What determines the thickness and length of orchids
Many plant lovers are trying to figure out how to make an orchid flower grow thick and long? Does it depend on the orchid, its age, or something else? Editorial "Site" It will answer these and other common questions!
Capricious tropical beauties require patience and careful care. However, experienced flower grower Georgy Goryachevsky He knows all the details of orchid care. With their help, the best results can be achieved. Its plants are always lush, bloom for a long time and have from 2 to 4 thick flowernoses.
What factors affect the thickness and length of orchid flowers
Council from Georgy Goryachevsky Orkhomana, whose phalaenopsis occupy the first places at various exhibitions, use this simple technique. They grow a flower for 2 years at high daytime temperature (27-29 ̊C). Along with this, they provide a lot of water and light with nitrogen feeding. At night, the temperature is lowered to 25-24 ̊C.
In such circumstances The orchid does not bloom, but only increases the root system and leaves.. After that, usually in autumn, the temperature is reduced by day to 25 ̊C, and at night - to 20 ̊C for 3-4 weeks. Thus, the appearance of 2 or more thick, long flowernoses is stimulated. When they begin to rise, the temperature is lowered even lower: day to 21-22 ̊C, and night to 16-17 ̊C.
I have attached a video to my instructions where Georgy Goryachevsky even more details about all the nuances of growing a healthy, luxurious orchid.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gVKLFJNgBTA
I hope you found something new and useful in this article. Arm yourself with your knowledge. Make your orchids grow strong. And they always delighted the eye with their magnificent flowering. Good luck!

Capricious tropical beauties require patience and careful care. However, experienced flower grower Georgy Goryachevsky He knows all the details of orchid care. With their help, the best results can be achieved. Its plants are always lush, bloom for a long time and have from 2 to 4 thick flowernoses.
What factors affect the thickness and length of orchid flowers
- Genetics The main and most important factor will always be orchid. How many genes did a hybrid orchid inherit from its ancestors?
After all, it is known that almost all store orchids are hybrids derived from phalaenopsis growing in nature. Most often this is the phalaenopsis of Schiller or Stewart. They are characterized by long and powerful flower-noses with more than a hundred flowers. - Age of the plant In the first years of life, the orchid actively builds up its root system, since only with its help can it fully function. Thanks to the roots, the flower nourishes itself and holds onto the container.It's where it grows. Only in a fairly stable position, the orchid is able to hold the huge weight of the leaves and the top of the plant.
Accordingly, the older the orchid, the better it will have a root system and the thicker it will have flowernoses. Inexperienced growers are sometimes upset when they see that The orchid only grows roots, but does not bloom.. In such cases, you need to understand that this is absolutely normal. All this only indicates that the plant accumulates strength and prepares for abundant flowering. - Orchid conditions It is logical that the conditions of the orchid directly affect the length of its life, during which it grows roots and foliage. Optimum temperature for an orchid - 18-25 ̊C. Humidity at the same time should always be in the range of 50 to 70%.
Of course, if the humidity drops below 40% for a short time, the orchid can survive it. It is important not to let its roots dry up at low humidity, as it is likely that the orchid will soon simply wither away.
In addition to watering, humidity, favorable night and day temperatures, Lighting plays a major role in the development of orchids.
Ideal is the presence of daytime or diffuse sunlight in the amount of 7 to 12 hours a day, followed by mandatory dimming of the orchid at least 8-10 hours at night. All this will definitely lead to an amazing growth of flowernoses. - Feeding If you want to get large flowernoses from an orchid, you need to need to feed her. Complex fertilizers can be used all year round in different orchid conditions. At the same time, it is recommended to separately use balanced feedings for each period of orchid activity.
Council from Georgy Goryachevsky Orkhomana, whose phalaenopsis occupy the first places at various exhibitions, use this simple technique. They grow a flower for 2 years at high daytime temperature (27-29 ̊C). Along with this, they provide a lot of water and light with nitrogen feeding. At night, the temperature is lowered to 25-24 ̊C.
In such circumstances The orchid does not bloom, but only increases the root system and leaves.. After that, usually in autumn, the temperature is reduced by day to 25 ̊C, and at night - to 20 ̊C for 3-4 weeks. Thus, the appearance of 2 or more thick, long flowernoses is stimulated. When they begin to rise, the temperature is lowered even lower: day to 21-22 ̊C, and night to 16-17 ̊C.

I have attached a video to my instructions where Georgy Goryachevsky even more details about all the nuances of growing a healthy, luxurious orchid.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gVKLFJNgBTA
I hope you found something new and useful in this article. Arm yourself with your knowledge. Make your orchids grow strong. And they always delighted the eye with their magnificent flowering. Good luck!
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