In her youth, Larisa Guzeeva was good, but now she has revealed a truly heartfelt style.
Larisa Guzeeva today shocks the audience no worse than modern rappers and pop singers. She actively leads a page in one of the social networks and the popular TV program “Let’s get married!”. The actress tries on diverse images and experiments with style. Fans of Larisa Andreevna are completely delighted, and envious bite their elbows. But a brilliant TV presenter does not care about the negative, because she confidently goes forward.
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A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
Larisa Guzeeva today This elegant woman is over 60, but she looks just stunning. In 2020, Larisa Guzeeva appeared before the public in an updated form. The actress and TV presenter lost more than 25 kilograms and seemed younger by the same number of years. The fans are thrilled. Photo Larisa Andreevna from his personal Instagram page caused a furor.
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A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
The star of the film “Cruel romance” Larisa Guzeeva urges fans to approach weight loss adequately. The beauty shared with fans that she had previously gone to specialized clinics for detoxes, but there was little benefit from this. It only had a short-term effect. Larisa Andreevna assures that refusing to eat is perhaps the biggest mistake of those who want to lose weight.
The actress notes that after detox you can get rid of 10 kilograms, but after a while to gain 20. She's sure there are no miracles. And to get a fit and beautiful body, you need to train a lot and stubbornly go to the goal. For example, in order not to fill up on quarantine, the presenter purchased a treadmill and a special simulator. She keeps herself in shape even at home.
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A post shared by @lich_nos_ti
Larisa Guzeeva today incredibly stylish presenter is actively experimenting with style, mixes different outfits, chooses bold hairstyles. The audience of her Instagram page is often divided into two camps: some are delighted and others are not. But Larisa Andreevna is not afraid. She is invited to star in various youth shows, and the audience just rejoices when they see the idol on the screen.
Larisa Guzeeva has never hidden that she has not yet found her style. But her sense of taste cannot be overlooked. After all, for more than 12 years, the actress has been leading the program “Let’s get married!”, where every time she appears in new and interesting outfits. Fans carefully look at the clothes of their favorite star and take note of themselves.
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A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
It is no secret that the outfits of Larisa Guzeeva and her co-hosts on “Let’s get married!” are selected by stylists. But even they sometimes fail to emphasize the beauty of the star. Huge dark hoodies and skirts, as if from grandmother's closet, can play a cruel joke with Larisa Guzeeva. You need to be able to keep the stamp, even when stylists did not deliberately give a blow.
But independently, the star chooses very successful outfits. She prefers bright shirts, colorful blouses, and flared dresses. This not only emphasizes the real beauty of the actress, but also takes away her age. Moreover, Larisa Andreevna loves various accessories. Often the top of her outfits is complemented by interesting brooches. The host never forgets about jewelry and jewelry. Earrings and pendants are always in her fashionable arsenal.
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A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
Larisa Guzeeva today is a stylish lady that is not afraid of experiments Recently Larisa Andreevna shared with fans a photo of her new image. The presenter tried on exotic Afro-kudri, and supplemented the hairstyle with a small scarf. The audience appreciated such changes and flooded the beloved star with many laudatory comments.
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A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
Larisa Guzeeva is an interesting artist who will repeatedly surprise her audience with a fashionable outfit or extravagant hairstyle. But that's why they love her. We wish Larissa Andreevna more successful and stylish images and, most importantly, to remain as beautiful a woman and a unique TV presenter.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
Larisa Guzeeva today This elegant woman is over 60, but she looks just stunning. In 2020, Larisa Guzeeva appeared before the public in an updated form. The actress and TV presenter lost more than 25 kilograms and seemed younger by the same number of years. The fans are thrilled. Photo Larisa Andreevna from his personal Instagram page caused a furor.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
The star of the film “Cruel romance” Larisa Guzeeva urges fans to approach weight loss adequately. The beauty shared with fans that she had previously gone to specialized clinics for detoxes, but there was little benefit from this. It only had a short-term effect. Larisa Andreevna assures that refusing to eat is perhaps the biggest mistake of those who want to lose weight.
The actress notes that after detox you can get rid of 10 kilograms, but after a while to gain 20. She's sure there are no miracles. And to get a fit and beautiful body, you need to train a lot and stubbornly go to the goal. For example, in order not to fill up on quarantine, the presenter purchased a treadmill and a special simulator. She keeps herself in shape even at home.
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A post shared by @lich_nos_ti
Larisa Guzeeva today incredibly stylish presenter is actively experimenting with style, mixes different outfits, chooses bold hairstyles. The audience of her Instagram page is often divided into two camps: some are delighted and others are not. But Larisa Andreevna is not afraid. She is invited to star in various youth shows, and the audience just rejoices when they see the idol on the screen.
Larisa Guzeeva has never hidden that she has not yet found her style. But her sense of taste cannot be overlooked. After all, for more than 12 years, the actress has been leading the program “Let’s get married!”, where every time she appears in new and interesting outfits. Fans carefully look at the clothes of their favorite star and take note of themselves.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
It is no secret that the outfits of Larisa Guzeeva and her co-hosts on “Let’s get married!” are selected by stylists. But even they sometimes fail to emphasize the beauty of the star. Huge dark hoodies and skirts, as if from grandmother's closet, can play a cruel joke with Larisa Guzeeva. You need to be able to keep the stamp, even when stylists did not deliberately give a blow.
But independently, the star chooses very successful outfits. She prefers bright shirts, colorful blouses, and flared dresses. This not only emphasizes the real beauty of the actress, but also takes away her age. Moreover, Larisa Andreevna loves various accessories. Often the top of her outfits is complemented by interesting brooches. The host never forgets about jewelry and jewelry. Earrings and pendants are always in her fashionable arsenal.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
Larisa Guzeeva today is a stylish lady that is not afraid of experiments Recently Larisa Andreevna shared with fans a photo of her new image. The presenter tried on exotic Afro-kudri, and supplemented the hairstyle with a small scarf. The audience appreciated such changes and flooded the beloved star with many laudatory comments.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)
Larisa Guzeeva is an interesting artist who will repeatedly surprise her audience with a fashionable outfit or extravagant hairstyle. But that's why they love her. We wish Larissa Andreevna more successful and stylish images and, most importantly, to remain as beautiful a woman and a unique TV presenter.
Cucumbers on foam, which are tastier than Russian barrel cucumbers
She was on shift at a supermarket and cleaning when an ex showed up with his new wife.