11 Harmful Habits Money that should not To adopt your kids

Teach a child to lean, numeracy and do not waste money, do not be so easy. One exhortations and educational talks in this business can not do, sure of the portal Credit.com columnist Jeff Rose. Children in the first place pay attention not to the words of the parents, and in their actions. Therefore, in order to teach my child to financial discipline, it is necessary to work on yourself. Analysts advise to erase from his life a few bad money habits, which in any case should not adopt children.
< Habit №1. Do not form the budget
If you are not used to form the budget, fixed income and costs are likely to funneling money to the river of your wallet. The habit of spending left and right, buying whatever they want, of course, pleasant. However, this practice is negatively affecting the personal financial condition in the first place, does not allow accumulation

Habit №2
To live in debt This is perhaps one of the biggest problems of modern families (and countries) - a life in debt. We always buy something that is not able to pay immediately. A life in debt imply a reduction of revenue in the future. It's an unhealthy approach. Therefore, it is important to talk with children about the debt and why it is bad.

Habit №3. Doing "all like the others»
If you have friends, then we certainly need to buy it. If you are repelled by this rule, then, without even noticing, teach children to rely on the opinion of outsiders and let strangers indirectly control your purse and influence costs.

Habit №4. Pay card only
Ignoring cash robs "the feeling of money" and hinder precise control spending, I'm sure Jeff Rose. If a child sees parents constantly pay a certain plastic card, it ceases to bear in mind this paper money and, as a consequence, they do not learn to read and appreciate. The logic is simple: the child will not remember the bills, if the parents are constantly paying
«magic card".

Habit №5. I buy, because I deserve it
Has it ever happened that you bought some thing because it said to yourself, "I deserve it"? Probably, yes, because we all like to indulge yourself. However, it is important that the reason "I deserve it" did not occur too often, and at least occasionally gave way to the more modest "if I could afford it».

Habit №6. Never talk about money
"Why do children talk about money, because they are still small?" - Thought by some parents. This approach is fundamentally wrong, I'm sure Jeff Rose. The child, with whom never talked about what money is and where they come from, risks grow spender. And, most interestingly, this will not be his fault.

Habit №7. Live one day
Life is short, so live it must be bright. And spend the money as much as possible. Many people justify this statement his unnecessary spending, explains the financial expert. Showing children the approach to money, you are to teach them to live one day and not think about the future.
< Habit №8. Do not save or invest
Invest in something or "to postpone for the future" is not in your rules? Be sure the children will take note, and it, too. So, as an adult will not be able to care for the future and think about the future. After investing involves long-term goals. But whether they will be able to interest a man who since childhood to get everything here and now?

Habit №9. Always walk on sales
This is probably the most common myth, which is used in marketing to get people to buy as much as possible. Maybe sometimes (in the form of a large exception) sales do allow you to save, but in most cases - just a trap for unsuspecting customers

Habit №10. Lying about money
Has it ever happened that you bought something and then asked the child not to tell his wife? At first glance it may seem that nothing dangerous in this: think of it, ask your child to lie about the money in order to avoid a conflict situation ... According to Jeff Rose, a habit to involve children in the "financial secrets" is fraught with the fact that the child later he starts to lie and to spend money close behind.

Habit №11. Pretending that money does not affect the health
Any relationship with money has a certain effect on health. This may be the stress of thinking about the debt owed to the bank or is unable to pay off the mortgage on time or buy anything. There's only one proven way to reduce the negative impact of money on their own health - get your finances under control. And, of course, to teach children to this.

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