Exercise to get rid of the common cold
After a long winter, we all expect warmth. As soon as the sun looks out, we take off our hats, down jackets and put on thinner jackets. I feel like walking all day! But spring weather is very changeable. And after a few such walks, we, as amicably, sipping stuffed noses.
In addition, vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity after winter sores make themselves felt. A new round of colds is beginning. And if you are allergic, enjoy the spring does not work, seasonal rhinitis torments from March to June. How to get rid of a cold And relieve the condition without the help of vasoconstrictor drugs?
How to get rid of a cold for cold-treatment You don't need drugs from the pharmacy. To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold will help pranayama - a special system of breathing exercises. Tibetan sages say that pranayama is the heart of yoga.
Today. "Site" will introduce you to the simple capalabhatiIt will help to get rid of the cold in two minutes. It can and should be performed for colds and to prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Kapalabhati cleanses the nasal and frontal sinuses, facilitates breathing, removes mucus and improves the protective functions of the nasopharynx. Literally translated, this means “cleaning the skull” or “shining skull” (“kapala” is the skull, and “bhati” is cleaned, made sparkling).
It's not just exercise. runnyIt is also very energetic because it stimulates the brain, cleanses the mind and energizes the whole body. Refreshing, puts in order thoughts, charges with cheerfulness and optimism for the whole day. During performance in one minute through the lungs passes more air and oxygen than in normal life.
The technique is based on rhythmic breathing. Exhalation occurs sharply, intensively and with noise, and inhalation on the contrary is passive. With nasal congestion or rhinitis, you need to perform the exercise as often as possible. Work out in a well-ventilated room without drafts. Contraindications to implementation - high temperature, high pressure, intervertebral hernias.
Before performing, wash your nose from the teapot with warm salted water (1 liter of water 2 tsp. sea salt). After washing, blow out the mucus and take a comfortable position. You can sit in the lotus position, in Turkish, squat or in a hard chair.
Sit up straight, align your shoulders, put your right hand on your stomach to count the amount. breathing-cycle. You can put your hands on your hips. Take two smooth breaths and exhale to relax as much as possible. Close your eyes and concentrate on the interbrow arches. The shoulders, neck, face and jaw are relaxed, the spine is stationary. The chin is slightly attracted to itself.
Take a deep and deep breath through your nose. Then make some sharp, loud, intense exhalations. Reducing the muscles of the press and diaphragm, sharply push the air out. After that, relax the stomach for a split second, allowing air to passively enter the lungs. Note that each breath is passive, you do not even notice it and do not control it. You only need to breathe through the nose.
The proportions of breathing are such that exhalation is twice as short as inhalation. It is important to observe the rhythm: a powerful exhalation (retract the stomach as much as possible) and inhalation - muscle relaxation. Do 20-50 cycles of breathing. Do not try to perform the exercise quickly. Let your rhythm be slow but comfortable. For beginners, one cycle of breathing per second is enough. Gradually it can be brought to two cycles.
Watch your feelings. There should be no movement of the spine. Only the abdominal muscles are involved in the exercise. If you feel dizzy, stop, stop performing and take a few deep breaths.
Do the exercise through two nostrils first. Then repeat with one finger. If breathing is difficult, breathe very slowly and perform fewer approaches. Start with your right nostril.
If you feel that the abdominal muscles are tired, slow down your breathing or take a break to breathe. Breathe through your nose, it's important. Do 20-50 cycles of breathing for each nostril. After performing, put your hands on your knees and restore breathing. Practice 2-3 minutes. This can be three sets of 20 times with interruptions. If the mucous membrane in the nose has become dry, then you can stop.
For details on how to perform the exercise, see the video.
Pay attention, if the runny nose does not go away for a week, this is a serious reason to contact an otolaryngologist. If a week after the onset of the disease you do not observe improvements, a headache appeared and the discharge became opaque with an unpleasant odor, you can not postpone a visit to the doctor!
At the first symptoms of SARS, arrange yourself bed rest. Drink plenty of fluids, give preference to warm drinks with anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Do not forget about vitamin C, which is necessary during a cold.
Did you like the article? Then tell your friends. How to cure a cold at home, performing a simple exercise. We wish you to stay healthy despite all the vagaries of spring weather!
In addition, vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity after winter sores make themselves felt. A new round of colds is beginning. And if you are allergic, enjoy the spring does not work, seasonal rhinitis torments from March to June. How to get rid of a cold And relieve the condition without the help of vasoconstrictor drugs?

How to get rid of a cold for cold-treatment You don't need drugs from the pharmacy. To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold will help pranayama - a special system of breathing exercises. Tibetan sages say that pranayama is the heart of yoga.
Today. "Site" will introduce you to the simple capalabhatiIt will help to get rid of the cold in two minutes. It can and should be performed for colds and to prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Kapalabhati cleanses the nasal and frontal sinuses, facilitates breathing, removes mucus and improves the protective functions of the nasopharynx. Literally translated, this means “cleaning the skull” or “shining skull” (“kapala” is the skull, and “bhati” is cleaned, made sparkling).
It's not just exercise. runnyIt is also very energetic because it stimulates the brain, cleanses the mind and energizes the whole body. Refreshing, puts in order thoughts, charges with cheerfulness and optimism for the whole day. During performance in one minute through the lungs passes more air and oxygen than in normal life.

The technique is based on rhythmic breathing. Exhalation occurs sharply, intensively and with noise, and inhalation on the contrary is passive. With nasal congestion or rhinitis, you need to perform the exercise as often as possible. Work out in a well-ventilated room without drafts. Contraindications to implementation - high temperature, high pressure, intervertebral hernias.
Before performing, wash your nose from the teapot with warm salted water (1 liter of water 2 tsp. sea salt). After washing, blow out the mucus and take a comfortable position. You can sit in the lotus position, in Turkish, squat or in a hard chair.

Sit up straight, align your shoulders, put your right hand on your stomach to count the amount. breathing-cycle. You can put your hands on your hips. Take two smooth breaths and exhale to relax as much as possible. Close your eyes and concentrate on the interbrow arches. The shoulders, neck, face and jaw are relaxed, the spine is stationary. The chin is slightly attracted to itself.
Take a deep and deep breath through your nose. Then make some sharp, loud, intense exhalations. Reducing the muscles of the press and diaphragm, sharply push the air out. After that, relax the stomach for a split second, allowing air to passively enter the lungs. Note that each breath is passive, you do not even notice it and do not control it. You only need to breathe through the nose.

The proportions of breathing are such that exhalation is twice as short as inhalation. It is important to observe the rhythm: a powerful exhalation (retract the stomach as much as possible) and inhalation - muscle relaxation. Do 20-50 cycles of breathing. Do not try to perform the exercise quickly. Let your rhythm be slow but comfortable. For beginners, one cycle of breathing per second is enough. Gradually it can be brought to two cycles.
Watch your feelings. There should be no movement of the spine. Only the abdominal muscles are involved in the exercise. If you feel dizzy, stop, stop performing and take a few deep breaths.

Do the exercise through two nostrils first. Then repeat with one finger. If breathing is difficult, breathe very slowly and perform fewer approaches. Start with your right nostril.
If you feel that the abdominal muscles are tired, slow down your breathing or take a break to breathe. Breathe through your nose, it's important. Do 20-50 cycles of breathing for each nostril. After performing, put your hands on your knees and restore breathing. Practice 2-3 minutes. This can be three sets of 20 times with interruptions. If the mucous membrane in the nose has become dry, then you can stop.

For details on how to perform the exercise, see the video.
Pay attention, if the runny nose does not go away for a week, this is a serious reason to contact an otolaryngologist. If a week after the onset of the disease you do not observe improvements, a headache appeared and the discharge became opaque with an unpleasant odor, you can not postpone a visit to the doctor!
At the first symptoms of SARS, arrange yourself bed rest. Drink plenty of fluids, give preference to warm drinks with anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Do not forget about vitamin C, which is necessary during a cold.
Did you like the article? Then tell your friends. How to cure a cold at home, performing a simple exercise. We wish you to stay healthy despite all the vagaries of spring weather!