Instructions for preparing carrot biscuits with chocolate glaze

Baking every Friday. carrot-biscuit. And he is lazy because only fifteen minutes is spent on dough, five minutes on icing and 2 minutes on design. At the same time, you do not need to grind carrots for a long time and tediously, as is usually the case with carrot pies. For you, this stage will make a blender or a food processor.

Also, the advantage and undoubted advantage of this biscuit is that it is prepared from the simplest products that are always in the kitchen of every housewife! Orange peel gives this pastry a pleasant aroma, and carrots give the dough a bright orange color.

Carrot biscuit today edition "Site" They will tell you how to make carrots. chocolate-iced. Suitable for those who have little time, and need fast, spectacular and, most importantly, delicious!

Test ingredients
  • 300g flour
  • 350g carrots
  • 200g sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 220 ml of vegetable oil
  • 10g baking powder
  • 1 tbsp orange peel
  • 1g vanillin

Glaze ingredients
  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 15g butter
  • 2 tbsp honey

  1. Wash, peel and cut the carrots into small pieces.

  2. Sprinkle pieces of carrots into a bowl of a blender or food processor, add eggs and sugar, pour the butter and break all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass.

  3. Ask for flour along with baking powder, add to the carrot mix. Stir the shoulder blade well. Also add the zest and vanilla, mix it thoroughly again. 487980

  4. The bottom of the baking mold was covered with parchment paper. Pour the dough, level it all over the surface. Put the biscuit in a preheated to 180 degrees oven and bake for 40-45 minutes until ready. 197062.

  5. While the biscuit is cooling, make some chocolate icing. In a small pan, combine chocolate bars, milk, butter and honey. Put the pot on the fire and boil it on a medium heat until boiling. After boiling, boil for another 5 minutes at the lowest temperature of the stove to thicken the glaze. Cool, stirring constantly. The glaze should thicken, but it is easy to spread.

  6. Lubrication carrot pie glaze on top. Bon appetit!

I also suggest that you find out the recipe for a stunningly delicious carrot cake-cake “Orange Sky”. Even those who do not have a love for carrots can not resist a piece of such an orange delicacy!

Carrots are one of the few vegetables that can be used for desserts, making them only sweeter, not to mention its benefits. Be sure to prepare this wonderful treat. Carrot cake with chocolate glaze It will be a real decoration of the table!

It comes out almost like a cake, only cooked easier. By the way, such a biscuit can serve as the basis for a holiday cake.


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