Five signs of the zodiac with a complex character
Astrologers do not get tired of surprising us with new and new ratings, they say, who here we have the best wife, and who is a natural born boss. According to astrologers, the following 5 zodiac signs have worst-caseThey are rude and simply unable to control their emotions.
Which of the zodiac representatives was lucky to be born under a lucky star? After all, all the tricks can be shoved on not the most successful date of birth.
Here they are. zodiac according "Site"! Where are you?
Representatives of each zodiac sign have unique features that affect their fate to one degree or another. However, this five leaders are more difficult than the rest, because the patron stars endowed them with very difficult character traits. Show a little patience to the stubborn wife-Aries or to the obnoxious boss-Scorpio, because any problem can be solved with a smile on your face!
Our editor wishes you a good mood!
Which of the zodiac representatives was lucky to be born under a lucky star? After all, all the tricks can be shoved on not the most successful date of birth.

Here they are. zodiac according "Site"! Where are you?
- 5th place - Capricorn
Capricorn is the second name of Capricorn. This zodiac sign will never do anything they don’t want to do. No one orders them.! To achieve respect for this obstinate zodiac sign is extremely difficult. Capricorns are used to surrounding themselves only with strong people, because their circle of communication is always bloody narrow. If you happen to fall in love with Capricorn, have patience and patience. There's no way! - 4th place - Aquarius
Finding a common language with Aquarius is akin to mastering the art of Chinese calligraphy. Representatives of this difficult zodiac sign are very specific in communication and often appreciate only their dearest opinion. Aquarius differ from other signs of special mindfulnessHowever, often self-confidence and a hurricane of emotions take over. Then Aquarius begin to lose the intended vector of motion, rolling down an inclined one. Everyone is to blame, but not them! - 3rd place - Gemini
Representatives of this zodiac sign are still bad! Bright, gusty, talkative, they constantly become heroes of local chronicles, because they are drawn to the search for adventure. The opinion of the public for Gemini is an empty ringing, which should not waste precious time and nerves. At critical moments, Gemini prefer to escape from an unpleasant situation in silence, wearing a mask of indifference. In achieving the goals, representatives of this zodiac sign demonstrate cruelty. And their life is a chessboard, where they win every day. - 2nd place - Aries
In the second place of the pedestal proudly and confidently settled Aries - representatives of the most impulsive sign of the zodiac. The children of warlike Mars are capable in the blink of an eye ruinIt's been building hard for years. Home, family, career - Aries deeply do not care what to break. Aries do not occupy purposefulness: to achieve the goal, the fire sign will go on their heads with frantic persistence. Aries woman is always right, mate, no other way. In a family where Aries live, you should not be bored - the constant intensity of passions is guaranteed! - 1st place - Scorpio
There he is. zodiac sign. Bravo, Scorpions! Representatives of this ominous sign captured the first place in the ranking, without making much effort. Their character is a deadly mixture of madness, self-love and ruthless attitude to the world, seasoned with a drop of coolness. The children of Pluto are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to sacrifice their lives to achieve their goal. Rumor has it that Scorpio bosses are usurpers. With representatives of this zodiac sign it is incredibly difficult to find a common language, because they tirelessly criticize and ulcerate. Some Scorpios are able to master the skill of hypnosis, although they can not take away their natural charm!
Representatives of each zodiac sign have unique features that affect their fate to one degree or another. However, this five leaders are more difficult than the rest, because the patron stars endowed them with very difficult character traits. Show a little patience to the stubborn wife-Aries or to the obnoxious boss-Scorpio, because any problem can be solved with a smile on your face!
Our editor wishes you a good mood!
What name to choose for your granddaughter
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