Previous articleUzbek hostess gave a recipe for tortillas “like tandyr” instead of bread
In the countries of Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Mongolia, bread is baked in special ovens called “tandyr”. Such a stove can be seen in almost every yard in Uzbekistan. The peculiarity of the oven is that the food in it is prepared not on an open fire, but on the hot clay walls inside the oven. For example, Uzbek cakes are prepared. The taste of tandoor bread can not be confused with anything: a gentle soft dough with ruddy crust is obtained only in the tandoor. Or not? Today I will tell you how to cook Uzbek cakes at home without a pan, oven and tandoor.
Tandir bread can be baked by every hostess in Uzbekistan. Before baking tortillas, at the bottom of the oven, a fire is made from dry stems of cotton or camel thorns, which give a strong heat. When the fire burns, the coals are raked to the center of the oven and begin to bake bread.
The prepared dough is slightly flattened and give it a round shape. The dough is thrown with hands in a protective glove up to the elbow on the inner walls of the furnace so that it flattens and sticks well to the wall. Real masters of their craft do not use gloves: so deftly they handle dough and a hot stove.
The dough is then sprayed with water. It is necessary to guess the moment to remove the cake from the wall of the oven, because at any second the bread can turn into a corner. When the cakes are ready, they are removed with a special hook or bucket.
If the finished cake falls into the ashes, such bread is considered sacred and it is customary to give only the closest people. In the East, bread plays a special role in human relations. According to Uzbek tradition, people who eat bread together become good friends.
How to prepare tandoor bread without oven Tandir tortillas can be prepared at home and without a special oven. Externally and to taste, it is difficult to distinguish a tandir flatbread from a homemade flatbread on a stove if it was prepared with trepidation and love by a skilled hostess.
The ingredients

Tandir bread can be baked by every hostess in Uzbekistan. Before baking tortillas, at the bottom of the oven, a fire is made from dry stems of cotton or camel thorns, which give a strong heat. When the fire burns, the coals are raked to the center of the oven and begin to bake bread.
The prepared dough is slightly flattened and give it a round shape. The dough is thrown with hands in a protective glove up to the elbow on the inner walls of the furnace so that it flattens and sticks well to the wall. Real masters of their craft do not use gloves: so deftly they handle dough and a hot stove.

The dough is then sprayed with water. It is necessary to guess the moment to remove the cake from the wall of the oven, because at any second the bread can turn into a corner. When the cakes are ready, they are removed with a special hook or bucket.
If the finished cake falls into the ashes, such bread is considered sacred and it is customary to give only the closest people. In the East, bread plays a special role in human relations. According to Uzbek tradition, people who eat bread together become good friends.

How to prepare tandoor bread without oven Tandir tortillas can be prepared at home and without a special oven. Externally and to taste, it is difficult to distinguish a tandir flatbread from a homemade flatbread on a stove if it was prepared with trepidation and love by a skilled hostess.

The ingredients
- 500g flour
- 250g of warm water
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp dry yeast
- 20 ml of vegetable oil
- 1 yolk
- 1.5 tsp salt
- Dilute in 250 ml of warm water sugar and yeast. Leave it in a warm place for 5 minutes.
- Soak the flour and mix it with salt. Add the steam and vegetable oil, mix everything and mix the soft dough with your hands.
- When the dough stops sticking to the hands, leave it in a deep container under the food film in a warm place for 1.5 hours.
- Divide the dough into two equal parts and form flat-middle cakes. Grease the cake with water.
- Heat a cast iron or steel pan on the stove. There's a pot lid around. When the metal is well heated, carefully in a protective mitten, put the lid on the pan mid-up and flop on it a cake.
- Lubricate the cake with a whipped yolk, if desired, you can sprinkle it with sesame. Now turn the lid over and cover the pan. Bake the cake inside for 15 minutes on medium heat. Bon appetit.
About the method of cooking cakes at home told an amazing hostess from Uzbekistan on his YouTube channel. You can look at the magic of cooking cakes forever, but it is even better to prepare it yourself.
Be sure to make sure that there are no plastic and rubber inserts on the metal cover. You can also cook tandoor bread in the oven. Heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the tortillas on the baking pan for 20 minutes until the ruddy crust. Then cool the cakes on the grille before serving.
The salt disappeared from the shelves, and I did not have time to make a stock, looking for something to replace it.
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