How will AI impact your life in the next ten years

We live in a world of "smart" objects; smart phones, watches, cars continue to evolve and spread. But while the term smart (smart) originally belonged to the more advanced features of these devices, rather than to their cognitive abilities, change is coming.
Before we begin, let's identify what is artificial intelligence (AI) in its broadest definition. AI refers to computer programs designed to perform complex tasks that have historically required human intelligence. This can be anything from speech recognition and decision-making to visual perception. The Grand goal of AI is superior to man in any field, but companies like Google and Facebook are also working on the practical aspects of daily and future AI. For example.
Smartphones will become even omniedge with status updates in social networks and self, text set to be the main function of mobile phones. And to present, exchange messages remained in the shadows. Thanks to the advent of new messaging applications (for example, Emu), text messaging can become more efficient. In fact, the application comes with a built-in assistant that gives you relevant information to your conversation. This means that you do not have to constantly copy and paste information or constantly switch between applications to perform basic tasks.
To date, most of us are already familiar with mobile assistant Siri from Apple, built in the most recent models of iPhone and iPod. Innovative, but is rapidly losing popularity in the service allows users to ask questions, to look at the Network and set reminders simple voice dialing. However, problems with Siri a lot.
Microsoft, for its part, is developing a competitor to Siri as Cortana (named after the AI from the popular game Halo). The company hopes that a conversation with Cortana will not differ from talking to a real person. Users will be able to maintain a conversation with AI, and if Cortana will make a mistake that will be corrected immediately and to adapt, gradually becoming better and better. With all this, it is hardly Cortana will be the endgame for the development of AI at Microsoft.
Greater recognition will fotoservisa it to our grandparents or not, social media is not going anywhere. There are new platforms, seeking to chop off a bit of our attention; the old are looking for new ways to make their services even better.
Facebook deals not only with the huskies. In fact, the company has surprisingly many researchers of artificial intelligence, some of them are involved in software development for face recognition, which will recognize people more accurately than other people. It's DeepFace uses a process called facial verification. It does not match a face with the name, but rather to determine when the two images show one and the same person. Very soon you will be able to upload photos, but Facebook will immediately propose, someone at the information.
At the same time (though with slightly different objectives) Google is working on a similar project. Is facial recognition the company is engaged in software, which can exact phrase to describe the scene in the photos.
For example, if you take pictures AT the zoo will be able to distinguish lions from tigers and bears. The description will be something like this: "the bear sleeps on his back" and "two lions playing under the tree." All of this represents a revolutionary combination of natural language and opportunities for machine vision and clearly shows that may follow it. Machines that will be able to understand the content of photos and videos and a natural way to describe it, are powerful instruments and open the door to the world of machine intelligence — using our cameras on smartphones. This is an important step forward for artificial intelligence, and it may be fundamental for its development in the future.
Machine learning and search stroyidustrii intelligence, of course, not limited to mobile and social media. There are plenty of opportunities to improve our devices and facilitate our lives. Artificial intelligence can be equipped with robots that will be safe for people; advanced programs that are useful in business and everyday Affairs; the first improvements will be visible in the search line to which we are accustomed.
Again, we turn to Google, which is looking for opportunities to improve their search services with AI. For many years, Google uses machine learning to understand the needs and provide the best search results. Now Google is looking for ways to better implementation of new algorithms and output into a new era of research.
Although all of these improvements have great potential, and growing concern on the background of the development of AI. Perhaps the most active of the supporters of the safe AI is Elon Musk, he is so concerned about the potential AI that is willing to pay money for that "not to let the demon out of the bottle". He recently donated $ 10 million to support scientific research aimed at preserving AI safe for humanity.
Anyway, Musk, as well as high profile executives from Google, Microsoft, Facebook and other large companies are included in the list of people who are committed to the future of AI. The advantages of the development of AI in any case outweigh the risks. These people are passionate about technology, software, machines that improve our lives. And although we do not know when there will be true artificial intelligence, superior to man, we are moving in that direction every day.
Source: hi-news.ru