What jewelry is suitable for different zodiac signs

Jewelry is not just beautiful accessories. They also serve as amulets, talismans and protectors for each of us. Only if the jewelry does not suit you energetically, it will not be useful. Astrologers say that each zodiac sign fits a certain stone or metal.

That is why it is recommended to choose jewelry not only for reasons of fashion or personal preferences, but also in accordance with the zodiac sign. Editorial "Site" He tells all about jewelry by the sign of the zodiac.

Suitable jewelry
  1. Aries.
    For Aries, red jewelry made of iron is best suited. The most suitable stones are jasper, pomegranate, carnelian. Most of all, Aries are suitable for jewelry with a grenade. If there is a crisis in life, wear such a stone as an ornament. It will give strength and protect against negativity. To add vitality and energy, wear jewelry with Martian stone hematite.

  2. Taurus
    The colors of Taurus are green and blue. This sign is best suited to jewelry from copper. Stones for Taurus - emerald, malachite, jade, azurite. The protector of Taurus is Venus, and she does not fit anything pretentious. Owners of this sign need to select elegant jewelry with a thin frame. It is better to abandon the massive rings, it has a bad effect on energy. Harmony in life will bring accessories with emerald.

  3. Twins.
    Twins go all bright and rich. Their lucky metal is gold, and suitable stones are beryl, emerald, tourmaline, amber, yellow agate, yellow citrine. Twins are suitable for unusual jewelry with a bizarre design. It is good to wear jewelry made of beryl, they will help to maintain cheerfulness of spirit and add strength.

  4. Cancer
    Gentle Cancers will fit silver pearlAgate, quartz, moonstone or rock crystal. The minerals of the moon will calm, balance the emotional state. Such decorations will help to find harmony and establish all processes in the body. Cancer is most affected by moonstone.

  5. Lev
    Lions fit everything fiery or sunny. Yellow, gold and orange are their colors, and gold is the most suitable metal. Leo stones - ruby, pomegranate, carnelian, amber, citrine, solar stone. All the stones of rich yellow or red color give the Lions vitality, energy and power. The owners of this sign can safely wear bright, exquisite and massive jewelry.

  6. Virgo
    Virgos are best suited green, blue or blue. Suitable stones - tourmaline, green sapphire, carnelian, malachite, jade, opal. The best metals are platinum and silver. Astrologers recommend that Virgos wear jewelry with tourmaline, they have a beneficial effect on the body and mind. In such jewelry you will feel calm.

  7. Libra
    Libra will feel comfortable in copper jewelry with alexandrite, coral, jade, sapphire or lapis lapis. Alexandrite is a stone of strong personalities. It is very suitable for Libra and protects from trouble. Jewelry with this stone can become a reliable talisman.

  8. Scorpio
    Scorpions are suitable for bright jewelry of red or orange color. However, the best metal for them is black silver, and stones are amethyst, agate, pomegranate, topaz and aquamarine. Scorpions are recommended to wear massive jewelry, this helps to put energy in order and find harmony.

  9. Sagittarius
    Zinc jewelry with turquoise, topaz, sapphire or amethyst will be the most suitable for Sagittarius. Turquoise will help to find peace of mind and a clear mind. Thanks to such jewelry, you can solve problems in your personal life and find inner harmony.

  10. Capricorn
    Capricorns are most suitable for dark jewelry, they are best combined with their energy. Ferrous metals and gold are best suited. From the stones should choose sardonyx, purple ruby, diamond, pomegranate or dark amethyst. The sardonyx is especially powerful. It gives a person strength and attracts power, and also prolongs the life of the owner. At least that's what they say.

  11. Aquarius
    Aquarius suit dark shades, as well as bright blue color. They are advised to choose silver jewelry with diamond, blue sapphire, onyx or dark topaz. Sapphire has long been considered a symbol of selfless friendship and devotion. Thanks to this stone, you can strengthen love and preserve marriage. It gives the owner joy, happiness and good mood.

  12. Fish
    Fish are suitable for jewelry associated with the water element. The best stones for them are sea or river pearls, coral or purple amethyst. Of metals, white gold, platinum and silver are well suited. Jewelry for Pisces should be soft, round shape and without sharp corners. Pearls will bring Pisces great luck and get rid of bad thoughts.

That's how you choose. dress-up zodiac sign. Astrologers claim that properly selected accessories play an important role in the fate of their owner. What do you think about that?


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