Mother-in-law told how to prepare good borscht so that there was no smell of beets
“Every self-respecting hostess should know how to cook borscht with beets, and be able to cook it deliciously!” – once said my grandmother. It used to be. Any woman could easily make red borscht according to her original recipe. The taste of the dish has always been unique. What's this about? Hard to answer. I suppose the reason lies in the proportions that are taken by the eye. Only the burgundy color, the principle of cooking and the presence of beet in it remains unchanged, because the list of products that make up it can change at the request of the cook.
In addition to knowing how to cook borscht with beets, you need to understand the varieties and types of table root crop, because your success directly depends on its quality. Beets for borscht should be sweet, juicy and dark maroon. If you get a fibrous, hard and pink, no matter how hard you try, it will not be useful. When buying a vegetable, carefully look at fresh scratches received during transportation. You can learn a lot about the merits of this product.
The pale color of red borscht is one of the problems faced by young housewives in the process of cooking this dish. To avoid it, you need to know the rules for how to cook borscht with beets. Or rather, how to prepare beets for it, because it depends on the taste and smell of the finished food, as well as the shade of the broth, which can vary from classic burgundy to orange.
Important nuances Borsch can be cooked on meat or vegetable broth. Whatever you like best, do it. It's usually made with beans. Unfortunately, it often turns out that its beans have time to boil. It’s good when you plan on making mashed potatoes, but other times you want the beans to stay intact. If it is impossible to guess how much it will be cooked, boil the beans separately, and then pour into a common pan.
Potatoes, onions and carrots are laid at the same time. Cabbage is advisable to add later, when the vegetables are a little cooked, because potatoes can harden from vitamin C. Greens, salt and spices should be poured to taste. In order for borscht to acquire a bright burgundy red color, table beets are recommended to be put in the last pan in the already cooked form. You need to decide on the thermal treatment of the root crop that you will apply.
Unpeeled beets can be baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, wrapping each root crop separately in foil. It'll take at least an hour. The cooled vegetable is cleaned, sliced with straw or rubbed on a large grater and mixed with the remaining ingredients at the last minute.
The whole root vegetable is allowed to be pre-boiled until ready, and then cleaned of the peel, cut (grate) and add to the borscht at the very end of cooking the dish.
Peeled beets can be boiled whole in the broth for about 15 minutes and removed. Then it is sliced and put in a pan 5 minutes before all the products are ready. From the root crop is advised to remove the skin and rub it on a large grater. The raw mass is placed in dishes with thick walls and poured with boiling water so that it is completely covered with water. The container is covered with a lid and set aside. In addition, it is recommended to wrap it with an old towel. 5 minutes before the preparation of the dish, the contents of the dishes together with burgundy water are added to a pan with borscht.
Grinded beets offer to stew in advance in a pan with vegetable oil, adding a small amount of vinegar to preserve the rich color. Vinegar is recommended to use apple or wine. It is also allowed to replace it with lemon juice. Some housewives add to the vegetable tomato paste and a little sugar. The finished mass is transferred to boiled vegetables.
You can separately prepare a burgundy root vegetable in the microwave. This requires it to be washed, dried and shoved into the sleeve for baking. The vegetable is then placed in an oven and cooked at a maximum power of 10 to 20 minutes, depending on its size. The cooled product is peeled, cut and added at the very end.
Beets in borscht should not be cooked for a long time, otherwise it will lose its original color. The same thing will happen if the dish is re-boiled.
How do you make red borscht?

In addition to knowing how to cook borscht with beets, you need to understand the varieties and types of table root crop, because your success directly depends on its quality. Beets for borscht should be sweet, juicy and dark maroon. If you get a fibrous, hard and pink, no matter how hard you try, it will not be useful. When buying a vegetable, carefully look at fresh scratches received during transportation. You can learn a lot about the merits of this product.
The pale color of red borscht is one of the problems faced by young housewives in the process of cooking this dish. To avoid it, you need to know the rules for how to cook borscht with beets. Or rather, how to prepare beets for it, because it depends on the taste and smell of the finished food, as well as the shade of the broth, which can vary from classic burgundy to orange.

Important nuances Borsch can be cooked on meat or vegetable broth. Whatever you like best, do it. It's usually made with beans. Unfortunately, it often turns out that its beans have time to boil. It’s good when you plan on making mashed potatoes, but other times you want the beans to stay intact. If it is impossible to guess how much it will be cooked, boil the beans separately, and then pour into a common pan.
Potatoes, onions and carrots are laid at the same time. Cabbage is advisable to add later, when the vegetables are a little cooked, because potatoes can harden from vitamin C. Greens, salt and spices should be poured to taste. In order for borscht to acquire a bright burgundy red color, table beets are recommended to be put in the last pan in the already cooked form. You need to decide on the thermal treatment of the root crop that you will apply.

Unpeeled beets can be baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, wrapping each root crop separately in foil. It'll take at least an hour. The cooled vegetable is cleaned, sliced with straw or rubbed on a large grater and mixed with the remaining ingredients at the last minute.
The whole root vegetable is allowed to be pre-boiled until ready, and then cleaned of the peel, cut (grate) and add to the borscht at the very end of cooking the dish.

Peeled beets can be boiled whole in the broth for about 15 minutes and removed. Then it is sliced and put in a pan 5 minutes before all the products are ready. From the root crop is advised to remove the skin and rub it on a large grater. The raw mass is placed in dishes with thick walls and poured with boiling water so that it is completely covered with water. The container is covered with a lid and set aside. In addition, it is recommended to wrap it with an old towel. 5 minutes before the preparation of the dish, the contents of the dishes together with burgundy water are added to a pan with borscht.

Grinded beets offer to stew in advance in a pan with vegetable oil, adding a small amount of vinegar to preserve the rich color. Vinegar is recommended to use apple or wine. It is also allowed to replace it with lemon juice. Some housewives add to the vegetable tomato paste and a little sugar. The finished mass is transferred to boiled vegetables.

You can separately prepare a burgundy root vegetable in the microwave. This requires it to be washed, dried and shoved into the sleeve for baking. The vegetable is then placed in an oven and cooked at a maximum power of 10 to 20 minutes, depending on its size. The cooled product is peeled, cut and added at the very end.
Beets in borscht should not be cooked for a long time, otherwise it will lose its original color. The same thing will happen if the dish is re-boiled.
How do you make red borscht?
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