Should I Keep Orchids at Home?

Most often, we believe that plants in the house are only good. They decorate the interior, create comfort, and sometimes even make the air cleaner. Many areI think they are completely harmless. But is that really true?

Around this famous plant there are a variety of rather contradictory rumors. Most of them are based on the fact that Orchids cannot be kept at home.

It is time to understand all the nuances of this flower. Editorial "Site" I will tell you what caused this bias.


Objective causes
Orchids are epiphytes (parasites) that live on other larger plants. They do not need soil and, due to the air roots, receive the necessary nutrients and moisture from space. Therefore, there is an opinion that they absorb energy around them, thereby adversely affecting the people living in the house.

Orchids are credited with the ability to suck up the vitality of their hosts, as a result of which the latter feel sluggish, tired and deprived of energy. In fact, these phenomena have an explanation.

On the blooming flowers of orchids there is a large number of pollenIt can cause drowsiness and even allergic reactions. But its intense aroma can lead to heaviness in the head, sleep disorders, restless thoughts and frequent mood changes. The flower is especially active at night. For this reason, it is not recommended to place the plant in the bedroom.

Superstitions about the negative influence of the orchid, being a very elegant, fragile and delicate plant, shares these qualities with others. Thus, she maleEating their energy and making them more sentimental. For this reason, it is better to keep an orchid in the place where males spend the least time: in the kitchen, in the hallway or living room.

At the same time, the flower in the opposite way affects the fair sex, contributing to their femininity, attractiveness, as well as preserving youth and beauty. However, the orchid is not suitable for all women. Too romantic, indecisive natures it is contraindicated. Otherwise, the plant will only suppress an already vulnerable person.

Despite such unfavorable beliefs, there are those that put the orchid in a more positive light. In India, for example, it is believed that orchids are good for the homeAfter all, it is able to cleanse the home of evil, drive away bad thoughts and feelings. So the orchid helps to maintain a friendly family atmosphere, mutual understanding and respect.

Even in temples, the flower is treated with love, because according to legends, it helps to concentrate, enrich yourself spiritually and establish a connection with higher forces. A special honor among believers is enjoyed by a white orchid.


Given the above, it is logical to ask whether orchids can be kept at home. Of course, the content of such a plant has its nuances, but you can grow these spectacular flowers in any house. The main thing is to approach their location responsibly in order to minimize unwanted influence. Good luck and let your orchid please the eye for a long time!


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