Treatment of folk remedies runny nose

1. Great with a cold to dig in the nose fresh beet juice — 3-4 drops, 3 times a day. It is also useful cotton swab to moisten the juice and put them in the nostrils for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.
2. Kalanchoe juice is instilled 3 drops 3 times a day in the nose or lubricate the nasal mucosa with this juice. You can also a cotton swab to insert moistened with this juice as in previous recipe.
3. Aloe Vera juice is to apply exactly the same as in the previous recipe. Can this juice with the honey. How to prepare aloe juice can be found here.
The aloe juice you can add carrot juice in the ratio of 1:1. Instill 3 drops several times a day.
4. At the beginning of the cold to put mustard to feet, wrap in flannel, wear warm socks and keep 1-2 hours. At night, you can leave. Then remove the mustard quickly to walk in socks in a warm room for a while. Better this procedure is done before bedtime.
5. It is also useful to make the evening of very hot foot bath with the addition of dry mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard on 5-8 liters of water) or a bath with baking soda, salt and mustard, and at night also wear wool socks. This bath is contraindicated only for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, varicose veins, hypertension.
6. Also at night you can make iodine mesh on the feet, wear wool socks and go to bed.
7. Bury menthol in each nostril 3 drops. And this oil to lubricate the forehead, temples, nose.
8. Rinse nose with warm, slightly salted water. Recipes and methods of application I described in the article salt therapy. There are several simple, effective recipe.
9. Colds and flu is recommended to exclude from the diet all dairy products. It is recommended to adhere to shoedini.
Useful for runny nose several times a day instilled into the nose for the sealing oil. To make it 20-30 grams of the crushed flowers pour 200 grams of vegetable oil, insist 3 weeks in a warm place, occasionally shaking the contents, then filter and use as directed. Store this oil should be in a cool dark place.
10. With a strong fever to do this procedure: boil in a saucepan with water, add a tablespoon of baking soda, mix everything. Bundle up, cover the top with a blanket or thick towel and breathe over the steam, occasionally adding a teaspoon of baking soda.
11. Heat from a heat source (stove, battery, iron) wool scarf, folded in several layers. Attach it to the nose so that it shut down both cheeks, the lower part of the forehead and reached up to her chin. Keep a handkerchief closely pressed to the face, to avoid the inflow of external air and longer heat. To open the mouth and breathe their own breath as long as the scarf is not cool. Preferably the procedure is such to do in the hot overheated room. Repeat this procedure several times a day, useful at night. Only if you have no fever. All heating treatments at a temperature not recommended. After this procedure no need to go cold air and head to keep warm. Very well such a procedure carried out to children and thus the treatment of rhinitis in children is not as heavy.
12. Tested, very effective for treating the common cold — to breathe over the potatoes, cooked in their skins, also covered with his head.
13. It is good to breathe, to do inhalation with a decoction of pine buds. They are good and with a cold, and coughing, bronchitis, and colds.
50 grams of pine buds to cook in a sealed container in 1 liter of water in a water bath for 10 minutes, to insist, wrapped, 3 hours, drain. Drink with a cold 5 times a day with honey and raspberry jam.
14. Honey and St. John's wort oil mixed in equal quantities. With a cotton swab lubricate the sinuses in the second half of the day and before bedtime.
15. It is also useful to drink tea with raspberry jam.
To do inhalation with chamomile decoction. Also apply this recipe: 20 grams of dried chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water, all warm, wrapped, 4 hours, drain. The infusion itself to warm, wet flax towel (cloth) in it, applied to the nose, to warm towel.
Source: /users/147