Signs of the zodiac, which are contraindicated to wear silver, otherwise do not pass the troubles
Since ancient times, it is believed that silver is a purifying metal that will protect not only from evil forces, but also from physical negative phenomena. Many people wear silver jewelry as protection. However, few know that silver is not suitable for all people. Namely representatives of certain 5 signs of the zodiac. Which one? Why? What should they wear instead of silver? We'll find out!
Scorpio Scorpio is one of the most decisive and secretive signs of the zodiac. He is used not to stand still, but to achieve his own and not lose face. Although this is not visible at first sight, Scorpio knows his worth and does not compare his authority with anyone’s criticism or praise. It is possible that when communicating, Scorpios will not fully reveal themselves to you. And that's their right.
For Scorpios, silver is not so much a protection as a blocker of true character traits. Scorpio unconsciously becomes irritated and nervous in the presence of other people. Few people would like such influence. Therefore, it is recommended to replace silver jewelry with products made of another metal. Insertions of pomegranate, agate or sapphire stones are highly welcome.
Peels Aries are not used to being passive. They are naturally born leaders and strive for complete control over their lives, making them independent and self-sufficient. However, in order to maintain the already acquired success and not lose the opportunity to achieve new ones, Aries should limit contact with silver to a minimum. Ideally, you don’t even touch the metal.
The fact is that silver has an extremely negative effect on the life of Aries. Despite its original purpose to protect and protect, silver jewelry can attract bad luck. In addition, Aries begin to experience unexplained sadness and longing when wearing jewelry made of this metal. In addition, Aries in principle is not recommended to touch silver. Since this metal does not affect the health of the representative of this sign as a whole.
Peels Lions do not have to prove anything to anyone. Their greatness and status do not allow them to be lower than the people around them. At the same time, despite excessive self-love, Leos are perfectly oriented in this life. They know their goals and how to achieve them, which only contributes to their advancement on their own status ladder.
Therefore, lions need appropriate jewelry. Namely gold. Silver, which is lower than gold, makes Lviv vulnerable emotionally. They become irritable and less in control. And this is unacceptable for lions and their high status.
Capricorns, as a rule, people are quiet and not particularly attracting attention. However, this does not mean that they are nothing. By nature curious, Capricorns, like explorers, go to their goals without any special problems. And when success is achieved, the joy of Capricorn has no limit.
Capricorns are contraindicated to wear silver. In their case, this is due to the fact that silver products block the qualities of Capricorn, which will help him to further establish relations with the opposite sex. That is, if a Capricorn guy wants to please a girl, he should never wear silver. Since the young lady simply will not be able to see the real advantages of the boyfriend.
Any other product is suitable as an alternative. And metal or inserts no longer matter.
Peels Libra is never in a hurry. They don’t need to be in a hurry to be active and achieve their goals. Their work is often associated with intellectual work. Libra is easy to be alone, and it is also pleasant to act as an attentive listener. Positive and pleasant in communication, Libra always strives for inner balance, which can only be envied.
In the case of Libra, silver also does not allow them to live fully. Vital energy is greatly weakened in the presence of silverware. This is due not only to ordinary energy, but also to energy emanating from the earth. Libra loses contact with it, which can lead to poor health. In addition, silver, being not the cheapest metal, manages to block access to potential cash. No sign would like that.
However, Libra can wear silver jewelry. Only if you're wearing gold. It neutralizes the negative effects of silver and complements the image.
Despite the above information, you should not give up silver completely. There are cases when silver is inherited from someone, and this leads to undesirable consequences. This is due to the energy transferred from the previous host. To get rid of this, you need to regularly clean silver jewelry. Thus, not only the energy left, but also the energy acquired during wearing will be removed.

Scorpio Scorpio is one of the most decisive and secretive signs of the zodiac. He is used not to stand still, but to achieve his own and not lose face. Although this is not visible at first sight, Scorpio knows his worth and does not compare his authority with anyone’s criticism or praise. It is possible that when communicating, Scorpios will not fully reveal themselves to you. And that's their right.

For Scorpios, silver is not so much a protection as a blocker of true character traits. Scorpio unconsciously becomes irritated and nervous in the presence of other people. Few people would like such influence. Therefore, it is recommended to replace silver jewelry with products made of another metal. Insertions of pomegranate, agate or sapphire stones are highly welcome.

Peels Aries are not used to being passive. They are naturally born leaders and strive for complete control over their lives, making them independent and self-sufficient. However, in order to maintain the already acquired success and not lose the opportunity to achieve new ones, Aries should limit contact with silver to a minimum. Ideally, you don’t even touch the metal.
The fact is that silver has an extremely negative effect on the life of Aries. Despite its original purpose to protect and protect, silver jewelry can attract bad luck. In addition, Aries begin to experience unexplained sadness and longing when wearing jewelry made of this metal. In addition, Aries in principle is not recommended to touch silver. Since this metal does not affect the health of the representative of this sign as a whole.

Peels Lions do not have to prove anything to anyone. Their greatness and status do not allow them to be lower than the people around them. At the same time, despite excessive self-love, Leos are perfectly oriented in this life. They know their goals and how to achieve them, which only contributes to their advancement on their own status ladder.
Therefore, lions need appropriate jewelry. Namely gold. Silver, which is lower than gold, makes Lviv vulnerable emotionally. They become irritable and less in control. And this is unacceptable for lions and their high status.

Capricorns, as a rule, people are quiet and not particularly attracting attention. However, this does not mean that they are nothing. By nature curious, Capricorns, like explorers, go to their goals without any special problems. And when success is achieved, the joy of Capricorn has no limit.
Capricorns are contraindicated to wear silver. In their case, this is due to the fact that silver products block the qualities of Capricorn, which will help him to further establish relations with the opposite sex. That is, if a Capricorn guy wants to please a girl, he should never wear silver. Since the young lady simply will not be able to see the real advantages of the boyfriend.
Any other product is suitable as an alternative. And metal or inserts no longer matter.

Peels Libra is never in a hurry. They don’t need to be in a hurry to be active and achieve their goals. Their work is often associated with intellectual work. Libra is easy to be alone, and it is also pleasant to act as an attentive listener. Positive and pleasant in communication, Libra always strives for inner balance, which can only be envied.
In the case of Libra, silver also does not allow them to live fully. Vital energy is greatly weakened in the presence of silverware. This is due not only to ordinary energy, but also to energy emanating from the earth. Libra loses contact with it, which can lead to poor health. In addition, silver, being not the cheapest metal, manages to block access to potential cash. No sign would like that.
However, Libra can wear silver jewelry. Only if you're wearing gold. It neutralizes the negative effects of silver and complements the image.
Despite the above information, you should not give up silver completely. There are cases when silver is inherited from someone, and this leads to undesirable consequences. This is due to the energy transferred from the previous host. To get rid of this, you need to regularly clean silver jewelry. Thus, not only the energy left, but also the energy acquired during wearing will be removed.
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