Treatment of a cold without medicine— secrets of Ayurveda
"Common" COLD is characterized by RUNNY nose , and other things that are too familiar to the inhabitants of the North, in the Ayurvedic tradition commonly referred to pratishta. It is caused by excessive exposure to cold, drinking cold water etc.
According to Ayurveda, a cold is divided into five types: caused by the intensification of cotton, caused by the increasing Pitta caused by the deterioration, accumulation porozhdennye tainted with blood and caused an increase of all three doshas.
To rid the recommended inhalation powder of burnt turmeric. You can also in equal proportions to mix the dry grapes, pepper and licorice. Make pills the size of a pea twice a day with hot water.
To apply:
1. Honey and ghee with turmeric in a teaspoon. ratios of 2:1. it is advisable not to drink.
2. A pinch of cinnamon in a glass of warm milk (stir) or a pinch of cinnamon with honey in a teaspoon — it is advisable not to drink.
3. Ginger tea — a Cup of boiling water a slice of lemon, teaspoon of honey, a thin slice of ginger root finely chopped and pour into a glass. Drink warm after chewing a lemon with a crust and crumbs of ginger. This drink is recommended to drink instead of tea and especially when colds.
4. Basil (infusion of the bean) to drink with honey or ghee. (hypertension Basil is not recommended).
5. Grains of cardamom to chew 2-3 times a day.
6. Anise seeds to chew 2-3 times a day.
7. Infusion of cloves taken in the morning and evening (when hypertension is not recommended)
8. A pinch of nutmeg with warm milk or a pinch of nuts with honey in a teaspoon. Times a day.
9. Mustard powder 1/3 teaspoon with honey or
10. A decoction of the bark of plum. Times a day.
11. A decoction of elecampane. Times a day.
12. A decoction of calamus. Times a day.
Ghee — ghee lengthy process. Used only pure unsalted homemade butter.
How to prepare: 1 kg of butter put in a bowl and on a slow fire boil, periodically removing the solid crust from the surface. Within about an hour the water completely boils and the butter turns light brown with a Golden hue and the smell of peanuts. Then strain through cheesecloth or fine strainer into a glass jar. Over the years, this oil is gaining strength.
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the nose. For colds and chronic rinite...
1. Ginger powder on the tip of the little finger to draw deeply into both nostrils. In the morning and evening. Then grease with ghee mixed with turmeric.
2. 2-3 drops of sesame oil or butter ghee at night in each nostril. Burying his nose in the butter ghee also helps with the dizziness.
For colds, asthma to limit in the diet of the slime products — sour cream, kefir, yogurt, etc.
In an extreme case to reduce sliseobrazutee add a pinch of ginger in a glass of the aforementioned beverage.
In the acute period of the disease to exclude solid food at least three days and often drink ginger tea.published
Read also: Diet for asthma and eczema
Dots on the palm help to cope with the disease
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/avcook?w=wall-37231453_37302
According to Ayurveda, a cold is divided into five types: caused by the intensification of cotton, caused by the increasing Pitta caused by the deterioration, accumulation porozhdennye tainted with blood and caused an increase of all three doshas.

To rid the recommended inhalation powder of burnt turmeric. You can also in equal proportions to mix the dry grapes, pepper and licorice. Make pills the size of a pea twice a day with hot water.
To apply:
1. Honey and ghee with turmeric in a teaspoon. ratios of 2:1. it is advisable not to drink.
2. A pinch of cinnamon in a glass of warm milk (stir) or a pinch of cinnamon with honey in a teaspoon — it is advisable not to drink.
3. Ginger tea — a Cup of boiling water a slice of lemon, teaspoon of honey, a thin slice of ginger root finely chopped and pour into a glass. Drink warm after chewing a lemon with a crust and crumbs of ginger. This drink is recommended to drink instead of tea and especially when colds.
4. Basil (infusion of the bean) to drink with honey or ghee. (hypertension Basil is not recommended).
5. Grains of cardamom to chew 2-3 times a day.
6. Anise seeds to chew 2-3 times a day.
7. Infusion of cloves taken in the morning and evening (when hypertension is not recommended)
8. A pinch of nutmeg with warm milk or a pinch of nuts with honey in a teaspoon. Times a day.
9. Mustard powder 1/3 teaspoon with honey or
10. A decoction of the bark of plum. Times a day.
11. A decoction of elecampane. Times a day.
12. A decoction of calamus. Times a day.
Ghee — ghee lengthy process. Used only pure unsalted homemade butter.
How to prepare: 1 kg of butter put in a bowl and on a slow fire boil, periodically removing the solid crust from the surface. Within about an hour the water completely boils and the butter turns light brown with a Golden hue and the smell of peanuts. Then strain through cheesecloth or fine strainer into a glass jar. Over the years, this oil is gaining strength.
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the nose. For colds and chronic rinite...
1. Ginger powder on the tip of the little finger to draw deeply into both nostrils. In the morning and evening. Then grease with ghee mixed with turmeric.
2. 2-3 drops of sesame oil or butter ghee at night in each nostril. Burying his nose in the butter ghee also helps with the dizziness.
For colds, asthma to limit in the diet of the slime products — sour cream, kefir, yogurt, etc.
In an extreme case to reduce sliseobrazutee add a pinch of ginger in a glass of the aforementioned beverage.
In the acute period of the disease to exclude solid food at least three days and often drink ginger tea.published
Read also: Diet for asthma and eczema
Dots on the palm help to cope with the disease
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/avcook?w=wall-37231453_37302