The past, change the present
What is the past for us and whether it is possible to get lost in it? What is the fascination and the danger of memories?
Man imprisoned in the three time categories being: past, present and future. Ironically, it is the basis of our past life. We can not stop time, in the current reality, so our present is already the past. Every second time that we have seen, has already passed. This is the paradox of human existence. In the existential "present" philosophy sometimes identified with the pure "Nothing».
The present - a moment that can not be stopped. The only way to capture the moment - take a picture of it. Photo have stopped the reality of the past. Sam imprinted time does not exist, there is only his reflection.
Past there, but it is
The past has already passed - the distinct advantage of being other temporary categories. Real have not, but there it felt being in the present moment, and it can feel. In contrast, this past can be comprehended only by transcendental.
Future do not exist, it exists as long as we think of it. We try to model the future based on the experience, desires, dreams. So we plan to life, never quite knowing what we really expect. In fact the future is unattainable, because when it comes to the future, it becomes a real and, consequently, in the past. So, if you go into a deep philosophizing, will come that we all exist only in the past, and which recognize themselves in the past.
"Time is like a child, the slave arm looks back ..." Julio Cortázar
Time - an amazing thing, unknowable in its essence. Each is given a period of time and their way of life. The longer we live, the more we have of the past, it fills us, like water empty vessel. A surprising feature of the past is that it is being initially unchanged, constantly undergoing a metamorphosis in our minds. Psychophysical state of man is always different, therefore, different perceptions and memories. As you know, with age, much is perceived in a different way, we begin to see new meanings of the past. So, year after year, our future, dissolving in the present turns into the past.
The variability of perception of the past and refers to the total human history, some chapters of which it is a cause for endless debates. It is also known that the story could reshape the political order in favor of that, of course, should not be allowed.
The past can be a haven
Some people live in the past. It may be old events, attitudes, feelings, warmth communication - whatever you like. In times past the man was well, and he is constantly trying to dive into cherished memories without taking insuperable reality. This state of affairs to save some time, but the connection with the real world is lost. Should let go of the past, no matter how difficult it may seem to exist a speculative future.
Speaking of the past, can not ignore the childhood. It is known that the basic qualities of the personality are laid during the formation. Unhappy childhood - it is a tragedy that remains with a person for life, embodied in various complexes and phobias. Childhood memories are so important because they can never be repeated, even remotely. After a person has matured, he has not changed dramatically, its essence is always the same; added only experience and wrinkles.
Yet, as a rule, memories of childhood delight us. The fact that the children's view of the world differs from the adult. It does not have a high degree of understanding of what is happening: there is no awareness of the experienced knowledge associated with the device in the world. Child only interested in the current reality, which is good, warm, satisfying and fun. He was not worried about global catastrophes, death, price increases, lies, and other attributes of adulthood. As a child, we enjoy life in its purest form.
Over time, the children's difficulties and experiences do not seem so great to us, simply because they were made as a child. Child happy doing the simple things, as it is in the "child" of reality with its own rules laid down by adults. The child perceives the world only as he sees and feels. When a person grows up, he realizes how happy was a child.
The past can be reduced with
mind Past the killer. Past traitor. Past prostitutes. Past a woman to have an abortion. Each of us live actions or events that we would like to fix or forget. But change what has already happened can not be, and worry about it meaningless. Unfortunately, knowledge of the fact of the meaninglessness of anything does not always save us from the lessons of this most pointless - this is the complex device of human nature, which tends, including the self-destructive
. Often we go back to the past, wander in it. Simulate the past situation differently: "If you did not, as I have done, what would have happened?" But the problem is that thinking back to past events, we are not as they were then. If we did otherwise, the whole subsequent life would have been different. It is especially difficult to realize that it was possible to avoid the tragic mistakes. In this regard, one should always remember that life is not rewound back as a movie. Every decision should be suspended. There are situations in which there is no time to think, and often they are the turning point.
For the past can be jealous. You can get lost in someone else's past, like black maze, and never find a way out. You can get bogged down in the reflection so that the current reality becomes unbearable. The past defines the value of the relationship: the more people sharing the past, the closer they are to each other. Without the past, we can not know itself, it manifests itself in our character, actions, work and creativity. We keep and bear in themselves the past of our ancestors, which lies in the genes.
Should we feel sorry about the past? Probably not. Because time can not be reversed. But at least be aware of the error in order to never repeat them in the present. Bad memories poison life. Fortunately, the human memory is arranged so that all the negative forgotten. So by our psyche is hidden from the stress.
In all cases, tragic losses, leaving scars inescapable. Sooner or later, the person calms down, even in grief. The people with whom we have been close in the end, go, continuing to exist in our fragmentary recollections. Someday, each of us becomes a part of someone's past.
Author: Sergey Sadovnichy
Man imprisoned in the three time categories being: past, present and future. Ironically, it is the basis of our past life. We can not stop time, in the current reality, so our present is already the past. Every second time that we have seen, has already passed. This is the paradox of human existence. In the existential "present" philosophy sometimes identified with the pure "Nothing».
The present - a moment that can not be stopped. The only way to capture the moment - take a picture of it. Photo have stopped the reality of the past. Sam imprinted time does not exist, there is only his reflection.

Past there, but it is
The past has already passed - the distinct advantage of being other temporary categories. Real have not, but there it felt being in the present moment, and it can feel. In contrast, this past can be comprehended only by transcendental.
Future do not exist, it exists as long as we think of it. We try to model the future based on the experience, desires, dreams. So we plan to life, never quite knowing what we really expect. In fact the future is unattainable, because when it comes to the future, it becomes a real and, consequently, in the past. So, if you go into a deep philosophizing, will come that we all exist only in the past, and which recognize themselves in the past.
"Time is like a child, the slave arm looks back ..." Julio Cortázar
Time - an amazing thing, unknowable in its essence. Each is given a period of time and their way of life. The longer we live, the more we have of the past, it fills us, like water empty vessel. A surprising feature of the past is that it is being initially unchanged, constantly undergoing a metamorphosis in our minds. Psychophysical state of man is always different, therefore, different perceptions and memories. As you know, with age, much is perceived in a different way, we begin to see new meanings of the past. So, year after year, our future, dissolving in the present turns into the past.
The variability of perception of the past and refers to the total human history, some chapters of which it is a cause for endless debates. It is also known that the story could reshape the political order in favor of that, of course, should not be allowed.
The past can be a haven
Some people live in the past. It may be old events, attitudes, feelings, warmth communication - whatever you like. In times past the man was well, and he is constantly trying to dive into cherished memories without taking insuperable reality. This state of affairs to save some time, but the connection with the real world is lost. Should let go of the past, no matter how difficult it may seem to exist a speculative future.
Speaking of the past, can not ignore the childhood. It is known that the basic qualities of the personality are laid during the formation. Unhappy childhood - it is a tragedy that remains with a person for life, embodied in various complexes and phobias. Childhood memories are so important because they can never be repeated, even remotely. After a person has matured, he has not changed dramatically, its essence is always the same; added only experience and wrinkles.
Yet, as a rule, memories of childhood delight us. The fact that the children's view of the world differs from the adult. It does not have a high degree of understanding of what is happening: there is no awareness of the experienced knowledge associated with the device in the world. Child only interested in the current reality, which is good, warm, satisfying and fun. He was not worried about global catastrophes, death, price increases, lies, and other attributes of adulthood. As a child, we enjoy life in its purest form.
Over time, the children's difficulties and experiences do not seem so great to us, simply because they were made as a child. Child happy doing the simple things, as it is in the "child" of reality with its own rules laid down by adults. The child perceives the world only as he sees and feels. When a person grows up, he realizes how happy was a child.
The past can be reduced with
mind Past the killer. Past traitor. Past prostitutes. Past a woman to have an abortion. Each of us live actions or events that we would like to fix or forget. But change what has already happened can not be, and worry about it meaningless. Unfortunately, knowledge of the fact of the meaninglessness of anything does not always save us from the lessons of this most pointless - this is the complex device of human nature, which tends, including the self-destructive
. Often we go back to the past, wander in it. Simulate the past situation differently: "If you did not, as I have done, what would have happened?" But the problem is that thinking back to past events, we are not as they were then. If we did otherwise, the whole subsequent life would have been different. It is especially difficult to realize that it was possible to avoid the tragic mistakes. In this regard, one should always remember that life is not rewound back as a movie. Every decision should be suspended. There are situations in which there is no time to think, and often they are the turning point.
For the past can be jealous. You can get lost in someone else's past, like black maze, and never find a way out. You can get bogged down in the reflection so that the current reality becomes unbearable. The past defines the value of the relationship: the more people sharing the past, the closer they are to each other. Without the past, we can not know itself, it manifests itself in our character, actions, work and creativity. We keep and bear in themselves the past of our ancestors, which lies in the genes.
Should we feel sorry about the past? Probably not. Because time can not be reversed. But at least be aware of the error in order to never repeat them in the present. Bad memories poison life. Fortunately, the human memory is arranged so that all the negative forgotten. So by our psyche is hidden from the stress.
In all cases, tragic losses, leaving scars inescapable. Sooner or later, the person calms down, even in grief. The people with whom we have been close in the end, go, continuing to exist in our fragmentary recollections. Someday, each of us becomes a part of someone's past.
Author: Sergey Sadovnichy