A man in the thickets of orchids will tell you which pots it is time to get rid of, the roots are stuffy

Which pot is the worst for an orchid? There is an opinion in the community of orchomans that those same pots with a double fraction are real pests. There is no access to air, which categorically may not suit the roots of the plant. Is that true? Let's explore the topic and deal with it together.

Let the opinion and quite controversial, but it still has two answers. Double pot can harm the plant, but only if it is not properly cared for. The main argument of the opponents of double pots is that due to the peculiar structure of such a pot, air will not flow to the roots of the orchid. These orchomans believe that between the two fractions of the pot it is necessary in some way to make an additional gap for free circulation of oxygen.

The opinion of expert Orkhoman Georgy Goryachevsky on his YouTube channel thoroughly understands this issue. He confirms that only improper care or watering can destroy the plant. But not a pot, even if it consists of two factions. Georgi demonstrates his flowers growing in such kashpo, which confirms that they feel great. So why are other orchomans so agitated?

Georgy explains: Orchids grow beautifully and bloom even in closed pots. It's more about soil care. The pots may be chosen absolutely any.” He also assures that orchids can be placed in pots and without soil. But this is only when a small plant needs to grow roots.

Proper care The expert advises to monitor quantity and quality of watering. The roots should get enough moisture. Moreover, in closed pots, the air can also circulate completely normally. This is due to the fact that orchids can safely grow in a larger substrate (for example, ceramsite, bark, charcoal).

Orchids develop well in a closed system, in a plastic or glass container. It is not recommended to choose only more closed and dark pots. Roots also require a lot of sunlight. Choose transparent pot options. Make sure there is enough moisture in the ground. These are crucial points: care, soil composition, amount of moisture.

What pot for orchid is the worst and not worthy of the attention of orchomans As you already understood, the pot does not play such an important role. More importantly, what's inside this pot. Carefully ensure that the filling of the kashpo with orchid was not too small. Otherwise, there is a real risk that The roots of the flower can "suffocate" and eventually get sick.

We wish you healthy orchs and lush flowering of these elegant beauties. Share your orchid care secrets in the comments. It will be important and interesting for our subscribers to read the stories of experienced flower growers.


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