In the Soviet Union, it was chic, a real luxury, but now these things are for nothing.
In Soviet times, the dining service for 6 people was sincerely considered a symbol of wealth. Painted cups, plates, soups and saucers proudly glistened with porcelain sides behind the glass doors of the buffets. Expensive porcelain sets were only available for holidays. They were also given to jubilees, newlyweds and officials. Specially valuable sets were not available for sale, and they could only be obtained through “their own”.
Instagram Today editorial office "Site" We will talk about the pride of collectors - our favorite dining sets, which decades later decorate family dinners and tea parties.
Dining service for 6 persons Porcelain Verbilok (Dmitrov Porcelain Factory) The oldest production of Russian porcelain was founded in the XVIII century by Scotsman Franz Gardner. Personal service with monograms and coats of arms of aristocratic families decorated the imperial palaces of Russia and Europe. Of particular interest to collectors is the dishes that were made before the October Revolution.
Cheap tea sets for the mass consumer went on sale after the Great Patriotic War. They are easily identified by catchy painting with large berries and flowers. From such mugs it is so pleasant to drink tea with fragrant grandmother's jam!
Fans of Dulev porcelain easily recognize it by the catchy pattern of "agashka" - a purple rose with large rounded petals, made with large strokes. This style of painting borrowed from Gzhel masters. Such a gentle and touching service was not a sin to boast in front of guests!
Of course, other techniques were used at the factory. For example, decole - the translation of the image on dishes through a stencil. It is worth mentioning another famous image on the dishes of Dulev production - delicate lilac. Such dining sets of the 1960s are considered legendary and highly valued by collectors.
A classic example of LFZ products, which foreign tourists were happy to buy in St. Petersburg - a tea service with a cobalt cage. It was sold in the company stores of the plant "Imperial porcelain", located on Nevsky and Vladimirsky Prospects.
Today, hard, exquisite and durable porcelain of the Soviet era costs a lot of money. For example, for a tea set of 14 items for 6 people will ask 35 thousand rubles, and for a similar coffee set of 20 units - more than 40 thousand rubles.
Soviet women did not like the soul in the German sets “Madonna”, produced at the factory of Oscar Schlegelmilch. The dishes, which were produced in the factories of the GDR in the 1950s-1970s, pleased the eye with their elegance. It was decorated with sophisticated half-naked girls in the Baroque style, and gilding was used for painting. According to experts, drinking tea from such thin porcelain cups is a complete pleasure.
In the late 1990s, production moved from Germany to Poland and the Czech Republic. True, modern services are devoid of the elegance and aristocracy for which the "Madonna" and loved Soviet citizens.
Instagram says table porcelain has lost its purpose. He clutters buffets, "fears" dishwashers and does not tolerate microwaves because of gilding. Many mercilessly sell grandmother's sets, hand over to commissions and replace with heat circles tiny coffee cups for two sips, because it is much more practical.
But if suddenly you want to taste the refined magic of being “here and now”, take pleasure by the tail. Look into the sideboard or closet - and what if there was an unpacked GDR-ovo set with those cute cups of fine porcelain?

Instagram Today editorial office "Site" We will talk about the pride of collectors - our favorite dining sets, which decades later decorate family dinners and tea parties.
Dining service for 6 persons Porcelain Verbilok (Dmitrov Porcelain Factory) The oldest production of Russian porcelain was founded in the XVIII century by Scotsman Franz Gardner. Personal service with monograms and coats of arms of aristocratic families decorated the imperial palaces of Russia and Europe. Of particular interest to collectors is the dishes that were made before the October Revolution.
Cheap tea sets for the mass consumer went on sale after the Great Patriotic War. They are easily identified by catchy painting with large berries and flowers. From such mugs it is so pleasant to drink tea with fragrant grandmother's jam!

Fans of Dulev porcelain easily recognize it by the catchy pattern of "agashka" - a purple rose with large rounded petals, made with large strokes. This style of painting borrowed from Gzhel masters. Such a gentle and touching service was not a sin to boast in front of guests!

Of course, other techniques were used at the factory. For example, decole - the translation of the image on dishes through a stencil. It is worth mentioning another famous image on the dishes of Dulev production - delicate lilac. Such dining sets of the 1960s are considered legendary and highly valued by collectors.

A classic example of LFZ products, which foreign tourists were happy to buy in St. Petersburg - a tea service with a cobalt cage. It was sold in the company stores of the plant "Imperial porcelain", located on Nevsky and Vladimirsky Prospects.
Today, hard, exquisite and durable porcelain of the Soviet era costs a lot of money. For example, for a tea set of 14 items for 6 people will ask 35 thousand rubles, and for a similar coffee set of 20 units - more than 40 thousand rubles.

Soviet women did not like the soul in the German sets “Madonna”, produced at the factory of Oscar Schlegelmilch. The dishes, which were produced in the factories of the GDR in the 1950s-1970s, pleased the eye with their elegance. It was decorated with sophisticated half-naked girls in the Baroque style, and gilding was used for painting. According to experts, drinking tea from such thin porcelain cups is a complete pleasure.
In the late 1990s, production moved from Germany to Poland and the Czech Republic. True, modern services are devoid of the elegance and aristocracy for which the "Madonna" and loved Soviet citizens.

Instagram says table porcelain has lost its purpose. He clutters buffets, "fears" dishwashers and does not tolerate microwaves because of gilding. Many mercilessly sell grandmother's sets, hand over to commissions and replace with heat circles tiny coffee cups for two sips, because it is much more practical.

But if suddenly you want to taste the refined magic of being “here and now”, take pleasure by the tail. Look into the sideboard or closet - and what if there was an unpacked GDR-ovo set with those cute cups of fine porcelain?
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You lightly pour this miraculous solution into the sink, but I'm not doing it.