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The secrets of growing orchids: everything you need to know

To grow an Orchid house — not for the lazy, orchids require special care, but gives the hostess the real magic. How correctly to contain the Orchid and care for her.

The content of orchidsRemember that Orchid – epiphyte. That is, in natural conditions, it lives on other plants, usually on trees. Therefore, to plant is in the ground, and in a special substrate. The substrate for orchids you can buy ready, but you can make your own. Take dry bark of a pine, a good boil. Dry. A couple of days to boil again. It is necessary to destroy harmful insects. Ready the bark is cut into small parts (pieces the size of 1.5-2 cm). Mix with dried chopped sphagnum moss. The substrate is ready.

A few words about the pot of orchids. Choosing a pot of orchids, the experts covetously or, better yet, transparent – this is not heated by the sun and will not overheat the roots of plants. Interestingly, the best plastic pot in a clay Orchid roots grow to its porous walls, and so much injured during transplantation. The pot has to have holes, because one of the main conditions of a healthy well-being of orchids – excellent ventilation. In addition, there will not stagnate water.

Potty-trained. Now that caring for orchids was easier, put on the bottom drainage necessary for good movement of water. As drainage can use small pieces of foam (0.5-1 cm). The drainage layer should take slightly less than one-fourth of the pot, then three quarters stacked the prepared substrate and place the Orchid. In any case, not prodavlivaet roots! Arranging plant and fill up the pot with the remaining substrate.

And remember — repot the Orchid every 3 years at most.

Lighting orchidsOrchid – very photophilous plant. From the availability of the required amount of light depends on whether the Orchid bloom and for how long. However, she does not tolerate bright midday sun. So a pot of beauty better to place on a West or East window. If this is not possible, ensure the flower more light. To determine how feels Orchid can be on the sheets if they become very dark, a little light, but if yellow or stained, the lights you have in excess.

Watering and fertilizing orchids.Water the Orchid every 2-3 days in summer, winter 1-2 times a week. Ensure that the substrate is substantially dry in between watering, overwatering orchids do not like. Water the Orchid, placing a pot of flowers for 10 minutes in a bowl of water through the holes in the pot substrate getting water. Then drain the water, and the plant let the same time will stand in empty containers.

Water the plant from above, as all the other flowers, it makes no sense, you need a lot of moisture this way the flower does not get it. For irrigation use warm Creamed water. Indicator lack of moisture are the wrinkled leaves and pseudobulb, and excess — darkened, especially the decaying roots.

Orchids do not like dry air, so don't forget about hydration. Periodically spray the Orchid with warm water, especially in hot weather or if the flower are next to the radiators. But don't do it at night, at night, the stems and leaves must be dry, preferably in the morning or the afternoon.

Interesting idea — from time to time to give orchids a warm shower. It is believed that in this way we remind the plant of warm tropical rains and, as noted by lovers of the flower, after this procedure, they are fun to grow and bloom more actively. Just do not need to do it when the Orchid is already in bloom — still plants to be weaker than in nature, and can reset their lovely petals. Occurs as the flower put the bath and pour a gentle stream of the shower for several minutes. The water temperature should be around 40C, that is a little warmer than body temperature. Allow to drain water and "cool" flower, blot with a tissue the middle of the plant so that it does not rot.

In addition to regular watering, orchids must be additionally fed. Use specialized fertilizer for orchids, to feed orchids-the epiphytes remains of fertilizers from other plants is not only useless, but dangerous, because they score the required air space Orchid roots. During growth and flowering it needs to be done 1 time every two weeks. The rest of the time just 1-2 times a month and in smaller quantities.

Orchids and airIn nature orchids are epiphytes, i.e. grow on trees, where air circulation is much higher than on earth. Therefore, in a stuffy, unventilated areas the orchids grow and bloom bad to worse. If you are interested in that Orchid in your home was good, create a little air movement. But not a draft — it orchids do not like, they quickly shed their flowers. Professional growers of orchids periodically (hour two) in the room with orchids a weak fan, not directed at the flowers.

With regard to air temperature, the orchids in the vast majority — came from the South and love the heat, so the optimum temperature for their maintenance and care +20C-+25C. But if the temperature drops to 17 degrees and below, the chance to see flowering orchids are minimal.

Orchid won't bloom — what needs carethe Flowering Orchid is the most joyful moment in the life of any grower. Orchid blooms at the age of 1.5-2.5 years. To wait until it is flowering is so difficult. It would seem, look after it with all his strength, and she, ungrateful, unwilling to bloom. And you leave her alone! To produce a beautiful flower, the Orchid need a little stress. To accelerate flowering may provide a rapid temperature drop. For example, to keep the cranky the whole night at a temperature of 18C, and in the morning, move to a warm room. The impetus for the flourishing can serve and a reduction in irrigation. In the winter, to expel the Orchid makes no sense at all — better put it in a cool place and let her wait there through the spring.published

Author: Regina Ritova

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Source: www.arabio.ru/dom/orchidea.htm