Think about where we would go if we could use a time machine.

I wonder how much the world would change if time travel were possible. Wise people say that nothing just happens and there is a causal relationship in everything. They assume that any intervention in the past will inevitably affect the future in unpredictable ways. What if we didn’t watch the events of that time, but just watch? Then you can make a visit to my childhood, don't you think?

I would love to go back to those days, hug my parents and tell them how much I love them. Adults were constantly engaged, if not work, then household, without which it is impossible to live in the village, they once again had to show their affection for us, three children. To provide for the family, the father and mother had to plow (in the literal sense of the word).

Peels We stayed under Grandma's care. I don’t blame my family for not having regular hugs and kisses, but traveling in a time machine would help to vent the emotions that have accumulated over the years and compensate for the emptiness in the soul with minute proximity to parents. As an adult, I learned not to be ashamed of my feelings.

I admit I miss my classmates and teachers. I want to plunge again into the atmosphere of optimism that reigned at school, and hear the long-awaited call to jump on recess with my girlfriends in the Classics or Rubber, play the whole class in the Cossacks-Robbers, the Ruined Phone or the Knockouts. Yes, I wouldn't turn down offers to go on an exciting trip in a time machine right on September 1st, New Year's Eve or graduation.

Peels Pleasant Memories It wouldn't be bad to travel by time machine on our first tent tour. No one in the class had been there before, so I got to know everything on the go. The result was a lot of impressions and clothes soaked in smoke from the fire, which dried after the rain.

Although it is better to immediately find ourselves during the summer holidays, when we went to bathe in the pond with a friendly company, and on the way we ate rough berries and fruits that no one washed. The clear days were good for us then, because a huge cloud on the horizon was a signal: it was time to run home quickly to help rake hay. If you stick around, you'll get the nuts!

When the early cherries ripened, we swarmed them like sparrows. Then the most important thing was to stay on the branch, because they climbed the trees very high in search of selected berries, which were usually hidden on the top. Either my taste has changed, or the varieties of the former berries have been transferred, but I have not tasted such sweet cherries in a long time. I would love to eat it again if the opportunity arose.

Peels Friends from the Past Or can you suddenly visit friends on a morning fishing trip? When the pond is completely calm, and the weightless fog for a long time swirls over the water until it dissipates under the sunlight. As a joke, shout loudly to the guys: “He bites!” And then laugh at those who will grab the rod and pull on themselves. Such moments are unforgettable!

I don’t mind being in the garden in the fall, when the neighbors and I burned dry top in the evening, baked potatoes in the fire, and apples were strung on sticks and shoved into the flames to prepare and brew. After such a feast, we looked like devils, but our mothers somehow distinguished their own and sorted houses.

It is with great joy that I will be transported in a time machine to a mushroom glade, where we went with older relatives, so as not to get lost. Now we have to go very far from the city on the boroviki or opopote, and at home it was only necessary to cross the field as soon as the forest began. It was possible to eat enough and pick mushrooms.

I miss that carefree life where all the main problems were solved by adults, and we only helped them as much as possible. Everything was easy then, and the future seemed cloudless. I want to be back in my parents’ house and feel like a little girl.

Where would you go in a time machine?


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