Orchids rod like yeast, magical kick for new leaves and roots
How to transplant an orchid into another pot? Many believe that the orchid is an extremely capricious and demanding beauty from the world of flowers. That's not exactly true. You need to know how to properly care for this beautiful plant, what it likes and what it does not. In addition, during transplantation, orchids are recommended to be supported with the help of special means. What kind? Let's work it out together.
All flower growers in one voice trumpet: “You can not transplant orchids during flowering.” It's true, because transplantation for the plant. Because of this it can shed all its flowers and buds. This can only be done if the orchid needs to be rescued immediately. The flower can be affected by disease, rotten roots, various mosses. If you do not transplant it in time, then there is a risk of saying goodbye to the plant forever. So assess the situation appropriately.
The correct Orchid process does not like frequent transplants, but if there is such a need, then you need to act. And often the flower is sold in a temporary container, so transplantation is inevitable. This can also be seen by how the roots of the plant Trying to get out on their own from your pot.
To transplant the plant, you will need, in fact, an orchid, a plastic pot with drainage holes, a substrate for orchids, scissors, activated charcoal. Field the plant to facilitate the process of removing the orchid from the old container. The new pot needs to be a little bigger to fit all the roots. After extraction of the orchid, the roots should be washed under running water and get rid of the remnants of the former substrate. Put the flower aside for 20 minutes. roots slightly dry.
After that, you need to examine the roots for the presence of putrefactive processes. It is better to cut it carefully to save the life of the flower. Flowers also advise powder slices of bad roots with activated carbon powder. This contributes to the speedy recovery of the plant. If there is no activated charcoal, you can take some cinnamon.
It is better to transplant an orchid into a pot of transparent material, since the roots are also involved in photosynthesis. As soon as you remove the bad roots, the flower should be carefully placed in a new pot, gradually filling it with a substrate. Don't worry if there's some root on the surface. It's normal for an orchid.
Over a transplanted orchid should be observed. Most likely, the flower will be stressful for a while, but do not panic. If the general condition of the plant is in order, then very soon it will recover and recover. Identify an orchid in a cozy place that is protected from direct sunlight.
Noble orchoman Grigory Goryachevsky on his eponymous YouTube channel recommends to make a life-saving kick, treating the plant stress tonic. It contains biological growth stimulants for plants that are in adverse conditions. The righteousness (and righteousness) is such a condition.
You can buy such a tonic in specialized stores. You need to process the leaves of the plant just before watering, when flower has already absorbed past moisture and thirsty again. You can arrange such a unique shower for flowers on the day of watering, but it is better to water after the tonic is absorbed.
Now you know, How to transplant an orchid into another pot. And also how to help the flower survive such a stressful period. We sincerely wish that your beautiful orchid pleases the eye with gentle flowering and does not hurt.

All flower growers in one voice trumpet: “You can not transplant orchids during flowering.” It's true, because transplantation for the plant. Because of this it can shed all its flowers and buds. This can only be done if the orchid needs to be rescued immediately. The flower can be affected by disease, rotten roots, various mosses. If you do not transplant it in time, then there is a risk of saying goodbye to the plant forever. So assess the situation appropriately.

The correct Orchid process does not like frequent transplants, but if there is such a need, then you need to act. And often the flower is sold in a temporary container, so transplantation is inevitable. This can also be seen by how the roots of the plant Trying to get out on their own from your pot.
To transplant the plant, you will need, in fact, an orchid, a plastic pot with drainage holes, a substrate for orchids, scissors, activated charcoal. Field the plant to facilitate the process of removing the orchid from the old container. The new pot needs to be a little bigger to fit all the roots. After extraction of the orchid, the roots should be washed under running water and get rid of the remnants of the former substrate. Put the flower aside for 20 minutes. roots slightly dry.

After that, you need to examine the roots for the presence of putrefactive processes. It is better to cut it carefully to save the life of the flower. Flowers also advise powder slices of bad roots with activated carbon powder. This contributes to the speedy recovery of the plant. If there is no activated charcoal, you can take some cinnamon.

It is better to transplant an orchid into a pot of transparent material, since the roots are also involved in photosynthesis. As soon as you remove the bad roots, the flower should be carefully placed in a new pot, gradually filling it with a substrate. Don't worry if there's some root on the surface. It's normal for an orchid.
Over a transplanted orchid should be observed. Most likely, the flower will be stressful for a while, but do not panic. If the general condition of the plant is in order, then very soon it will recover and recover. Identify an orchid in a cozy place that is protected from direct sunlight.
Noble orchoman Grigory Goryachevsky on his eponymous YouTube channel recommends to make a life-saving kick, treating the plant stress tonic. It contains biological growth stimulants for plants that are in adverse conditions. The righteousness (and righteousness) is such a condition.

You can buy such a tonic in specialized stores. You need to process the leaves of the plant just before watering, when flower has already absorbed past moisture and thirsty again. You can arrange such a unique shower for flowers on the day of watering, but it is better to water after the tonic is absorbed.

Now you know, How to transplant an orchid into another pot. And also how to help the flower survive such a stressful period. We sincerely wish that your beautiful orchid pleases the eye with gentle flowering and does not hurt.
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