Children who are brought up TV
Don't know about you, but I in recent years often come across four or five year olds that look... no, of course not mentally retarded, it would be too strong a word, but is still significantly underdeveloped. They do not understand simple questions, the answer is either silent or talking some nonsense, can't even with mom to play dolls simple scene or to tell a story, the story is seemingly just fell in love them in the teeth.
These children (often boys) are very shy, full of fear and at the same time incredibly competitive, being a "cool". Hesitate to show their best side (for example, to tell than they are today made my mom happy), these guys without any hesitation grimace in the presence of unfamiliar adults, not afraid to bully other kids in front of parents, tease, make faces, laugh loudly, repeating (again defiantly, when adults!) various absurdities, and sometimes dirty. And flatly refuse to overcome difficulties. Even the minimum. Which, naturally, scares mom and dad.
"As the child will learn? anxiously they ask and begin to lead him to the psychologists and the doctors, give medications, hire Tutors. But first of all, one has to wonder: who the child takes these behaviors? And to counter evil influences. As a matter of fact, at all times acted caring parents.
I was raised by TV
And here begins interesting. When you ask parents that, in their opinion, could "Unscrew" the child alone in that response puzzled shrug, and others have to say about heredity (often not their own, and in the second half) or about the bad influence of the kindergarten. But a closer examination reveals that many such children from an early age playing computer games and watching Western cartoons. What's the matter? Maybe the kids have become the victim of some large scale social experiment? But what?
To clarify the situation, I met with the lead head of the Centre for communication studies of ISESP RAS, candidate of sociological Sciences Natalia Efimovna Markov.
In recent years, it is a close study of the impact of media on children and adolescents. Natalia Efimovna confirmed my hunch. Indeed, mOU can talk about large-scale social experiment, the victims of which are children. Although the concept of "experiment" implies some uncertainties, but in this case, the result, alas, predictable.
The influence of modern media is obvious to a specialist. Strongly affecting the imagination, cartoons and computer games give children new attitudes and behaviors. Nothing can compete with these vivid, memorable visual images, backed up to the same respective scale. Against this backdrop, even the most talented children's book with gorgeous pictures to look faded. I'm not talking about parent observations and notations that children quickly learn to ignore.
What are the installation translates the children of the modern Western art?
Let's start with aggression.
Let us recall the "Pokemon" (if you look closely the "kids channels" that I'm sure you will quickly find similar modern broadcast cartoon). What is the main action? Some strange creatures called "pokemon", which translated to English means "pocket monster" (pocket monster) seek to destroy each other. And do it enthusiastically and skillfully.
Even when adults are watching a bloody fight, they sometimes transgress a forbidden line by allowing yourself to relax and experience pleasure at the sight of others ' suffering. A vivid example — the enthusiasm of the audience on the Spanish bullfight, or a hobby such bloody amusements as cock and dog fights, which are now again come into fashion in a social environment.
If we adults who have the mentality of a much stronger child, caught up in this sadistic bait, then what about the children? The child naturally identifies himself with the heroes of the cartoon. Not going anywhere, these are the laws of perception of the artwork. Identifying with the aggressor, the baby gradually learns aggressive behaviors. But if the aggressors (e.g., pokémon) are successful, zaperezhivala they are rewarded with a sense of triumphant celebration. Because of this, in the child's mind as if produced by groove aggressiveness. A sort of thumb track, on which already habitually move feelings.
Somebody will probably argue that everywhere, in all the tales is the struggle between good and evil. Heroes strike dragon, Prince Ivan — dragon. However, the difference is, and very significant. Modern Western cartoons are purposefully developed in children, sadomasochism, causing them to experience pleasure when the hero of the cartoon causes someone pain. It skillfully stimulated by audio — visuals.
In traditional cartoons details of the murder never savor. And indeed, small children usually did not show such scenes. In many of our cartoons are no fights.
But here? "Let's pretend — proposed N. E. Markova, — should look like "in the spirit of pokemon" the victory of Ivan over the dragon. "Ivan cut off one Snake head and cut there with a knife. Fingers stuck, warm blood... Smeared it on her face.
Flowed the hot blood flows. Serpent yells, squirms, and Ivan laughs, drinks the blood glasses, the power gets from krovushki snake..." that is, it is not just the sadism, and sadism estetizirovat. It has on the psyche of an incredibly destructive influence. The first bells have sounded in "Tom and Jerry". But those authors to such sophistication, as it is now, has not yet reached. And in the "Pokemon" work went on the newest technologies.
Demonstrative on the verge of madness
Now about the other deviations. On the one hand, children are incredibly shy, and with another — acting just crazy. Sometimes they show off borders on insanity. For example, one five year old boy in the classroom in the group of children sat there, covering his face with the collar of his sweater so she could see only his eyes: the kid is so shy of others. But he occasionally climbed under the table, crawled on the floor, the crowed, but that is absolutely not reacting to the comments of the teacher and consumed with shame mom.
Natalia Efimovna, with which I share these observations, sadly sighs:
— The poor man just repeat what they see on the screen. It is also a consequence of identification.
— I thought heroes in Western cartoons shy? — I'm surprised.
— No, on the contrary, they cheeky. Shy children you are talking about. And to imitate demonstrative characters, they have to break themselves. Apparently, their psyche can not withstand such withdrawal, and the kids are Hawking.
You ask why children so often adopt now, deviant, deviant behavior? It turns out that in the 70-ies of the past XX century, psychologists have found that behaviors that demonstrate the charming characters of the screen, have a huge appeal. Especially for young viewers and unstable and evolving values. If deviant, rowdy behavior on the screen can not be punished and even condemned, very high probability that children will imitate him.
A study on the impact of the screen on the mass audience, engaged the famous American psychologist albert bandura, who wrote a special work "the Theory of social learning". Now, he talked about the fact that even the one and only TV model behavior can be imitated for millions! This is repeatedly confirmed by experiments and practice of modern life.
Refer back to the cartoons. Take the "Teletubbies" series, which the authors call learning, claiming that he brings a lot of benefits to kids. Why teach young viewers Teletubbies? Here, for example, interpreted the concept of "decoration". First on the Christmas tree you receive a bouquet, tied with ribbon. "This decoration," explains the announcer. Then a bunch migrates to one of the Teletubbies for the belt. "Decoration," the speaker repeats again. And then a bunch with a ribbon appears at the Teletubbies in the... the ass! He's like a puppy, runs in a circle, trying to get him out, and the other characters cheerfully laugh.
The series is designed for children up to 4 years old — exactly the age when babies to the greatest extent adopt the model of conduct imitating a given model. And here is what they are called to imitate? Sticking something in the ass friend together and have fun, because it's hilarious. Model misbehaviour absolutely clear and no one punished, because Teletubbies is not spanked, not put in a corner and not even told that his behavior was bad!
As implicitly introduced even homosexual motives, because this model of behavior restorative the field of drives, breaking a very serious taboo. Even sverhodarennym children had not occurred to me that the back of a friend can be something to stick. The best that they were capable of doing is to attach a funny face to the back of a stranger or to put comrade back horns. Anyway, such jokes were common among adolescents, but not among three-four kids. But sticking something in somebody's ass?! This behavior is perverted criminals, the violation of all taboo, never seen before and totally unacceptable to our culture.
Curious episode when the boy-Teletubbies wears a girlie dress, and others approve of such behavior.
In real life, boys very rarely tend to wear girly clothes. And if put on, the surrounding say, "Why? Off! You're not a girl!" Then kids are given the opposite setting. So seemingly innocent joke is not an innocent attempt to undermine the norm of sex-role behavior. That later may come back to haunt and more serious distortion.
Deviant behavior in the family
But "the Simpsons", the series for older children. Many adults who once watched this "masterpiece", are outraged by his rudeness and licentiousness. But not everyone understands that it is not just the savagery and insanity (usually these are the estimates I hear from the parent of the mouth) and the purposeful destruction of family values, encouraging misbehaviour with relatives.
How do you like these role models? Mother asks son to help around the house, and he answered her: "you do it, you old slut!"
And the fact that over old age and disease in this series subtly and wittily (which is especially terrible) mock?!
Turtle steals false teeth grandpa Simpson, and the poor fellow can't catch up to her. Then his face slams the door native son. And all that's nice, "cool", is contagious. No wonder that children begin to imitate such behavior.
One father broke down and even filed a lawsuit against the TV show "the Simpsons". It was like this. His seven year old son suddenly became wildly behave: RUB with his fists at the mother and say nasty things. The father could not understand what was happening until his companion said, "Look, Yes, it is exactly the same copies that show the cartoon Simpsons!" Indeed, the boy twice a day, morning and evening, watched the animated series. And my father never thought that in a children's cartoon can be something harmful...
Lockup mental development
In recent years, an increasing number of children who are not able at school to learn by hearing information, suffer from underdevelopment of speech and emotions. As found by Western scientists, it is children who are in early childhood "was brought up" TV. English speech expert Dr. Sally ward said that over the last 20 years has sharply increased the number of guys who can only perceive visual information. The words pass them. In the school "telecomitalia" having great difficulties with the change of the usual visual perception of the verbal, after all, teaches them not the TV, but a live teacher. And in addition they need to communicate with other children, and it is difficult.
"Some of the cartoons "new wave" used special techniques to accustom children to the screen," says N. E. Markova.
For example Tegeler turns to the kid and asks something or needs to find something on the screen. Engages in the interaction by reducing the barrier between TV and the child, not to mention some minimal analysis of the information coming from the TV. Thus prepared, the child subsequently believes the TV even more than parents and absorbs 100% of all that is shown.
Again, refer to the"Teletubbies". Adults who watched this series, pay attention to the strangeness, which had never happened in cartoons. First, some episodes of the game go twice in a row. Agree, this is in itself unusual. Though stated that the cartoon "educational" but still we are not at a lesson in school. Art has its own laws, and such "telecabina" looks strange. And then there are inserts that was repeated several times a week. For example, such. Three ships slowly, one after the other float across the screen.
Any action done without, with the story "swim" has nothing to do. The ships just cut the nose of a wave, pass around and swim away. Or another example. The tree, standing in the middle of the field, flying turns fifteen (!) birds. Each is slightly wags his tail, sits on a branch and freezes, just copying the previous movement. It stretched about three minutes-four. For the screen — a very long time, and it is, as you know, is expensive. Why throw money away?
With the appearance of absurdity. But only at first glance. The meaning of such techniques to accustom children to the screen. Its shimmering light, the rhythm of screen action and the specific way selected noise hypnotic effect on the psyche. In the result, little man falls into a trance and is already quite uncritically accepts everything that pours from the screen, is attracted to him. "Teletubbies" — is consistent creation of man-moron that will sit near the screen with an open mouth and swallow any information. This dependence is similar narcotic. That is why many children, especially those with weak mentality, they can't tear myself away from the TV. And when parents try to turn off the "box", go berserk and throw myself into the fight. Weaning of the drug causes a sharp reaction.
Education losers
From time immemorial children were taught positive examples. Negative tried not to show it, and most importantly, always accompanied by morality. This is the basics of pedagogy. Try to teach a child to calligraphy, showing him how to deliver in a notebook dirt. Or to teach grammar, talking about the different types of errors. The result will hardly please you.
In "cartoons of the new wave," these principles are consistently violated. Wrong behavior is portrayed quite often and invite comments.
For example, throughout the three hundred and sixty five episodes of the Teletubbies on call "Time for bed!" jump into the hatch, located in the hill. But for young viewers this hatch is associated with a cozy house, which is inhabited by telegiro. So, the way the hatch is getting painted positively, and part of a particularly suggestible and prone to risky behavior children may well follow the example of your favorite characters.
In addition, accustom a child to run into danger, modeling risky behavior, even in completely normal, standard situations. For example, Teletubbies swinging on a swing. Speaker-over says, "Lala swinging". "Lala" twice swung and fell. Stood up, sat down again on the swing. Again the voice of the announcer: "Lala swinging". Teletubbies falling again. And so a dozen times! The child hammered the connection of the concepts of "swing" and "fall". Then the Teletubbies a little shake is normal, but the idea that swing on a swing due to the fall, the child will remain, and when he sits on the swing, she may well emerge. Only for him it will not be without consequences, like a TV-hero.
And when the Teletubbies played ball, consistently show their mistakes, failures. Imitating favorite characters, children will naturally copy those behaviors. Thus since childhood formed the psychology of the underdog.
Imitation of ugliness
— What can You say about the "sesame Street"? — I ask N. E. Markov. — This show also watched a great many babies. In one suburban kindergarten I even saw a huge characters of "sesame Street" that were used in the training sessions. Satisfied teachers said that the children readily incorporated into such gaming techniques.
— Children like to play with adults in anything — shrugs Natalia Efimovna. So it's not actually an argument. In "sesame Street," we see the same propaganda of deviant and unsuccessful behavior. But in addition, the characters to be extremely ugly and disgusting. What does it do?
The fact that a child imitates not only behavior, but also the facial expressions of characters, adopts their gestures and manners. But the face of the monster from "sesame Street" to one another disgusting: stupid, evil or crazy. When the child identificireba with such characters, his inner sense of self is correlated with the expression of their faces, And the kid starts to behave accordingly.
It is impossible to learn from angry facial expressions, staying in a good-natured soul, to adopt a meaningless grin and strive to "gnaw granite of science".
Why children are attracted to crap?
But why children draw all those nasty "works of art"? Because they like even children from educated families, who, it would seem, from an early age trying to instill good taste, to sow in them the seeds of "reasonable, good, eternal".
It turns out that everything is not easy. Doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor L. N. Matveeva from Moscow state University conducted such an experience: young people while watching different movies were given into the hands of sensors requested in a particularly interesting moments to press the button. The result struck. The audience was equally interesting to watch and something wonderful and something terrible. Say, the winning of the hero who climbed a high rock and admiring the magnificent panorama, and the sight of the bloody executions. Both tickled the nerves.
When this stimulation becomes habitual, people can not do without. Life without the thrill it seems bland. But on the other hand, he now perceives only a hard stimulation, being unable to understand the more subtle feelings, which are displayed in classic films. Therefore, the stimulation of hard incentives of sex, violence, disgust, or sadism is the norm for him. To understand these animals promises the easiest, because they do not require additional training, knowledge, education and intelligence in General. All the rest is already beyond the threshold of perception, as classical music for the layman.
If such changes occur with adults, what about children who have emotional sphere has not really formed? Now rare to find preschoolers who want to see only insurgents, or, at worst, a "cool" Western cartoons. Parents think their child has outgrown domestic cartoons about Umka or Cheburashka. But in reality it is up to them too. He was unable to understand even very simple relationship between our cartoon characters. Only after special training in the emotional sphere, learn to distinguish some shades of human emotions, the child begins to understand the content malyshovogo cartoons and enthusiastically watch them. And the parents are amazed at him.
But how many people under the influence of Western films and will grow as if carved from wood — a rude, primitive beings, incapable of perception of normal human senses!
Particularly dangerous new technologies of manipulation of consciousness for children with delicate psyche, highly sensitive, emotionally unstable, excitable. There are many among the "cesaret", among children born with asphyxia or birth trauma. Does not enhance the child's mind and stimulation of childbirth, and the nervous atmosphere that prevails now in many families, and much more.
Why is deviant behavior?
This is part of the ideology of modern Western civilization. What is now called the globalist project.
The globalists believe that the planet's resources are limited, and too many people. So they need to reduce, if possible without resorting to outright violence. Here comes in handy the is deviance. The brainwashed youth will go astray, and they can be put in jail. Therefore, the manipulators hope to avoid uprisings, the leaders of which could be brave, energetic, passionary personality. The other part of the population could live in peace, to raise children. But since childbearing in the globalist world we should restrict sexual perversion elevated to the rank of norms and strongly extolled to "basic instinct" satisfied without "unwanted" pregnancy. Well, the third group of people will get used to sitting with my mouth open in front of the screen and will blindly trust teleautomaton. Such people, of course, very easy to manage.
For the globalist project, it is important to instill in young people and a set of losers. Otherwise, who sell drugs, constituting one of the main items of income creators of "brave new world"?
Loser dissatisfied with life, inclined to get depressed. And he was being peddled "cure", because the drugs are presented as a remedy for this ailment. Indeed, they allow for the time to shake things up. However, then the depression rolled forward with renewed vigor, but it will be possible to take a new dose — and again rouse herself.
And all three of the above groups of people — candidates for drug addicts. Man, transgresses the norms of society, deeply unhappy. It showed great Dostoyevsky's novel "Crime and punishment". Among homosexuals and lesbians the largest PERCENTAGE of ADDICTS. And representatives of the third group — those who have dripping saliva, simply to confuse the head, saying (as recently stated in the US), drugs can be a great tool to enhance sexual activity or for personal growth. Drugs are gradually becoming the norm in Western society. According to statistics, up to 40% of the male population of England, France, Spain, Holland aged 16 to 25 have tried drugs. This is a very effective weapon, a kind of dust, which is sprinkled with society so that the "extra" people like themselves extinct.
Therefore, including your baby "Teletubbies" or "Pokemon", you can include it in the risk group. Whether in such a situation, to look at others, comforting themselves with the thought that they are doing the same?published
Authors: Irina Medvedev, Tatyana Shishova
Also interesting: How to teach children Gratitude Parenting without stereotypes or 5 favorite books of my son
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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These children (often boys) are very shy, full of fear and at the same time incredibly competitive, being a "cool". Hesitate to show their best side (for example, to tell than they are today made my mom happy), these guys without any hesitation grimace in the presence of unfamiliar adults, not afraid to bully other kids in front of parents, tease, make faces, laugh loudly, repeating (again defiantly, when adults!) various absurdities, and sometimes dirty. And flatly refuse to overcome difficulties. Even the minimum. Which, naturally, scares mom and dad.

"As the child will learn? anxiously they ask and begin to lead him to the psychologists and the doctors, give medications, hire Tutors. But first of all, one has to wonder: who the child takes these behaviors? And to counter evil influences. As a matter of fact, at all times acted caring parents.
I was raised by TV
And here begins interesting. When you ask parents that, in their opinion, could "Unscrew" the child alone in that response puzzled shrug, and others have to say about heredity (often not their own, and in the second half) or about the bad influence of the kindergarten. But a closer examination reveals that many such children from an early age playing computer games and watching Western cartoons. What's the matter? Maybe the kids have become the victim of some large scale social experiment? But what?
To clarify the situation, I met with the lead head of the Centre for communication studies of ISESP RAS, candidate of sociological Sciences Natalia Efimovna Markov.
In recent years, it is a close study of the impact of media on children and adolescents. Natalia Efimovna confirmed my hunch. Indeed, mOU can talk about large-scale social experiment, the victims of which are children. Although the concept of "experiment" implies some uncertainties, but in this case, the result, alas, predictable.
The influence of modern media is obvious to a specialist. Strongly affecting the imagination, cartoons and computer games give children new attitudes and behaviors. Nothing can compete with these vivid, memorable visual images, backed up to the same respective scale. Against this backdrop, even the most talented children's book with gorgeous pictures to look faded. I'm not talking about parent observations and notations that children quickly learn to ignore.
What are the installation translates the children of the modern Western art?
Let's start with aggression.
Let us recall the "Pokemon" (if you look closely the "kids channels" that I'm sure you will quickly find similar modern broadcast cartoon). What is the main action? Some strange creatures called "pokemon", which translated to English means "pocket monster" (pocket monster) seek to destroy each other. And do it enthusiastically and skillfully.
Even when adults are watching a bloody fight, they sometimes transgress a forbidden line by allowing yourself to relax and experience pleasure at the sight of others ' suffering. A vivid example — the enthusiasm of the audience on the Spanish bullfight, or a hobby such bloody amusements as cock and dog fights, which are now again come into fashion in a social environment.

If we adults who have the mentality of a much stronger child, caught up in this sadistic bait, then what about the children? The child naturally identifies himself with the heroes of the cartoon. Not going anywhere, these are the laws of perception of the artwork. Identifying with the aggressor, the baby gradually learns aggressive behaviors. But if the aggressors (e.g., pokémon) are successful, zaperezhivala they are rewarded with a sense of triumphant celebration. Because of this, in the child's mind as if produced by groove aggressiveness. A sort of thumb track, on which already habitually move feelings.
Somebody will probably argue that everywhere, in all the tales is the struggle between good and evil. Heroes strike dragon, Prince Ivan — dragon. However, the difference is, and very significant. Modern Western cartoons are purposefully developed in children, sadomasochism, causing them to experience pleasure when the hero of the cartoon causes someone pain. It skillfully stimulated by audio — visuals.
In traditional cartoons details of the murder never savor. And indeed, small children usually did not show such scenes. In many of our cartoons are no fights.
But here? "Let's pretend — proposed N. E. Markova, — should look like "in the spirit of pokemon" the victory of Ivan over the dragon. "Ivan cut off one Snake head and cut there with a knife. Fingers stuck, warm blood... Smeared it on her face.
Flowed the hot blood flows. Serpent yells, squirms, and Ivan laughs, drinks the blood glasses, the power gets from krovushki snake..." that is, it is not just the sadism, and sadism estetizirovat. It has on the psyche of an incredibly destructive influence. The first bells have sounded in "Tom and Jerry". But those authors to such sophistication, as it is now, has not yet reached. And in the "Pokemon" work went on the newest technologies.
Demonstrative on the verge of madness
Now about the other deviations. On the one hand, children are incredibly shy, and with another — acting just crazy. Sometimes they show off borders on insanity. For example, one five year old boy in the classroom in the group of children sat there, covering his face with the collar of his sweater so she could see only his eyes: the kid is so shy of others. But he occasionally climbed under the table, crawled on the floor, the crowed, but that is absolutely not reacting to the comments of the teacher and consumed with shame mom.
Natalia Efimovna, with which I share these observations, sadly sighs:
— The poor man just repeat what they see on the screen. It is also a consequence of identification.
— I thought heroes in Western cartoons shy? — I'm surprised.
— No, on the contrary, they cheeky. Shy children you are talking about. And to imitate demonstrative characters, they have to break themselves. Apparently, their psyche can not withstand such withdrawal, and the kids are Hawking.
You ask why children so often adopt now, deviant, deviant behavior? It turns out that in the 70-ies of the past XX century, psychologists have found that behaviors that demonstrate the charming characters of the screen, have a huge appeal. Especially for young viewers and unstable and evolving values. If deviant, rowdy behavior on the screen can not be punished and even condemned, very high probability that children will imitate him.
A study on the impact of the screen on the mass audience, engaged the famous American psychologist albert bandura, who wrote a special work "the Theory of social learning". Now, he talked about the fact that even the one and only TV model behavior can be imitated for millions! This is repeatedly confirmed by experiments and practice of modern life.
Refer back to the cartoons. Take the "Teletubbies" series, which the authors call learning, claiming that he brings a lot of benefits to kids. Why teach young viewers Teletubbies? Here, for example, interpreted the concept of "decoration". First on the Christmas tree you receive a bouquet, tied with ribbon. "This decoration," explains the announcer. Then a bunch migrates to one of the Teletubbies for the belt. "Decoration," the speaker repeats again. And then a bunch with a ribbon appears at the Teletubbies in the... the ass! He's like a puppy, runs in a circle, trying to get him out, and the other characters cheerfully laugh.

The series is designed for children up to 4 years old — exactly the age when babies to the greatest extent adopt the model of conduct imitating a given model. And here is what they are called to imitate? Sticking something in the ass friend together and have fun, because it's hilarious. Model misbehaviour absolutely clear and no one punished, because Teletubbies is not spanked, not put in a corner and not even told that his behavior was bad!
As implicitly introduced even homosexual motives, because this model of behavior restorative the field of drives, breaking a very serious taboo. Even sverhodarennym children had not occurred to me that the back of a friend can be something to stick. The best that they were capable of doing is to attach a funny face to the back of a stranger or to put comrade back horns. Anyway, such jokes were common among adolescents, but not among three-four kids. But sticking something in somebody's ass?! This behavior is perverted criminals, the violation of all taboo, never seen before and totally unacceptable to our culture.
Curious episode when the boy-Teletubbies wears a girlie dress, and others approve of such behavior.
In real life, boys very rarely tend to wear girly clothes. And if put on, the surrounding say, "Why? Off! You're not a girl!" Then kids are given the opposite setting. So seemingly innocent joke is not an innocent attempt to undermine the norm of sex-role behavior. That later may come back to haunt and more serious distortion.
Deviant behavior in the family
But "the Simpsons", the series for older children. Many adults who once watched this "masterpiece", are outraged by his rudeness and licentiousness. But not everyone understands that it is not just the savagery and insanity (usually these are the estimates I hear from the parent of the mouth) and the purposeful destruction of family values, encouraging misbehaviour with relatives.

How do you like these role models? Mother asks son to help around the house, and he answered her: "you do it, you old slut!"
And the fact that over old age and disease in this series subtly and wittily (which is especially terrible) mock?!
Turtle steals false teeth grandpa Simpson, and the poor fellow can't catch up to her. Then his face slams the door native son. And all that's nice, "cool", is contagious. No wonder that children begin to imitate such behavior.
One father broke down and even filed a lawsuit against the TV show "the Simpsons". It was like this. His seven year old son suddenly became wildly behave: RUB with his fists at the mother and say nasty things. The father could not understand what was happening until his companion said, "Look, Yes, it is exactly the same copies that show the cartoon Simpsons!" Indeed, the boy twice a day, morning and evening, watched the animated series. And my father never thought that in a children's cartoon can be something harmful...
Lockup mental development
In recent years, an increasing number of children who are not able at school to learn by hearing information, suffer from underdevelopment of speech and emotions. As found by Western scientists, it is children who are in early childhood "was brought up" TV. English speech expert Dr. Sally ward said that over the last 20 years has sharply increased the number of guys who can only perceive visual information. The words pass them. In the school "telecomitalia" having great difficulties with the change of the usual visual perception of the verbal, after all, teaches them not the TV, but a live teacher. And in addition they need to communicate with other children, and it is difficult.
"Some of the cartoons "new wave" used special techniques to accustom children to the screen," says N. E. Markova.
For example Tegeler turns to the kid and asks something or needs to find something on the screen. Engages in the interaction by reducing the barrier between TV and the child, not to mention some minimal analysis of the information coming from the TV. Thus prepared, the child subsequently believes the TV even more than parents and absorbs 100% of all that is shown.
Again, refer to the"Teletubbies". Adults who watched this series, pay attention to the strangeness, which had never happened in cartoons. First, some episodes of the game go twice in a row. Agree, this is in itself unusual. Though stated that the cartoon "educational" but still we are not at a lesson in school. Art has its own laws, and such "telecabina" looks strange. And then there are inserts that was repeated several times a week. For example, such. Three ships slowly, one after the other float across the screen.
Any action done without, with the story "swim" has nothing to do. The ships just cut the nose of a wave, pass around and swim away. Or another example. The tree, standing in the middle of the field, flying turns fifteen (!) birds. Each is slightly wags his tail, sits on a branch and freezes, just copying the previous movement. It stretched about three minutes-four. For the screen — a very long time, and it is, as you know, is expensive. Why throw money away?
With the appearance of absurdity. But only at first glance. The meaning of such techniques to accustom children to the screen. Its shimmering light, the rhythm of screen action and the specific way selected noise hypnotic effect on the psyche. In the result, little man falls into a trance and is already quite uncritically accepts everything that pours from the screen, is attracted to him. "Teletubbies" — is consistent creation of man-moron that will sit near the screen with an open mouth and swallow any information. This dependence is similar narcotic. That is why many children, especially those with weak mentality, they can't tear myself away from the TV. And when parents try to turn off the "box", go berserk and throw myself into the fight. Weaning of the drug causes a sharp reaction.
Education losers
From time immemorial children were taught positive examples. Negative tried not to show it, and most importantly, always accompanied by morality. This is the basics of pedagogy. Try to teach a child to calligraphy, showing him how to deliver in a notebook dirt. Or to teach grammar, talking about the different types of errors. The result will hardly please you.
In "cartoons of the new wave," these principles are consistently violated. Wrong behavior is portrayed quite often and invite comments.
For example, throughout the three hundred and sixty five episodes of the Teletubbies on call "Time for bed!" jump into the hatch, located in the hill. But for young viewers this hatch is associated with a cozy house, which is inhabited by telegiro. So, the way the hatch is getting painted positively, and part of a particularly suggestible and prone to risky behavior children may well follow the example of your favorite characters.
In addition, accustom a child to run into danger, modeling risky behavior, even in completely normal, standard situations. For example, Teletubbies swinging on a swing. Speaker-over says, "Lala swinging". "Lala" twice swung and fell. Stood up, sat down again on the swing. Again the voice of the announcer: "Lala swinging". Teletubbies falling again. And so a dozen times! The child hammered the connection of the concepts of "swing" and "fall". Then the Teletubbies a little shake is normal, but the idea that swing on a swing due to the fall, the child will remain, and when he sits on the swing, she may well emerge. Only for him it will not be without consequences, like a TV-hero.
And when the Teletubbies played ball, consistently show their mistakes, failures. Imitating favorite characters, children will naturally copy those behaviors. Thus since childhood formed the psychology of the underdog.
Imitation of ugliness
— What can You say about the "sesame Street"? — I ask N. E. Markov. — This show also watched a great many babies. In one suburban kindergarten I even saw a huge characters of "sesame Street" that were used in the training sessions. Satisfied teachers said that the children readily incorporated into such gaming techniques.

— Children like to play with adults in anything — shrugs Natalia Efimovna. So it's not actually an argument. In "sesame Street," we see the same propaganda of deviant and unsuccessful behavior. But in addition, the characters to be extremely ugly and disgusting. What does it do?
The fact that a child imitates not only behavior, but also the facial expressions of characters, adopts their gestures and manners. But the face of the monster from "sesame Street" to one another disgusting: stupid, evil or crazy. When the child identificireba with such characters, his inner sense of self is correlated with the expression of their faces, And the kid starts to behave accordingly.
It is impossible to learn from angry facial expressions, staying in a good-natured soul, to adopt a meaningless grin and strive to "gnaw granite of science".
Why children are attracted to crap?
But why children draw all those nasty "works of art"? Because they like even children from educated families, who, it would seem, from an early age trying to instill good taste, to sow in them the seeds of "reasonable, good, eternal".
It turns out that everything is not easy. Doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor L. N. Matveeva from Moscow state University conducted such an experience: young people while watching different movies were given into the hands of sensors requested in a particularly interesting moments to press the button. The result struck. The audience was equally interesting to watch and something wonderful and something terrible. Say, the winning of the hero who climbed a high rock and admiring the magnificent panorama, and the sight of the bloody executions. Both tickled the nerves.
When this stimulation becomes habitual, people can not do without. Life without the thrill it seems bland. But on the other hand, he now perceives only a hard stimulation, being unable to understand the more subtle feelings, which are displayed in classic films. Therefore, the stimulation of hard incentives of sex, violence, disgust, or sadism is the norm for him. To understand these animals promises the easiest, because they do not require additional training, knowledge, education and intelligence in General. All the rest is already beyond the threshold of perception, as classical music for the layman.
If such changes occur with adults, what about children who have emotional sphere has not really formed? Now rare to find preschoolers who want to see only insurgents, or, at worst, a "cool" Western cartoons. Parents think their child has outgrown domestic cartoons about Umka or Cheburashka. But in reality it is up to them too. He was unable to understand even very simple relationship between our cartoon characters. Only after special training in the emotional sphere, learn to distinguish some shades of human emotions, the child begins to understand the content malyshovogo cartoons and enthusiastically watch them. And the parents are amazed at him.
But how many people under the influence of Western films and will grow as if carved from wood — a rude, primitive beings, incapable of perception of normal human senses!
Particularly dangerous new technologies of manipulation of consciousness for children with delicate psyche, highly sensitive, emotionally unstable, excitable. There are many among the "cesaret", among children born with asphyxia or birth trauma. Does not enhance the child's mind and stimulation of childbirth, and the nervous atmosphere that prevails now in many families, and much more.
Why is deviant behavior?
This is part of the ideology of modern Western civilization. What is now called the globalist project.
The globalists believe that the planet's resources are limited, and too many people. So they need to reduce, if possible without resorting to outright violence. Here comes in handy the is deviance. The brainwashed youth will go astray, and they can be put in jail. Therefore, the manipulators hope to avoid uprisings, the leaders of which could be brave, energetic, passionary personality. The other part of the population could live in peace, to raise children. But since childbearing in the globalist world we should restrict sexual perversion elevated to the rank of norms and strongly extolled to "basic instinct" satisfied without "unwanted" pregnancy. Well, the third group of people will get used to sitting with my mouth open in front of the screen and will blindly trust teleautomaton. Such people, of course, very easy to manage.
For the globalist project, it is important to instill in young people and a set of losers. Otherwise, who sell drugs, constituting one of the main items of income creators of "brave new world"?
Loser dissatisfied with life, inclined to get depressed. And he was being peddled "cure", because the drugs are presented as a remedy for this ailment. Indeed, they allow for the time to shake things up. However, then the depression rolled forward with renewed vigor, but it will be possible to take a new dose — and again rouse herself.
And all three of the above groups of people — candidates for drug addicts. Man, transgresses the norms of society, deeply unhappy. It showed great Dostoyevsky's novel "Crime and punishment". Among homosexuals and lesbians the largest PERCENTAGE of ADDICTS. And representatives of the third group — those who have dripping saliva, simply to confuse the head, saying (as recently stated in the US), drugs can be a great tool to enhance sexual activity or for personal growth. Drugs are gradually becoming the norm in Western society. According to statistics, up to 40% of the male population of England, France, Spain, Holland aged 16 to 25 have tried drugs. This is a very effective weapon, a kind of dust, which is sprinkled with society so that the "extra" people like themselves extinct.
Therefore, including your baby "Teletubbies" or "Pokemon", you can include it in the risk group. Whether in such a situation, to look at others, comforting themselves with the thought that they are doing the same?published
Authors: Irina Medvedev, Tatyana Shishova
Also interesting: How to teach children Gratitude Parenting without stereotypes or 5 favorite books of my son
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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