After the church service, she guarded a friend to get a unique recipe for poppy pastries.
Sweet. poppy Perfectly complement Sunday nights with friends. Cold tea and a piece of this dance will not only lift the mood, but also leave a pleasant impression for a long time. Preparing this dessert is quite simple. It is not only delicious, but also useful. It contains a lot of seasonal fruits. You can pick your favorites.
The beauty of this treat is that the hostess can afford to experiment. For example, it is not necessary to spend money on fruit-stuff. Not everyone can afford fresh fruit from the supermarket. But the taste of poppy dance will not spoil if you do not add fruit. Just sprinkle powdered sugar on the top of the cake and enjoy it.
The ingredients
Cream ingredients
Delicious homemade pastries Cooking
While baked. poppyThere is time to prepare the cream. To do this, you need to cut peaches into small pieces, add sugar to them and put on fire. As soon as it starts to boil, remove from the stove and slightly cool the mixture. Only after that, the peaches need to be broken with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Pour the pudding with water and stir thoroughly. Pour the dissolved pudding into the grated peach mass and put it on the stove again. The power must be minimal. Gradually add butter, sugar and vanilla sugar. Cook the cream until thickened. Dilute the gelatin separately and add it when the cream is slightly cooled again. Ready poppy biscuit must be cooled, and you can decorate it with a warm cream. Carefully apply cream-layer On top of it and leave the sweets in the fridge for a few hours. If desired, you can supplement such a cake with powdered sugar or chocolate chips on top.
Gentle poppy biscuit with fruit cream Homemade poppy sweet ready. Just imagine how delicious this biscuit will be when it's full in the fridge. The cream will freeze completely, and the dough will be soaked in its fruit juices. What an airy and light treat. It is not a sin to put on the festive table. Or prepare for the birthday of one of the summer perpetrators of the celebration. The perfect chilled poppy biscuit for a hot pore.

The beauty of this treat is that the hostess can afford to experiment. For example, it is not necessary to spend money on fruit-stuff. Not everyone can afford fresh fruit from the supermarket. But the taste of poppy dance will not spoil if you do not add fruit. Just sprinkle powdered sugar on the top of the cake and enjoy it.

The ingredients
- 3 eggs
- 250g flour
- 300 ml of milk
- 200g sugar
- 150g poppy
- 50ml vegetable oil
- 20g cornstarch
- 10g baking powder
- 10g vanilla sugar
- 250g peaches
- 200g cherry
- 150g chocolate drops
- pinch

Cream ingredients
- 250 ml of water
- 300g peaches
- 80g vanilla pudding
- 50g sugar
- 50g butter
- gelatin
- vanilla

Delicious homemade pastries Cooking
- It's worth it first. fruitWho will go inside the biscuit. In general, you can replace peaches and cherries with any others that you like. For example, use raspberries, strawberries, nectarines, apricots. Wash the fruit thoroughly, peel them from the seeds and cut them into small pieces. Add some starch and stir the ingredients.
- Now it's time for the test. The number of ingredients is designed for a shape of 25 by 35 cm or 20 by 35 cm. In a deep bowl, start whipping eggs, adding salt, sugar and vanilla sugar. Keep whipping the mixture to the brilliance. Then gradually pour flour, baking powder, poppy. Don't forget milk and vegetable oil. Stir the components to uniformity.
- Once the dough becomes uniform, it can be gradually poured into a baking mold. This is the time to add. fruit-piece. Try to place peaches and cherries evenly throughout the shape. Pour the fruit with the leftover dough and send it to the oven. If desired, you can add chocolate drops, so it will definitely taste better. Bake a biscuit for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

While baked. poppyThere is time to prepare the cream. To do this, you need to cut peaches into small pieces, add sugar to them and put on fire. As soon as it starts to boil, remove from the stove and slightly cool the mixture. Only after that, the peaches need to be broken with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. Pour the pudding with water and stir thoroughly. Pour the dissolved pudding into the grated peach mass and put it on the stove again. The power must be minimal. Gradually add butter, sugar and vanilla sugar. Cook the cream until thickened. Dilute the gelatin separately and add it when the cream is slightly cooled again. Ready poppy biscuit must be cooled, and you can decorate it with a warm cream. Carefully apply cream-layer On top of it and leave the sweets in the fridge for a few hours. If desired, you can supplement such a cake with powdered sugar or chocolate chips on top.

Gentle poppy biscuit with fruit cream Homemade poppy sweet ready. Just imagine how delicious this biscuit will be when it's full in the fridge. The cream will freeze completely, and the dough will be soaked in its fruit juices. What an airy and light treat. It is not a sin to put on the festive table. Or prepare for the birthday of one of the summer perpetrators of the celebration. The perfect chilled poppy biscuit for a hot pore.
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