A great and healthy dish for special occasions — it looks unusual, juicy, bright, and most importantly — useful. BEET PASTA WITH AVOCADO For cooking pasta we will need the following ingredients:
- Beets
- Avocado
- Pasta (without added egg)
- Garlic
- Thyme
- Olive oil
- Balsamics vinegar (dark)
Preparation: beets baked in foil at 160 degrees for 1.5 hours. From the second part beet to squeeze beet juice. Boil pasta to "al'dente". Roasted beets cut into pieces, fry in olive oil with garlic and thyme. The roasted beets add the beetroot juice, balsamic vinegar and boil until sauce. Add pasta and avocado to give potomitsya 2-3 minutes. Serve with leaves of Mongolia.
Bon appetit! published
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Source: www.liveorganic.ru/rubrics/food/healthy-recipes/beet-pasta-with-avocado