Antiques are hunting for porcelain figurines of the USSR, going to my grandmother to check if we have valuable samples

“Porcelain figurines of the USSR are treasures for an experienced antiquarian!” my sister told me, looking at the magnificently painted collection of figurines of the time, which we inherited from my grandmother. In Soviet times, almost every citizen in the house had a sufficient number of dining facilities. porcelain.

Much of this now is almost nothing, but come across and very expensive items for which connoisseurs are willing to pay, especially not bargaining. Today's edition. "Site" Offers a little nostalgia and remember the most common Soviet figurines. We will also tell you what porcelain figures are currently being hunted by cunning antiquarians. Things with history!

Porcelain figurines of the USSR went through things at my grandmother’s house and came across several magnificently painted porcelainA kolkhoz woman, a couple of Red Army men and an Olympic bear (my mother bought it). And also found a slightly broken composition from Cinderella - Stepmother and Sisters. Oh, and I didn't love her as a kid. That's too bad!

It is this statuette of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory, 1950-60 years of release, is in catalogs from 900 to 1000 dollars.

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Posted by OLD ANTIQUARIAT STORE (@lavkastariny)

But the Gzhel statuette “Kumushki” can be sold for only 1800 rubles.

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Posted by Soviet Porcelain (@sovfar)

And the statuette "Child" of the 50s of the release, the same Gzhel porcelain factoryIt costs from 4500 rubles to 600 dollars.

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Publication by ANTIQUARIAT (@antiktorg.rf)

"Harmony and dancer" or "Pereplyas" factory Dulevo is also highly valued. As it is a rare early and rare set. There are a lot of repeats on sale!

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Publication from Antique Larchik in Alyona (@antiklarec)

Still, they were able to create works of art with a shower and quality. Not like Chinese stamping!

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Publication by FARFOR | Glass | ANTIC (@farfor_rus_ssr)

Porcelain factories in Dulevo and Gzhel like no other could amazingly accurately depict minuteness compositions and colorfully paint figures. No wonder they are still considered a sample of the smallest elaboration of lines, and the fabulous characters of Gzhel masters are still the standard of artistic painting.

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Publication by STATUETKI (@farfor_v_statuette)

The 1953 Wolf and the Lamb is also rare. I would say, almost a museum exhibit!

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Posted by Marina (@moyastarina)

Honestly, I wouldn’t give up such a figure in the sideboard! That's great, isn't it?

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Publication from Porcelain.Antiquities. Vintage.️ (@bloshka.msk)

What wonderful names! This sculptural composition is called the Dance of Friendship. Manufacturer: Turyginsky FZ of 1956-1960. The cost of the composition is from $ 200 and above.

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Publication by Svetlana (@nataliia.4393)

Gzhel "Horse Breeder" is sold in catalogs from $ 150.

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Publication from Commission Store (@komok.from_ussr)

But Dulevskaya porcelain “Artist on a sketch”, a polychrome overglaze painting with gilding, 1960 of release, costs about 100,000 rubles!

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Publication by ANTIQUARIAT (@antiktorg.rf)

The affiliation of the porcelain figurine to a specific factory or individual master says the stigma. Everyone. pottery its mark, it is applied to the bottom of the object with indelible paint before sending the product to the glazing.

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Posted by @vintagvesymir

According to the stigma, an antiques expert can say the name of the manufacturer, the year of manufacture and even a variety of porcelain.

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Publication by Antikvar_RF (@antikvar_rf)

But the price of the statuette affects the circulation. Especially appreciated statuettes published in a limited series. However, collectors and mass circulation products are not bypassed. Especially if there are only a few copies left!

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Publication by Antikvar_RF (@antikvar_rf)

I also offer to learn an interesting story about the legendary Madonna service. It turns out he has his own special secret!

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Publication from Porcelain, faience, glass. (@farfor_m)

Porcelain figurines For me personally, this is a memory of the beautiful past, of the youth of my grandmother and mother, of a time where everything was clear and understandable, where they knew how to work for glory and believed in good.

When my sister showed our statuette based on Cinderella to an antique dealer, I said: The statue is dear to me as a memory of my grandmother. Trading is inappropriate. To which the antiquarian withdrew unsalted breadbasket. There are things that don't sell, what do you think?


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