How to stimulate orchid flowering
Ah, orchids... It makes no sense to describe all the advantages of this indoor plant, because most admirers of home flowers have long loved the fabulously beautiful orchid for its colorful appearance and unpretentious nature. But what if your homemade orchid still decided to show character and refused to bloom?
The plant will become a real decoration only when it blooms lushly and generously, and this is not an easy task. If you do not observe strict conditions and do not provide the flower with proper care, the dream of a beautiful orchid on the windowsill will remain a dream. What tricks will you have to go to defeat a stubborn orchid and make it bloom all year round? Let's figure it out.
"Site" will tell How to make an orchid bloomWho flatly refused to please you with magnificent flowering for the last few months or even years. Two small tricks will help stimulate the phalaenopsis to lush and lush flowering, but most importantly - without harm to the precious flower.
Is there a way to make a capricious orchid bloom? There are two of them! But before using one and the second, keep in mind that flowering can only be stimulated in adults, healthy and rested houseplants. Do not conduct such experiments on young and weakened orchids, as well as on specimens that have recently faded.
Orchid doesn't bloom? Now you know what to do! Do not worry, both methods of stimulation are absolutely safe for a healthy mature plant, which is carefully and regularly cared for. In addition, in nature, such processes (described above) occur by themselves and this is normal for beauties of orchids: a hot day is replaced by a cold night, and a dry period comes to replace the rainy season.
But most importantly, if you truly understand the needs of your favorite plant, it will be healthier and more generous, and the question of how to make a fastidious orchid bloom will be solved by itself.
If you find our article on caring for indoor orchids useful, be sure to share it with friends who love this royal flower as much as you do!
The plant will become a real decoration only when it blooms lushly and generously, and this is not an easy task. If you do not observe strict conditions and do not provide the flower with proper care, the dream of a beautiful orchid on the windowsill will remain a dream. What tricks will you have to go to defeat a stubborn orchid and make it bloom all year round? Let's figure it out.

"Site" will tell How to make an orchid bloomWho flatly refused to please you with magnificent flowering for the last few months or even years. Two small tricks will help stimulate the phalaenopsis to lush and lush flowering, but most importantly - without harm to the precious flower.
Is there a way to make a capricious orchid bloom? There are two of them! But before using one and the second, keep in mind that flowering can only be stimulated in adults, healthy and rested houseplants. Do not conduct such experiments on young and weakened orchids, as well as on specimens that have recently faded.

- Method No. 1 - stimulation of temperature drop
It is no secret that a room orchid is not a great lover of strong temperature changes and blooms well only when the night temperature does not drop relative to the daytime by less than 6 degrees. However, if you arrange a finicky beauty light stress, she will immediately dissolve the long-awaited buds. It is recommended to leave this method of stimulation for spring. When the temperature at night becomes stable, namely 16-18 ° C, take the orchid out in the fresh air, on an open balcony or in the garden. If the balcony is glazed, place the flower closer to the open window.
Take out the orchid only at night, and during the day leave indoors under the sun. The leaves will be heated by the sun’s heat and receive enough light, and cooled at night accordingly. As a result of a two-week experiment, the orchid will receive so much carbon dioxide that its amount is enough to develop roots, leaves and long-awaited flower plants.
This method of stimulating flowering can be used in summer and early autumn. However, the process of growth of peduncles will take longer, since summer nights are usually hot, and the daily temperature difference is insignificant. In early autumn, the night temperature favorably affects the flowering of the orchid, but the intensity of solar radiation is becoming less and less every day.
In autumn, when it is still cold outside, but it is warm in the room, often ventilate the room in which the flower lives. Only without fanaticism: the orchid hates drafts! Experiments with experiments, but do not forget that if throughout the year you care for the orchid somehow, and in the spring decided to hit the colors with a change in temperature, this will not lead to anything good.
DepositPhotos - Method #2 – Drought Stimulation
This method of stimulation can be applied to all orchids that do not need a period of rest: phalaenopsis, vanda and the like. Thanks to this trick in any season, in any weather and even in low light conditions, you can wake up the most fastidious flower buds after 1-2 months of interval watering. The first thing to do is to dramatically increase the intervals between waterings. For example, if you used to water a flower every 4 days, then you need to do it every 8 days to stimulate flowering. When the roots and substrate dry well after the last watering, wait a few more days (if hot - 4, if cool - 8) and only then water your favorite flower. And if you do not have time to constantly check the soil and count the days, you can do something simple: double the dry period.
At the same time, it is important not to show pity to the plant and not to spray the leaves and roots. In addition, at the time of stimulation, we recommend to exclude all kinds of biostimulants, store and home fertilizers, as well as a hot shower.
When the long-awaited flower plant appears, change the irrigation mode to the usual one and do not fertilize the plant during the flowering period. If the flower plant appears in autumn or winter, additional lighting should be provided. By the way, it is not necessary to highlight the whole plant! It is enough to direct light only to the top, avoiding excessive heating of the flower. Remember: without proper illumination in the autumn-winter period, the fresh peduncle is unlikely to continue its development.
Orchid doesn't bloom? Now you know what to do! Do not worry, both methods of stimulation are absolutely safe for a healthy mature plant, which is carefully and regularly cared for. In addition, in nature, such processes (described above) occur by themselves and this is normal for beauties of orchids: a hot day is replaced by a cold night, and a dry period comes to replace the rainy season.
But most importantly, if you truly understand the needs of your favorite plant, it will be healthier and more generous, and the question of how to make a fastidious orchid bloom will be solved by itself.
If you find our article on caring for indoor orchids useful, be sure to share it with friends who love this royal flower as much as you do!