Soup with melamine: People the grass is not food, and utensils!
We talk a lot about the importance of quality food, but it is equally important to think about the quality of your dishes.
What cookware is safe to use?
In 1997, the National Toxicology Program stated that the tetrafluoroethylene – the main component of Teflon – cause carcinogenic (cancer-causing) activity in rats and mice (Silverstone and Excalibur are covered in the same stuff). Even if this chemical does not fall on the dishes in a meal, it puts in the dangerous situation of the factory workers who produce it.
Fifty seven million seven hundred forty five thousand one hundred fifty eight
Pozarane Teflon cookware may cause contact of this substance in food in the form of small fragments.
In 1995, a study conducted by the FDA before use Teflon for cooking, found that the Teflon coating contains small amounts of fluoride, which may be associated with cancer.
The owners of the birds are afraid of Teflon, knowing that the fumes from Teflon when heated can kill birds!
Aluminum cookware has been the subject of concern after studies conducted in the 1970-ies that found high levels of aluminium in the brain in some patients with Alzheimer's disease. But more modern research suggests that the aluminium in Alzheimer's disease may accumulate due to destruction of the tissues of the disease.
Thirty two million eight hundred sixty two thousand four hundred seventy five
Aluminum cookware can be covered in a light film due to exposure to extremely salty or acidic foods, like tomato sauce, the quantity of this substance entering the food comparable to hit him in the body from other resources.
Copper cookware is valued for its high conductivity, but should not be used until it is covered with tin or stainless steel. Copper deposited on the product can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Glass and stainless steel are safe for health.
Sticky side of the Teflon
When heated to a temperature (360 — 500)is the temperature of the burning – the fluoropolymers used in Teflon down into several undesirable substances, including trifluoroacetate (TFA) — a highly toxic substance for plants.
Another problematic chemical that was found in all samples of blood taken by the Red Cross, relates to perfluorinated acids — perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA), used in Teflon and Gore-Tex and Scotchgard previously withdrawn from.
At high doses, at least one perfluorinated acid perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is deadly to rats.
Last the manufacturer even warns that Teflon when heated can produce a pair of deadly to birds.
Soup with melamine
People are poisoned, not by food, and kitchenware
Dishes beats — expect good luck. But if not beats — like that of a white plastic melamine? Thing is, many say, the farm is still useful. Here and cartoon hedgehogs with bears, and bright little flowers-semicvetik and people "bite": one — on colorful drawing, others at an affordable price.
In the shops will not find it, but at the flea markets and at metro — entire collapse. And the farther from the center of Moscow, the more. According to experts, today in the kitchen Arsenal of every housewife will be found some melamine bowl. But before you pour into the soup, think about it: if all you know about the plate marked "melamine"?
Forty seven million five hundred thirty two thousand thirty five
Registration denied
Ten years ago the domestic market from abroad to the flood of utensils that we never see — from new materials, with original design, at affordable prices. And edges including.
Shuttles carried her suitcases, cars. First European countries and later from Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Hong Kong.
And although her custom designed according to the rules, marking on the dishes sometimes were absent. Our specialists did not know the technology on which it was made, what materials and dyes. But the stake was brought to Russia — by itself the question arose about its sanitary-hygienic evaluation and certification.
During testing in melamine bowls and plates poured to a 4% solution of acetic acid. Left for 24 hours, then poured and missed the present solution through the chromatograph. When the device has shown exceeded for formaldehyde in dozens (!) again, the experts were shocked.
In their native homeland would never come to "shove" the plastic kitchenware formaldehyde — a carcinogen scary!
And the rest of the world thought. It is usually used in the manufacture of wood panels for furniture, decorative film for particleboard, raw materials for disinfection, aminoplastic resins — paints, papers, textiles, and chemistry...
But melamine has received a "registration»
The list of materials, products and equipment permitted by Russian Ministry of health for contact with food products, melamine is not and can not be. The SES, if firms issued sanitary-epidemiological conclusions on melamine products (mainly decorative vases, coasters, candle holders, etc.), in black and white write: "Not intended for direct contact with food".
But experts "Rostest-Moscow" have no doubt "left" certificates for melamine. Somehow they "turned" the car with the harmful dishes. But after I learned that the merchants still got a certificate for it in a major Russian city.
Like the "crack" of poison?
To recognize melamine plates are available for "clothes": it's lightweight, and shatterproof, easy to clean (in appearance it can be confused with the French ware from special household glass — arcoroc and arkapal).
Look at its reverse side the stamp "melamin"? If there is — she is! But marking may not be.
Further, for comparison, pick up a plate from melamine, then glass or porcelain. By weight of melamine dishes will be much easier. And if on it to knock with a wooden stick, it (unlike glass, which "answer" loudly) will make a dull, bombastic, "dead" sound.
Judge — Elena Chekulaeva, a doctor of the Department of preventive toxicology of gossanepidsluzhby of Moscow:
Melamine tableware is very insidious: you never know at what point it will start to leave a dangerous Genie — formaldehyde. When you buy it, the polymer overhand. But once you get into it, say, poured water, formaldehyde immediately came out — it dissolves well.
In melamine dishes a served first and second courses, and that means it is heated, and when strongly the chemical bonds of its outer surface "exploding", causing a dangerous carcinogen penetrates into the food. It happens after the scratches of forks, knives. Any little cracks in melamine ware threat.
Caution poison! Here's how to identify GMO-tomatoes in 2 easy stepsHow global brands are capitalizing the words "natural", "herbal" or "organic»
Of course, having drunk his soup from melamine plates, you're not getting sick. But formaldehyde is dangerous for the body, it acts on it gradually, gradually. As a strong allergen, it can cause eczema, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, irritation of the membranes of the eye, adversely affect the hematopoietic system, liver, spleen, kidney, stomach.
Formaldehyde — and even mutagenic poison which operates at gene level. Without noticing it, humans can transmit to the offspring a hereditary disease of the same Allergy. Finally, formaldehyde in our lives enough without melamine tableware. Furniture, detergents, paints, varnishes, Wallpaper, and many other items too, they are stuffed. So needless to "load" your body still and melamine? published
Author: Larisa Danilina
Source: www.childneurologyinfo.com/health-text-danger_world2.php#l3
What cookware is safe to use?
In 1997, the National Toxicology Program stated that the tetrafluoroethylene – the main component of Teflon – cause carcinogenic (cancer-causing) activity in rats and mice (Silverstone and Excalibur are covered in the same stuff). Even if this chemical does not fall on the dishes in a meal, it puts in the dangerous situation of the factory workers who produce it.
Fifty seven million seven hundred forty five thousand one hundred fifty eight
Pozarane Teflon cookware may cause contact of this substance in food in the form of small fragments.
In 1995, a study conducted by the FDA before use Teflon for cooking, found that the Teflon coating contains small amounts of fluoride, which may be associated with cancer.
The owners of the birds are afraid of Teflon, knowing that the fumes from Teflon when heated can kill birds!
Aluminum cookware has been the subject of concern after studies conducted in the 1970-ies that found high levels of aluminium in the brain in some patients with Alzheimer's disease. But more modern research suggests that the aluminium in Alzheimer's disease may accumulate due to destruction of the tissues of the disease.
Thirty two million eight hundred sixty two thousand four hundred seventy five
Aluminum cookware can be covered in a light film due to exposure to extremely salty or acidic foods, like tomato sauce, the quantity of this substance entering the food comparable to hit him in the body from other resources.
Copper cookware is valued for its high conductivity, but should not be used until it is covered with tin or stainless steel. Copper deposited on the product can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Glass and stainless steel are safe for health.
Sticky side of the Teflon
When heated to a temperature (360 — 500)is the temperature of the burning – the fluoropolymers used in Teflon down into several undesirable substances, including trifluoroacetate (TFA) — a highly toxic substance for plants.
Another problematic chemical that was found in all samples of blood taken by the Red Cross, relates to perfluorinated acids — perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA), used in Teflon and Gore-Tex and Scotchgard previously withdrawn from.
At high doses, at least one perfluorinated acid perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is deadly to rats.
Last the manufacturer even warns that Teflon when heated can produce a pair of deadly to birds.
Soup with melamine
People are poisoned, not by food, and kitchenware
Dishes beats — expect good luck. But if not beats — like that of a white plastic melamine? Thing is, many say, the farm is still useful. Here and cartoon hedgehogs with bears, and bright little flowers-semicvetik and people "bite": one — on colorful drawing, others at an affordable price.
In the shops will not find it, but at the flea markets and at metro — entire collapse. And the farther from the center of Moscow, the more. According to experts, today in the kitchen Arsenal of every housewife will be found some melamine bowl. But before you pour into the soup, think about it: if all you know about the plate marked "melamine"?
Forty seven million five hundred thirty two thousand thirty five
Registration denied
Ten years ago the domestic market from abroad to the flood of utensils that we never see — from new materials, with original design, at affordable prices. And edges including.
Shuttles carried her suitcases, cars. First European countries and later from Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Hong Kong.
And although her custom designed according to the rules, marking on the dishes sometimes were absent. Our specialists did not know the technology on which it was made, what materials and dyes. But the stake was brought to Russia — by itself the question arose about its sanitary-hygienic evaluation and certification.
During testing in melamine bowls and plates poured to a 4% solution of acetic acid. Left for 24 hours, then poured and missed the present solution through the chromatograph. When the device has shown exceeded for formaldehyde in dozens (!) again, the experts were shocked.
In their native homeland would never come to "shove" the plastic kitchenware formaldehyde — a carcinogen scary!
And the rest of the world thought. It is usually used in the manufacture of wood panels for furniture, decorative film for particleboard, raw materials for disinfection, aminoplastic resins — paints, papers, textiles, and chemistry...
But melamine has received a "registration»
The list of materials, products and equipment permitted by Russian Ministry of health for contact with food products, melamine is not and can not be. The SES, if firms issued sanitary-epidemiological conclusions on melamine products (mainly decorative vases, coasters, candle holders, etc.), in black and white write: "Not intended for direct contact with food".
But experts "Rostest-Moscow" have no doubt "left" certificates for melamine. Somehow they "turned" the car with the harmful dishes. But after I learned that the merchants still got a certificate for it in a major Russian city.
Like the "crack" of poison?
To recognize melamine plates are available for "clothes": it's lightweight, and shatterproof, easy to clean (in appearance it can be confused with the French ware from special household glass — arcoroc and arkapal).
Look at its reverse side the stamp "melamin"? If there is — she is! But marking may not be.
Further, for comparison, pick up a plate from melamine, then glass or porcelain. By weight of melamine dishes will be much easier. And if on it to knock with a wooden stick, it (unlike glass, which "answer" loudly) will make a dull, bombastic, "dead" sound.
Judge — Elena Chekulaeva, a doctor of the Department of preventive toxicology of gossanepidsluzhby of Moscow:
Melamine tableware is very insidious: you never know at what point it will start to leave a dangerous Genie — formaldehyde. When you buy it, the polymer overhand. But once you get into it, say, poured water, formaldehyde immediately came out — it dissolves well.
In melamine dishes a served first and second courses, and that means it is heated, and when strongly the chemical bonds of its outer surface "exploding", causing a dangerous carcinogen penetrates into the food. It happens after the scratches of forks, knives. Any little cracks in melamine ware threat.
Caution poison! Here's how to identify GMO-tomatoes in 2 easy stepsHow global brands are capitalizing the words "natural", "herbal" or "organic»
Of course, having drunk his soup from melamine plates, you're not getting sick. But formaldehyde is dangerous for the body, it acts on it gradually, gradually. As a strong allergen, it can cause eczema, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, irritation of the membranes of the eye, adversely affect the hematopoietic system, liver, spleen, kidney, stomach.
Formaldehyde — and even mutagenic poison which operates at gene level. Without noticing it, humans can transmit to the offspring a hereditary disease of the same Allergy. Finally, formaldehyde in our lives enough without melamine tableware. Furniture, detergents, paints, varnishes, Wallpaper, and many other items too, they are stuffed. So needless to "load" your body still and melamine? published
Author: Larisa Danilina
Source: www.childneurologyinfo.com/health-text-danger_world2.php#l3
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