A quick way to get rid of the cold
An annoying congestion in the nose at least once in my life felt each of us. Feeling the ill-fated moisture under our noses, we instantly rush to the pharmacy for life-saving drops or miracle pills that we do not really need. They say that the runny nose without treatment passes in a week, and with treatment - in 7 days. But how do you want to get rid of the unpleasant symptom in the first seconds!
"Site" will tell How to cure a cold at home effectively and in a matter of days. Stop running to the pharmacy! There are 3 simple ways to get rid of rhinitis without medication.
The method of Dr. Komarovsky Evgeny Komarovsky knows exactly how to cope with the flu and cold, but most importantly - How to quickly cure a cold in a child without drugs or harm to health. The pediatrician has his own method, proven by thousands of mothers, which will help alleviate the condition of the child and speed up his recovery. I am sure that this technique is quite applicable to adult patients suffering from seasonal colds. Snot will disappear in 2 days!
Quickly get rid of the common cold will help biologically active points, the correct impact on which will help relieve the ill-fated symptoms of a cold and activate the body's defenses for a quick and complete cure. Impact on acupressure points cures rhinitis, including allergic, saves for headaches, helps relieve fatigue and even increases visual acuity.
Although massage of the active points does not cure the disease itself and does not eliminate the cause, whether it is a virus or infection, it perfectly relieves annoying symptoms, helps to tolerate the disease more easily and increases immunity.
The stem of garlic from congestion in the nose Nedarom garlic is considered a symbol of longevity! Its head is a real storehouse of nutrients and trace elements. Regular consumption of garlic in food and inhalation of its caustic aroma is an effective prevention of many diseases - from cardiovascular to colds. But not with the same teeth!
It turns out that in addition to using garlic in cooking, making decoctions and alcohol tinctures from it, using juice and gruel for external use, it is very useful to use the stems of the plant.
Next time you cook dishes with the addition of garlic, do not throw away the stems from the head, but save and dry. At the first symptoms of a cold and runny nose, take a dry stem, set one end on fire (it should not burn, but smolder slightly) and inhale garlic smoke alternately with the right and left nasal passage. Enough with 5-7 breaths.
Be careful! Although such smoke does not have a characteristic garlic aroma, it can be quite caustic. A child suffering from a cold does not need to inhale the smoke itself - it is enough to be in a room where smouldering garlic sticks. They say that if you do such a procedure at the very beginning of the disease, then the next day there will be no trace of the common cold.
If the runny nose does not go away for a week - this is a serious reason to contact an otolaryngologist or allergist. Ordinary viral rhinitis goes away within a few days. If a week after the onset of the disease you still find it difficult to breathe, you feel general discomfort, pain in the head or pain in the eyes, and the discharge from the nose has become thick, opaque or acquired an unpleasant smell, there is a risk of complications!
How do you treat a cold at home? Share your secrets in the comments.

"Site" will tell How to cure a cold at home effectively and in a matter of days. Stop running to the pharmacy! There are 3 simple ways to get rid of rhinitis without medication.
The method of Dr. Komarovsky Evgeny Komarovsky knows exactly how to cope with the flu and cold, but most importantly - How to quickly cure a cold in a child without drugs or harm to health. The pediatrician has his own method, proven by thousands of mothers, which will help alleviate the condition of the child and speed up his recovery. I am sure that this technique is quite applicable to adult patients suffering from seasonal colds. Snot will disappear in 2 days!

- Purchase in the pharmacy ordinary saline (sodium chloride) and drip half a pipette of liquid in each nostril hourly. By the way, an effective liquid can be made independently: solve 1 tsp. salt in 1 liter of boiled water.
- To speed up recovery, give your child a daily dose of vitamin C according to age.
- Another assistant in the protracted war with the common cold is a competent drinking regime. Frequent drinking of warm liquid (it is warm, so it is rather absorbed by the body) will help speed up the healing process. And if you combine all these points with regular ventilation and wet cleaning, then there is no price for such treatment!
Quickly get rid of the common cold will help biologically active points, the correct impact on which will help relieve the ill-fated symptoms of a cold and activate the body's defenses for a quick and complete cure. Impact on acupressure points cures rhinitis, including allergic, saves for headaches, helps relieve fatigue and even increases visual acuity.

- The sequence of action on the points and the knowledge of their location affect the final result! The first point is paired and located on the edges of the nose, at the base of the wings, the second is also paired and is located in the corners of the eyes on the inside. The third point is located at the base of the nose between the eyebrows. The last, fourth point is between the outer corner of the eye and the temple area on the right and left.
- Massage should be done in circular movements, pressing hard on the active points with your thumb or index fingers. Repeat the movements 10 times, moving from point to point.
- For the most effective result, you can do 3 approaches of this massage with a break of 10 minutes. During the procedure, close your eyes and try to relax, feeling every movement of your fingers. Experts also recommend smiling - this will distract from the disease and increase the therapeutic effect of massage.
- Massage at least twice a day – in the morning after washing and in the evening before bedtime.
Although massage of the active points does not cure the disease itself and does not eliminate the cause, whether it is a virus or infection, it perfectly relieves annoying symptoms, helps to tolerate the disease more easily and increases immunity.
The stem of garlic from congestion in the nose Nedarom garlic is considered a symbol of longevity! Its head is a real storehouse of nutrients and trace elements. Regular consumption of garlic in food and inhalation of its caustic aroma is an effective prevention of many diseases - from cardiovascular to colds. But not with the same teeth!
It turns out that in addition to using garlic in cooking, making decoctions and alcohol tinctures from it, using juice and gruel for external use, it is very useful to use the stems of the plant.

Next time you cook dishes with the addition of garlic, do not throw away the stems from the head, but save and dry. At the first symptoms of a cold and runny nose, take a dry stem, set one end on fire (it should not burn, but smolder slightly) and inhale garlic smoke alternately with the right and left nasal passage. Enough with 5-7 breaths.
Be careful! Although such smoke does not have a characteristic garlic aroma, it can be quite caustic. A child suffering from a cold does not need to inhale the smoke itself - it is enough to be in a room where smouldering garlic sticks. They say that if you do such a procedure at the very beginning of the disease, then the next day there will be no trace of the common cold.

If the runny nose does not go away for a week - this is a serious reason to contact an otolaryngologist or allergist. Ordinary viral rhinitis goes away within a few days. If a week after the onset of the disease you still find it difficult to breathe, you feel general discomfort, pain in the head or pain in the eyes, and the discharge from the nose has become thick, opaque or acquired an unpleasant smell, there is a risk of complications!
How do you treat a cold at home? Share your secrets in the comments.