Who can't wear gold?
Wearing jewelry, many of us do not even think about the fact that each metal carries a certain energy. Special currents can seriously affect human health. This is why gold and silver are not worn by everyone.
Thanks to the teachings of feng shui, we learn information about how to properly equip our life. According to Taoist practice, many housewives arrange furniture items, observe the rules of sleep hygiene and calculate the significant number of Gua for each person.
But not everyone is aware that, according to Chinese teachings, wearing or abandoning certain jewelry can fundamentally change the quality of life.
This metal will be the best companion of those who lead a measured lifestyle. It will give energy and strength to residents of small towns and villages. Too active individuals should not wear jewelry made of this metal.
Gold is a powerful source of energy. People who are themselves active, this energy will be superfluous and even burdensome. The poet residents of large megacities are not recommended to wear gold jewelry.
Silver is an active metal, which, according to the teachings of feng shui, translates female energy (mental purity and fertility). For this reason, sensual men should abandon jewelry made of silver, because they can aggravate the barely noticeable feminine qualities.
This metal will benefit those representatives of the stronger sex who lack peace and tranquility in life. Silver also has an antibacterial and disinfecting effect.
When wearing jewelry made of silver, you should pay attention to one point: if the metal darkens quickly, then it works for the benefit of a person, taking away all the negativity and protecting against diseases.
Many jewelry lovers often make the same mistake of putting on gold and silver jewelry together. It's all about the same energy. Gold is an extremely active metal that radiates the energy of movement.
Silver, on the contrary, exudes the energy of balance and harmony. Thus, a person who combines jewelry from these metals is subjected to dissonance.
Try to be more thoughtful about the choice of jewelry, only then they will bring benefit and pleasure from wearing!

Thanks to the teachings of feng shui, we learn information about how to properly equip our life. According to Taoist practice, many housewives arrange furniture items, observe the rules of sleep hygiene and calculate the significant number of Gua for each person.

But not everyone is aware that, according to Chinese teachings, wearing or abandoning certain jewelry can fundamentally change the quality of life.

This metal will be the best companion of those who lead a measured lifestyle. It will give energy and strength to residents of small towns and villages. Too active individuals should not wear jewelry made of this metal.

Gold is a powerful source of energy. People who are themselves active, this energy will be superfluous and even burdensome. The poet residents of large megacities are not recommended to wear gold jewelry.
Silver is an active metal, which, according to the teachings of feng shui, translates female energy (mental purity and fertility). For this reason, sensual men should abandon jewelry made of silver, because they can aggravate the barely noticeable feminine qualities.

This metal will benefit those representatives of the stronger sex who lack peace and tranquility in life. Silver also has an antibacterial and disinfecting effect.
When wearing jewelry made of silver, you should pay attention to one point: if the metal darkens quickly, then it works for the benefit of a person, taking away all the negativity and protecting against diseases.

Many jewelry lovers often make the same mistake of putting on gold and silver jewelry together. It's all about the same energy. Gold is an extremely active metal that radiates the energy of movement.

Silver, on the contrary, exudes the energy of balance and harmony. Thus, a person who combines jewelry from these metals is subjected to dissonance.

Try to be more thoughtful about the choice of jewelry, only then they will bring benefit and pleasure from wearing!
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