Throw a foil ball in the dishwasher and watch it shine.

What a dishwasher does is everyone knows. But not many people know that with the help of this miracle of technology, it is possible to make even old cutlery shine like they are from Buckingham Palace.

Today's edition. "Site" will tell you why foilball To the dishwasher. A trick for perfect cleaning dishes!

What makes a dishwasher Each of us has aluminum foil at home. This is one of those things that can be applied almost everywhere. With its help, we not only bake meat, fish or cover something, but also can sharpen knives, clean silver, take a hike or get a manicure. It can also be used for a dishwasher.

It’s no secret that cutlery looks dimmer and dimmer over the years, and with a piece of aluminum foil, we can make them shiny again.

Also after some time on the dishes in the dishwasher accumulates quite a lot of rusty film. And all this we can prevent with a regular piece of aluminum foil. And all because aluminum foil acts like a magnet and magically attracts rust.

What do you have to do to do that? It's very simple, write it down: you take a roll of foil, you tear a piece from it, you crumple it into a ball and you lay it out with forks and spoons. Great if you have a basket or cutlery drawer. Then you can put that ball in it.

After that, you can start the dishwasher in work. The effect will be noticeable literally immediately! Personally, I've already experienced this trick at home with my sister (I don't have a dishwasher) and can say it's just fantastic. It's really working!

Sister's husband says it's about foil reaction And a dishwasher tablet that increases cleaning efficiency.

To make all this work, it is important to carefully clean plates, cups, pots and pans of food residues. There is no need to wash dishes, but all the pieces should remain in the trash can. If you use tablets, make sure that the compartment for them is dry. Otherwise, the tablet will absorb moisture and will dissolve worse.

And please don't overload. dishwasher. Follow the instructions: it says exactly how many dishes can be placed in the dishwasher at a time.

Happy owners of the miracle unit know that the monthly purchase of detergents for the dishwasher flies into a penny. Fortunately, our editors know the miracle recipe!

Homemade tablets for washing dishes from the "Site" will effectively cope with pollution of any complexity, remove fat, soften water and make the dishes unrealistically clean. This is a real find for those who want to save money!

What a dishwasher does cutlery Thanks to foil, you already know. You can also rub the glasses to shine in this way. It'll shine! Without the foil ball, I don't turn the dishwasher on anymore.

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