Larisa Reis: Stop doing things you don’t like – it will never lead you to success

Date of birth May 21, 1979
Place of Birth of Brasilia, Brazil
Growth of 170 cm
Weight 59-60 kg
The secret to success Larissa Reis. I was born and raised in Brazil. Her love for sports was instilled in her parents, who always encouraged fitness in all its manifestations. In the hall of Larisa from the age of 15 - this is really what she will go. However, bodybuilding is not her only hobby: Reis has a brown jiu-jitsu belt. In addition, Larissa has a real talent in modeling; she was the face of many popular brands, for example, Nutrex Research, one of the leaders in the production of sports nutrition products. And, of course, world fame brought her stay in the team of the super popular publication Playboy.
According to Reiss, the universal secret of success is that you have to do what you really like, otherwise nothing will work. However, many people try to walk the beaten path. At first, Larissa tried to build a career in the tourism business, but quickly realized that it was not her, despite the fact that it was in this specialization studied at the University of Brazil. She gave up her “right” career and never regretted it.
For the first time, Reis took to the bodybuilding podium at the South American amateur championship IFBB in the category “Figure”. And already in 2007, she received a pro-card, which opened many doors for her, both in professional sports and in the fitness model profession. Soon, Larisa moves to the United States, where her career is rapidly developing. In 2009, she became the first Brazilian to win the title in the popular Pro Show tournament in Atlantic City, and took 2nd place on the New York Pro. In 2011, he entered the top six at the Arnold Classic and became the 3rd in the IFBB New York Pro. In 2012, he climbed to the third step of the Australian Pro Grand Prix pedestal and was in the top ten at the Olympia.
And her career is in full swing! The blond Brazilian continues to unnerve rivals and win many fans. Risking to follow the untrodden path of a fitness athlete, today she earns very good money as a model, speaking with seminars around the world, as well as receiving royalties from generous sponsors. Her photos adorn the pages of many magazines.
Her training

As Larissa says, “Patience and love for what you do will one day lead to success.” It will not happen overnight, but it will happen if you keep doing it.” The famous Brazilian uses as a basis such a program:
PN Legs/Games/Buttocks + 1.5 hours of cardio
WAT 90 minutes of hot yoga + 45 minutes of cardio
CP Shoulders / Breasts / Triceps + 1 hour of cardio
CHT 90 minutes of hot yoga + 45 minutes of cardio
PET Back / buttocks / Biceps + 1.5 hours of cardio
Security 90 minutes of hot yoga + 45 minutes of cardio
Sun Rest.
In general, Larisa is engaged in multi-repeat mode As for weights, then, in her opinion, you should not be afraid of regular training with weights. Contrary to the belief, especially common among women, they do not lead to pumping, but only improve the shape.
An important detail that allows Larissa to always remain slim: on each training day, she allocates at least 45 minutes for a cardio session. If it is off-season, then cardio is performed in the morning, if before the competition, then twice a day. Larissa prefers to alternate different types of cardio activity: run on the track or in the open space, use an ellipse or a simulator that simulates walking on the steps.
Larisa also considers hot yoga as a variant of aerobic activity, as well as a great way to get rid of excess fluid in the body and relaxation. But it does not recommend accepting its regime as universal. Choose your own training program individually. What suits one person may not suit another. You need to know and understand your body and choose the most effective program for yourself.
Her diet Larisa does not sit on any particular diet, but just tries to constantly adhere to proper nutrition. Its basic principle: eat small portions every 3 hours. Each meal should include proteins, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Sources of protein are chicken, turkey meat or tilapia fillet. Carbohydrates - sweet potato, oatmeal and rice, from vegetables - brocolli, salad, asparagus. Healthy fats are nuts, such as almonds. Reys has also not consumed salt for a long time. The results of this approach to training and nutrition are obvious – they can be seen in numerous photos and videos with Larissa Reis:
"Never underestimate diet, that's the most important thing," she urges. Do not make it tasteless or boring, try new seasonings, new mixtures, new ideas that will simplify and make cooking pleasant. Larisa is convinced that in order to adhere to a healthy lifestyle long and happy, you need to learn to cook well using healthy foods. In her opinion, even dessert can be both useful and delicious. She knows the recipes!
As for supplements, Larissa uses the products of her sponsor – Nutrex Research: protein, BCAA, pre-workout complex, fat burner for drying before competitions and post-workout supplements.
Larisa Reis radiates optimism and vitality, and is always ready to share advice not only about training, but also about success in general.
But, of course, first of all, she is asked questions about building a body. Reiss encourages all questioners, assuring that any goals are achievable. The main thing is to train hard and not give up. “Never stop believing and never give up. Turn your dreams into reality and work hard for it. Always try to work harder today than you did yesterday – this is the path to follow, Larissa said.

She also recommends setting short-term goals. This way you’ll get more results and reasons to encourage yourself, which will make you happy in the long run.
Here are some simple tips from the gorgeous Brazilian:
Quit doing something you don’t like – it will never lead you to success.
Be patient - if you do not miss training, the result will be sure!
Look for inspiration in the world and enjoy life.
Surround yourself with positive people.
- Don't look for excuses!
- Dream! Dreams are what move you forward.
The main thing is to live as you want. It’s easy – you just have to start!
Source: fitfixed.com