How to make the perfect biscuit
What Young Housewives Don't Do to Bake bacon! Add soda, beer, baking powder, soda ... But capricious pastries don't lend themselves. Today. "Site" It will teach you how to cook the simplest and tastiest cake – a classic biscuit that always turns out!
Biscuit classic in the oven To biscuit turned out even, porous and airy, be sure to sift through the flour and do not open the oven during baking. Lubricate only the bottom of the form, so the biscuit will be uniform. And if you have an old oven or does not stick tightly to the door, cover the form with dough foil and bake in this form until ready.
The ingredients
I wish you only good results in preparing a festive pastry! Tell us in the comments what secrets you use to create the perfect biscuit.
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Biscuit classic in the oven To biscuit turned out even, porous and airy, be sure to sift through the flour and do not open the oven during baking. Lubricate only the bottom of the form, so the biscuit will be uniform. And if you have an old oven or does not stick tightly to the door, cover the form with dough foil and bake in this form until ready.
The ingredients
- 6 eggs
- 150g premium flour
- 200g powdered sugar or sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- half-peel
- butter

- Twice pass the flour through a small sieve.
- Separate the proteins from the yolks. For biscuits, you will need 5 yolks and 6 proteins. Eggs should not be at room temperature. Cool them before you whip them.
- Smear the bottom of the form with oil and sprinkle with flour. You can cover it with parchment.
- Beat the squirrels with a pinch of salt into the lush foam with a mixer. Add half the sugar (powder), lemon juice and keep whipping.
- In a separate dish, rub the yolks with the remaining sugar (powder) and beat them in white foam. Add lemon peel or any other flavoring.
- To the yolks add whipped proteins (do not stir!), and on top sift the flour a third time and carefully, spatula, stir the dough in one direction - from the bottom up. Air bubbles must remain in the test.
- Very quickly lay the dough in the form and evenly distribute so that there is less dough in the middle than at the edges.
- Place the dough form in an oven heated to 160 degrees. Bake for an hour. Do not open the oven door at this time! Check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden stick or toothpick.
- Let the biscuit cool a little in shape. Then turn upside down, cover with a soft cotton towel and let it cool at room temperature. So the cake will be soft and tender and there will be no crunchy crust at the edges.
- Cooled biscuits can be served immediately for tea. And to quickly collect the cake, cut the biscuit into three cakes and grease each with any cream or jam.
I wish you only good results in preparing a festive pastry! Tell us in the comments what secrets you use to create the perfect biscuit.
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