Planting orchids, so that one plant becomes a greenhouse
Beautiful queens of flowers – orchids conquer us with their charming beauty and grace. And the reproduction of orchids at home allows even a novice grower to turn his house into a tropical greenhouse.
Reproduction of orchids at home Today we will talk about the reproduction of orchids cuttings. A huge advantage of this method is that the young plant will inherit from the mother all its properties. So you can grow orchids in the color and shape that you like best.
The disadvantages can be attributed to the cost of time. The process is relatively simple (reminiscent of the reproduction of cuttings of roses), but long. So, about 3 weeks will pass before the appearance of shoots and another 2-3 months will take to form a small orchid, which can then be transplanted into a pot.
You will need healthy flowernoses that can be cut off from a faded or flowering orchid. Cut them below the flower and so to capture the maximum number of growth points.
Next, divide the flowernosses with a sharp knife into several parts. Carefully remove the flakes covering them from the kidneys.
Prepare a tall glass vase or a large plastic bottle. In it, we will try to recreate for harvested cuttings the conditions of a moist tropical forest, which is the natural habitat of orchids.
Fill the selected container to a level of 10-12 cm with clean water. Wrap 2-3 cuttings with sphagnum. Spray the moss with water. It perfectly absorbs moisture and, if necessary, will give it to the plant. And, most importantly, it will protect the flowers from infection.
Put the cuttings in the vase so that their lower ends are in the water. Cover the container with perforated cellophane (it is used in flower shops, and it will provide a sufficient level of ventilation). Secure the tape with tape.
Now it remains to place the entire structure on a warm windowsill (the temperature should be above 25 degrees) and wait. Water, if it darkens, should be changed periodically.
After about 3 weeks, the kidneys will wake up and go into growth. After 2 months, a small orchid with leaves and white roots will form, as in the photo.
Handle with the sprout should be very carefully. Don't tear him away from the flower. Cut the flower stick closer to the sprout.
Then put everything together in a pot filled with orchid substrate.
The process, of course, takes quite a lot of time. But it is not very complex and allows you to get any number of orchids of the desired species.
Success in breeding orchids, and let them please you with their beauty!

Reproduction of orchids at home Today we will talk about the reproduction of orchids cuttings. A huge advantage of this method is that the young plant will inherit from the mother all its properties. So you can grow orchids in the color and shape that you like best.

The disadvantages can be attributed to the cost of time. The process is relatively simple (reminiscent of the reproduction of cuttings of roses), but long. So, about 3 weeks will pass before the appearance of shoots and another 2-3 months will take to form a small orchid, which can then be transplanted into a pot.
You will need healthy flowernoses that can be cut off from a faded or flowering orchid. Cut them below the flower and so to capture the maximum number of growth points.

Next, divide the flowernosses with a sharp knife into several parts. Carefully remove the flakes covering them from the kidneys.

Prepare a tall glass vase or a large plastic bottle. In it, we will try to recreate for harvested cuttings the conditions of a moist tropical forest, which is the natural habitat of orchids.

Fill the selected container to a level of 10-12 cm with clean water. Wrap 2-3 cuttings with sphagnum. Spray the moss with water. It perfectly absorbs moisture and, if necessary, will give it to the plant. And, most importantly, it will protect the flowers from infection.

Put the cuttings in the vase so that their lower ends are in the water. Cover the container with perforated cellophane (it is used in flower shops, and it will provide a sufficient level of ventilation). Secure the tape with tape.
Now it remains to place the entire structure on a warm windowsill (the temperature should be above 25 degrees) and wait. Water, if it darkens, should be changed periodically.

After about 3 weeks, the kidneys will wake up and go into growth. After 2 months, a small orchid with leaves and white roots will form, as in the photo.
Handle with the sprout should be very carefully. Don't tear him away from the flower. Cut the flower stick closer to the sprout.

Then put everything together in a pot filled with orchid substrate.

The process, of course, takes quite a lot of time. But it is not very complex and allows you to get any number of orchids of the desired species.

Success in breeding orchids, and let them please you with their beauty!
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