How to properly bake in foil
Proponents of healthy eating know that baking One of the most useful ways to heat them. When baking the product, the addition of harmful fats is not required, since it is prepared in its own juice and its useful properties are practically not lost.
If you are one of those who prefer to bake meat in the oven than to fry in the pan, you will definitely need 10 tricks of the correct use of foil for baking, which will be discussed now.
How to properly bake in foil
Editorial "Site" I hope that tips for cooking foods in foil will help you more often to please your man with various baked goodies.
Share these life hacks on baking with your friends in social networks, and let the only sparks that appear in the kitchen be sparks of joy in the eyes of satiated and satisfied households.
If you are one of those who prefer to bake meat in the oven than to fry in the pan, you will definitely need 10 tricks of the correct use of foil for baking, which will be discussed now.
How to properly bake in foil
- First of all, you need to remember that you can not use foil for baking in the microwave. First, it will simply beat off microwaves and food will eventually remain raw, and secondly, such a baking can provoke the appearance of sparks.
- It is equally important to know that in contact with acids, foil loses its useful qualities, such as resistance to interaction with food, protection against the penetration of water, fats, gases, microorganisms and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you should not store food and dishes with a sour taste in it for a long time.
- If you don't already know, you'll be interested to know that foil of varying thickness It has its own purpose. So, the material with a thickness of 9 microns is designed only for storing products. But foil with a thickness of 11 microns is already dense enough to use it when baking in the oven. But if you want to bake vegetables or grilled meat, choose the densest foil with a thickness of 14 microns. This foil, by the way, you can also use, baking products in the oven, if you want them to stand there long enough.
- It is very important to understand that different products require a special approach in cooking. For example, baking vegetables in foil, you need to select all the same size so that they are prepared at the same time. As for meat and fish, it is advisable to get rid of bones that can tear foil before sending these products to the oven.
- If you do not want to peel off the food sticky foil, remember that the products should be wrapped in foil so that the shiny side touches the food, and the matte was outside.
- It is necessary to properly wrap the meat in foil so that the juice does not leak and the dish does not turn out to be tough. You can make a sealed packaging as follows: fold the foil sheet twice, lay out the meat on one half of the leaf, and cover the other half without tension. Wrap the edges on the long side (so you will get a sealed seam) and make two more such seams on the sides. You end up with a bag that you need to pin a little bit around the meat that's in it.
- If you want to cook both the main meat dish and a side dish in the form of vegetables, then lay out vegetables at the bottom of the foil, and meat is on top. With this order of laying out the main dish is better baked and soaked in the aroma of vegetables.
- With the right temperature, you can not worry that your dish may burn or overdry, because foil Don't let the moisture evaporate. The optimum temperature in the oven for cooking meat is 170 degrees, for poultry - 160, and for fish - 145 degrees. If you cook on an open fire to avoid burning, you should wait until the coals cool a little.
- The secret of the blush crust lies in the fact that you need to unfold the foil when the dish is almost ready, and bake it for another 5 to 10 minutes.
- And finally, remember how to determine that the dish is ready. If you cook a bird or fish, you can safely take it out when foil is on. Meat can be considered ready when the seams on the foil darken and the kitchen fills the appetizing aroma of the dish. And if you bake potatoes, you can find out if it is ready by piercing it with a wooden stick or a knife.
Editorial "Site" I hope that tips for cooking foods in foil will help you more often to please your man with various baked goodies.

Share these life hacks on baking with your friends in social networks, and let the only sparks that appear in the kitchen be sparks of joy in the eyes of satiated and satisfied households.