7 tips: How to make a dishwasher work better
A modern housewife in the home actively using scientific and technical achievements. Microwave ovens, coffee makers, food processors, crock pots — this is only a partial list of automated assistants that make easier our lives. A special place among them is the dishwasher, which helps save a lot of time and effort and just enjoy a wonderful dinner without thinking about what will have to clean spoons and plates. However, its work can be improved. You can learn 7 valuable secrets, with which you can not only extend the life of your dishwasher, but several times to improve its work, and the plates to make even cleaner.
1. Correctly make it fall off the dishes After the dishwasher completes its duty, we hasten immediately to get clean plates, glasses and Cutlery and put them in their rightful places. The first is to get the utensils that is at the bottom of the basket to prevent water dripping on it from above, leaving stains and forcing the extra time to wipe the dishes.
2. Adjust the upper basket To the modern dishwashers have a function of adjusting the height of the upper or lower basket. This is due to the fact that the dishes in the sizes and volumes can be different. For your personal convenience is to adjust the upper basket so that you can load into the machine not only plates and cups, but also high volume glasses and other kitchen utensils.
3. Struggle with strong pollution there Are Lunches and dinners, after which the dishes remain the acrid traces of fat and oil. Such dishes to wash and clean, as a rule, a little harder. However, for the dishwasher, nothing is impossible. It is only important to use it. Heavily soiled plates should deploy face to the center. So they get more water.
4. Use the dishwasher tablets
These pills will help your AU pair to more effectively perform their duties. The dishes will Shine and will be like new. It is important to clarify that to put them is in a special unit. In the main tank too quickly the pills dissolve and not work properly.
5. Alternate Cutlery Surely you have noticed that Cutlery, especially heavily soiled, not from the first time it is cleared. Try to alternate them, placing them in a special basket that handles up and down. So they are much better washed.
6. Do not put together dishes from a variety of materials Silver devices are not compatible with stainless steel appliances. Wash them together for one huge reason. Thus, the metal in contact with silver may lose its color and tarnish. Silver, in turn, suffers from scratches, which can leave a stainless steel.
7. Don't neglect the regime of pre-rinsing Use the 15-minute regime of pre-rinsing in cold water until the detergent does not reach a sufficient number to complete a full cycle. This will avoid unpleasant smell. Also with this purpose, it can handle a half of a lemon, at which time the operation of the dishwasher should be put in the upper basket.
How to choose a dishwasher
Define your needs. It is necessary to answer a number of questions. For example, "How often will I use the dishwasher?", "What is the amount of dishes I'll be in the download?" — this will help determine the capacity and size of a new assistant.
Ask friends and acquaintances, dishwashers what firms they use, and how can you evaluate this product. Also useful to know their advice, because they use this technique longer than you, and can suggest a few nuances.
Do not ignore the advice of sales consultants. The choice of course is yours, but a qualified specialist will tell you in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model and help you choose the dishwasher that will meet your needs.
If in a roomy dishwasher has no special needs, then select the option smaller. Otherwise, your machine will run half loaded, will take up more space and will spend excess electricity, which will affect the final amount of the payment receipts.
Choose options with the functions of saving energy and water. This will help to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the dishwasher.
The more dishwasher safe filters, the better it will cope with their responsibilities cleaning of crockery from dirt.
Find out about the class of dishwasher you wish to purchase. There are 7. Class a is usually the most expensive, in such machines more useful features. Class E, in turn, is a budget version at an affordable price.
Pay attention to the noise that a dishwasher produces in the process. The most comfort to the dwelling are considered 47-57 decibels.
If your house is a lot of fun and restless children, it makes sense to look for a dishwasher with the lock. So, you will definitely enhance its viability and to protect from outages.
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/kak-zastavit-posudomoechnuyu-mashinu-rabotat-effektivnee-7-sovetov

1. Correctly make it fall off the dishes After the dishwasher completes its duty, we hasten immediately to get clean plates, glasses and Cutlery and put them in their rightful places. The first is to get the utensils that is at the bottom of the basket to prevent water dripping on it from above, leaving stains and forcing the extra time to wipe the dishes.

2. Adjust the upper basket To the modern dishwashers have a function of adjusting the height of the upper or lower basket. This is due to the fact that the dishes in the sizes and volumes can be different. For your personal convenience is to adjust the upper basket so that you can load into the machine not only plates and cups, but also high volume glasses and other kitchen utensils.

3. Struggle with strong pollution there Are Lunches and dinners, after which the dishes remain the acrid traces of fat and oil. Such dishes to wash and clean, as a rule, a little harder. However, for the dishwasher, nothing is impossible. It is only important to use it. Heavily soiled plates should deploy face to the center. So they get more water.

4. Use the dishwasher tablets
These pills will help your AU pair to more effectively perform their duties. The dishes will Shine and will be like new. It is important to clarify that to put them is in a special unit. In the main tank too quickly the pills dissolve and not work properly.

5. Alternate Cutlery Surely you have noticed that Cutlery, especially heavily soiled, not from the first time it is cleared. Try to alternate them, placing them in a special basket that handles up and down. So they are much better washed.

6. Do not put together dishes from a variety of materials Silver devices are not compatible with stainless steel appliances. Wash them together for one huge reason. Thus, the metal in contact with silver may lose its color and tarnish. Silver, in turn, suffers from scratches, which can leave a stainless steel.

7. Don't neglect the regime of pre-rinsing Use the 15-minute regime of pre-rinsing in cold water until the detergent does not reach a sufficient number to complete a full cycle. This will avoid unpleasant smell. Also with this purpose, it can handle a half of a lemon, at which time the operation of the dishwasher should be put in the upper basket.

How to choose a dishwasher
Define your needs. It is necessary to answer a number of questions. For example, "How often will I use the dishwasher?", "What is the amount of dishes I'll be in the download?" — this will help determine the capacity and size of a new assistant.
Ask friends and acquaintances, dishwashers what firms they use, and how can you evaluate this product. Also useful to know their advice, because they use this technique longer than you, and can suggest a few nuances.
Do not ignore the advice of sales consultants. The choice of course is yours, but a qualified specialist will tell you in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model and help you choose the dishwasher that will meet your needs.
If in a roomy dishwasher has no special needs, then select the option smaller. Otherwise, your machine will run half loaded, will take up more space and will spend excess electricity, which will affect the final amount of the payment receipts.
Choose options with the functions of saving energy and water. This will help to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the dishwasher.
The more dishwasher safe filters, the better it will cope with their responsibilities cleaning of crockery from dirt.
Find out about the class of dishwasher you wish to purchase. There are 7. Class a is usually the most expensive, in such machines more useful features. Class E, in turn, is a budget version at an affordable price.
Pay attention to the noise that a dishwasher produces in the process. The most comfort to the dwelling are considered 47-57 decibels.
If your house is a lot of fun and restless children, it makes sense to look for a dishwasher with the lock. So, you will definitely enhance its viability and to protect from outages.
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/kak-zastavit-posudomoechnuyu-mashinu-rabotat-effektivnee-7-sovetov
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