You lightly pour this miraculous solution into the sink, but I'm not doing it.
Every woman wants to have smooth and delicate skin. What procedures do women use to stay young and beautiful? After all, elastic skin very quickly loses its elasticity. In order to achieve a good effect, you do not always need to spend a lot of money. After all, there is ordinary rice water for the face. This is a truly miraculous remedy!
Peels Edition "Site" Today he will tell you how rice water will help you rejuvenate and your favorite orchids.
Rice water for the face Do not forget about traditional medicine. My grandparents and grandparents didn’t go to beauty salons. But at the same time, they loved to take care of themselves and always did it in their free time. In the course were all sorts of herbs, dirt and products. One of these means for skin care is considered rice water for the face. It was used as a tonic for washing, and after such water the skin became elastic and tender.
What is the secret of such rice water for the face? It's very simple. Rice is rich in vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for our body. It is thanks to them that our skin remains elastic and toned. Especially rice is rich in B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, amino acids and many others. This complex of vitamins slows down the aging process of the skin. And any hostess can prepare a tonic from rice water. All you need is half a glass of rice washed in running water. In this case, the rice should be rough and not grinded or steamed in any way. After that, transfer to a clean can and pour a glass of filtered clean water.
Cover the lid and put in a warm place for 6 hours. Don't forget to stir periodically. After that, carefully filter, pour into a bottle and do not forget to wipe your face with this tonic twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to store the tonic in the refrigerator, but not longer than 5-7 days. By the way, if you are afraid that you will not have time to use the entire tonic on your face during this period, then such rice water can be used for watering orchids.
Yes, because the orchid also has very delicate petals that need special care. And the orchid roots are very tender. If you want your orchid to grow well and bloom abundantly, water it with rice water. The orchid is a wonderful flower that attracts your eyes. If you take good care of her, she will give you huge bouquets of flowers for a long time. Like any living organism, the orchid needs to be fed with vitamins and nutrients. It is such a nutritious elixir for the orchid that rice water is. It contains all the necessary vitamins for stable growth and flowering.
The method of preparation is the same as for the face. When cooking rice water, you can split it in half. Use one part for your face. And the second part is useful for fertilizing orchids. Before the next watering orchid dip its roots in rice water.
Let her enjoy this water for a few minutes, and then pull it out, let the excess water flow. Repeat this procedure every two weeks before flowering. The new buds will be denser, stronger and lush. And the orchid will enjoy its flowering much longer.

Peels Edition "Site" Today he will tell you how rice water will help you rejuvenate and your favorite orchids.
Rice water for the face Do not forget about traditional medicine. My grandparents and grandparents didn’t go to beauty salons. But at the same time, they loved to take care of themselves and always did it in their free time. In the course were all sorts of herbs, dirt and products. One of these means for skin care is considered rice water for the face. It was used as a tonic for washing, and after such water the skin became elastic and tender.

What is the secret of such rice water for the face? It's very simple. Rice is rich in vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for our body. It is thanks to them that our skin remains elastic and toned. Especially rice is rich in B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, amino acids and many others. This complex of vitamins slows down the aging process of the skin. And any hostess can prepare a tonic from rice water. All you need is half a glass of rice washed in running water. In this case, the rice should be rough and not grinded or steamed in any way. After that, transfer to a clean can and pour a glass of filtered clean water.

Cover the lid and put in a warm place for 6 hours. Don't forget to stir periodically. After that, carefully filter, pour into a bottle and do not forget to wipe your face with this tonic twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to store the tonic in the refrigerator, but not longer than 5-7 days. By the way, if you are afraid that you will not have time to use the entire tonic on your face during this period, then such rice water can be used for watering orchids.

Yes, because the orchid also has very delicate petals that need special care. And the orchid roots are very tender. If you want your orchid to grow well and bloom abundantly, water it with rice water. The orchid is a wonderful flower that attracts your eyes. If you take good care of her, she will give you huge bouquets of flowers for a long time. Like any living organism, the orchid needs to be fed with vitamins and nutrients. It is such a nutritious elixir for the orchid that rice water is. It contains all the necessary vitamins for stable growth and flowering.

The method of preparation is the same as for the face. When cooking rice water, you can split it in half. Use one part for your face. And the second part is useful for fertilizing orchids. Before the next watering orchid dip its roots in rice water.

Let her enjoy this water for a few minutes, and then pull it out, let the excess water flow. Repeat this procedure every two weeks before flowering. The new buds will be denser, stronger and lush. And the orchid will enjoy its flowering much longer.
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