I feed the orchid with a vitamin mixture, after which the flowernoses are launched into insane growth.

How to properly water an orchidYou want new buds? There is one trick that will turn even the largest fastidious into an abundantly blooming energizer. We suggest lifehack for caring orchomans, so that all your flowers will wake up from the autumn blues and bloom violently.

How to properly water an orchid Recipe feeder Very simple. Experienced growers assure that if you add such a cocktail to the flower, it will help it blossom. Moreover, this fertilizer will help prevent rotting of the roots, the appearance of parasites, fungi, mold. Just add the lemon juice.

Fertilization based lemon juice or citric acid contributes to beautiful flowering and the appearance of new flowernoses. If you want to add lemon juice, then mix in one liter of water no more than a teaspoon of such juice. Citric acid only needs two grams (half a teaspoon) per liter.


At first, orchidize And see if the flower likes the new feeding. Orchids like acidic water, so there should be no problems. However, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of the flower. You can also immerse the flower in this fertilizer, but not more than 15 minutes.

Experienced connoisseurs of orchids try to fertilize their plants by various means. This includes not only purchased fertilizers, but also those that can be purchased. find out. For example, tea, coffee, banana peel, wood ash, onion husk decoctions, water from boiled potatoes.

It is believed that these fertilizers contain natural minerals and usefulness. For example, banana, potato and onion water is enriched with potassium. That is why such a dressing can come to the taste of orchids. All these decoctions must be carefully filtered, insisted, cooled or heated. So that such assistance does not harm the plant.

How to properly water the orchid and do not harm the flower There are opponents of abundant and too much orchid. They argue that in nature orchids can grow on rocks. Accordingly, a poor microclimate and improper care can provoke diseases of the flower or even its sudden departure to better worlds.

There is some truth in this opinion, because it is better to fertilize a flower before you start. detail for his needs. Learn what professionals advise for a particular type of orchid. If you doubt your own abilities, you can search for thematic literature, or seek help from a specialist.


Don’t rush to take advice before you get it. reaction for new feeding. Carefully examine the plant, pay attention to the condition of its leaves and roots. Compare and evaluate the situation to understand how to proceed. If you start correcting the position in time, the condition of the orchid should not deteriorate.

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