Borsch - not just a meal, but a national treasure! Recipe tested by centuries.
Borsch - is not just a national cuisine, it is a parable. No one language does not turn called borscht red soup, a special smell and taste the culinary charms of this miracle and immediately commands respect. There are many recipes, and each of them something good - with mushrooms, fish, beans, greens, herring, fresh tomatoes and rabbit ... We offer to cook a classic soup with meat, but there are a few tricks that will help make the first more nourishing and fragrant. It's hard to describe the feeling that occurs after eating this dish - soup like warms you from the inside, slurp it with a spoon can be long and thoughtfully, enjoying every sip.
classic Borscht
Ingredients: em>
meat - 300 g; Potato - 2 medium tuber; beets - 1 pc.; cabbage - 150-200 g ; carrot - 1 pc.; Garlic - 2 cloves; onion - 1 pc.; tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.; bay leaf - 3 pieces.; dill, parsley; oil; black pepper; salt. Preparation: em>
1. Pour into pan 2, 3 l of water. Add the meat in cold water, bring the broth to a boil. Slay first broth, meat zaley new water. This trick will help you get rid of the foam and an unpleasant taste, which may give some meat borscht. Throw into the pot the bay leaf, black pepper, chopped garlic clove. The special smell and flavor will get soup, if you add the broth a celery root, but after cooking it must be removed. Less than an hour the meat is cooked and the broth is ready for borscht.
2. Take out the meat from the broth, we shall cut into cubes and add to the pot along with the diced potatoes and grated cabbage. Borsch will taste better if you add a bit of sauerkraut. You can also throw in the soup and even a potato. At the end, when everything is cooked, the potato is necessary to rub through a sieve and season with this soup puree. The taste becomes softer and softer!
3. Sodium carrots and beets on a fine grater, we will cut the onion into thin half-rings. Half of fresh carrots and onions are also cast into the broth. The balance of carrots and onions and beets carcass in a pan with vegetable oil, salt and black pepper. Ideal - to put out all the vegetables separately. Adding to the beet a little vinegar, you will achieve more saturated color meals and pleasant acidity. Extraordinary, but very tasty soup will, if you add a little beet prunes - 5 pieces will be enough for the heady aroma.
4. Add to the almost finished soup is well cooked vegetables. Next - the tomato paste (you can substitute fried in vegetable oil with salt tomatoes without the skin). To taste salt and pepper soup, you can add a pinch of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice to enhance flavor. After 10 minutes, add chopped herbs and squeeze the garlic clove. Bring soup, giving it a little brew - 10-15 minutes.
Fill with soup pounded in a mortar and lard with garlic, dill, parsley and allspice, you make it indescribably delicious. Serve the soup with sour cream and the best fresh herbs. And, of course, with donuts!
Lush dumplings in borsch
Ingredients: em>
500 g flour; 250 ml milk; 11 g dry yeast; 4 garlic cloves; 2 eggs; 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil; 2 tbsp. l. water; 1 tbsp. l. sugar; salt. Preparation: em>
1. In the warm milk vsyp sugar, yeast, 2 tablespoons. l. vbey vegetable oil and one egg. Gradually add the sifted flour into the milk, knead the dough. Put it for an hour in a warm place. You can put the bowl with the dough in a bowl more, filled with hot water - the batter is well suited.
2. Brush the butter the parchment. Pinch off pieces of dough, roll down and spread on a baking sheet at a distance of about 5 cm apart. Brush the uncooked dumplings beaten egg and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
3. Prepare garlic gravy: pestle, grind the garlic with salt and water. Dumplings with sauce and fresh herbs are delicious!
These detailed guidelines will help you to cook fantastically delicious soup. Most of the case and give a recipe the other housewives!
via takprosto.cc
classic Borscht

Ingredients: em>
meat - 300 g; Potato - 2 medium tuber; beets - 1 pc.; cabbage - 150-200 g ; carrot - 1 pc.; Garlic - 2 cloves; onion - 1 pc.; tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.; bay leaf - 3 pieces.; dill, parsley; oil; black pepper; salt. Preparation: em>
1. Pour into pan 2, 3 l of water. Add the meat in cold water, bring the broth to a boil. Slay first broth, meat zaley new water. This trick will help you get rid of the foam and an unpleasant taste, which may give some meat borscht. Throw into the pot the bay leaf, black pepper, chopped garlic clove. The special smell and flavor will get soup, if you add the broth a celery root, but after cooking it must be removed. Less than an hour the meat is cooked and the broth is ready for borscht.
2. Take out the meat from the broth, we shall cut into cubes and add to the pot along with the diced potatoes and grated cabbage. Borsch will taste better if you add a bit of sauerkraut. You can also throw in the soup and even a potato. At the end, when everything is cooked, the potato is necessary to rub through a sieve and season with this soup puree. The taste becomes softer and softer!
3. Sodium carrots and beets on a fine grater, we will cut the onion into thin half-rings. Half of fresh carrots and onions are also cast into the broth. The balance of carrots and onions and beets carcass in a pan with vegetable oil, salt and black pepper. Ideal - to put out all the vegetables separately. Adding to the beet a little vinegar, you will achieve more saturated color meals and pleasant acidity. Extraordinary, but very tasty soup will, if you add a little beet prunes - 5 pieces will be enough for the heady aroma.
4. Add to the almost finished soup is well cooked vegetables. Next - the tomato paste (you can substitute fried in vegetable oil with salt tomatoes without the skin). To taste salt and pepper soup, you can add a pinch of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice to enhance flavor. After 10 minutes, add chopped herbs and squeeze the garlic clove. Bring soup, giving it a little brew - 10-15 minutes.
Fill with soup pounded in a mortar and lard with garlic, dill, parsley and allspice, you make it indescribably delicious. Serve the soup with sour cream and the best fresh herbs. And, of course, with donuts!
Lush dumplings in borsch

Ingredients: em>
500 g flour; 250 ml milk; 11 g dry yeast; 4 garlic cloves; 2 eggs; 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil; 2 tbsp. l. water; 1 tbsp. l. sugar; salt. Preparation: em>
1. In the warm milk vsyp sugar, yeast, 2 tablespoons. l. vbey vegetable oil and one egg. Gradually add the sifted flour into the milk, knead the dough. Put it for an hour in a warm place. You can put the bowl with the dough in a bowl more, filled with hot water - the batter is well suited.
2. Brush the butter the parchment. Pinch off pieces of dough, roll down and spread on a baking sheet at a distance of about 5 cm apart. Brush the uncooked dumplings beaten egg and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
3. Prepare garlic gravy: pestle, grind the garlic with salt and water. Dumplings with sauce and fresh herbs are delicious!
These detailed guidelines will help you to cook fantastically delicious soup. Most of the case and give a recipe the other housewives!
via takprosto.cc
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