass, unless, of course, there are no traces of lead. And China — only it should not be metal patterns, including Golden kemock". Suitable and pottery — if it is glazed over the entire surface (including the bottom). But if you use plastic be careful — carefully read the user manual of the company that manufactured cookware.
And even better — do not use microwaves, since they are in constant use, is also very harmful to health. But since we're talking about harmful the dishes, something about the danger of microwaves will be discussed in another article.
As excrete the heavy metals
The body, in fact, capable and without external intervention to remove toxins and toxins. However, working and living in harmful conditions, taking the wrong way of life, we accumulate an excess of toxic substances that our body already endures with great difficulty. Heavy metals can accumulate in plants and animals that we consume. They can get into us with air, water, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, household chemicals and harmful utensils (copper, lead, iron). The isotopes of heavy metals are deposited on the internal organs, causing various diseases.
Eat foods that contain pectin. Pectin has the useful property to collect on its surface heavy metal salts. It contains in vegetables, fruit, berries. A product like beets, for example, contains flavonoids that converts heavy metals into inert compounds. Starch potatoes, cooked in skin, absorbs toxins the body, removing them naturally. The withdrawal of heavy metals are also carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, radish, tomatoes.
Consumption of apples, citrus, quince, pear, apricot, grape promotes the excretion of toxic substances. Rowan berries, viburnum, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries bind heavy metals in insoluble complexes that are then easily excreted. Eating cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, cloudberries and turn you cleanse your body from accumulated toxic substances. Useful to use even marmalade made from these berries.
Drink tea made from chamomile, calendula, sea buckthorn, wild rose. Tea of these herbs protects cells from penetration of heavy metals and helps remove them. Rosehip oil and sea buckthorn is also useful in poisoning by heavy metals.
Withdraw from the body radioactive isotopes of cesium with sorrel, spinach, salads.
Take substances containing lignans, it neutralizes the radionuclides. Such substances are found in plants: juniper, sesame seeds and burdock, roots of Schizandra and Eleutherococcus. Also with constant exposure of radioactive isotopes of metals recommended for use before meals for 40 drops of tincture of aralia, levzei, rodioly pink, a ginseng.
Drink the tea prepared from the herb coriander (cilantro), he can withdraw mercury from the body within two months. Four tablespoons chopped cilantro brew a liter of boiling water in a non-metallic bowl and drink 20 minutes later. Spend rice cleaning procedures. They are especially recommended for people working in hazardous industries. Figure displays the body of toxic metal salts. Soak a spoonful of rice in water in the evening, in the morning cook without salt and eat.
Use a decoction of oats for purification from salts of heavy metals. A Cup of oats, pour two liters of water, boil on low heat for 40 minutes. Drink half a Cup four times a day, so you will be clean from salts of heavy metals, including cadmium, which is contained in tobacco smoke.
Take care of yourself and your family! Be healthy! published
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Source: ruslekar.info/Novaya-stranitsa-3576.html