According to my mother's advice, I always keep a foil ball in the kitchen drawer.
Why is there aluminum foil in the kitchen cabinet? She'll save you a lot of nerves. Aluminum foil in a cutlery drawer has a completely unusual application that is difficult to guess at the first time.
Editorial "Site" He'll tell you about the unusual way you'll need foil balls. With this method, your knives will always be sharp. It sounds amazing, but it really works.
Today it is difficult to meet a person who does not use aluminum foil in everyday life. It is ideal for storing food residues, a protective layer on the cooking surface of the stove and even for making your own smokehouse in the oven. But the ability of this multifunctional thing to sharpen kitchen knives is still little known. This way you can sharpen any cutting object, not just a kitchen knife.
Of course, this method will not help you to return to life long dull, rusted or bent knife. Few people think about sharpening knives or scissors before they start to dull. And this is the main mistake in using cutting objects. If you perform this manipulation for prevention, you will have to think less about how to return the sharpness of the knives. Therefore, foil balls stored in a cutlery drawer can be very useful.
Peels How to use foil balls to sharpen a knife? How to use aluminum foil balls to sharpen a knife? All you have to do is take a small piece of foil and put it together several times. Ideally, there should be at least six layers. Then, with sharp knife strokes, cut the foil into 10-12 stripes. If you need to sharpen the scissors, just cut the foil into thin strips. After that, you can check the sharpness of the blade using a piece of paper.
Peels If the knife is sharpened not sharply enough, you can do a second operation with the foil. When the sharpness of the knife fully satisfies you, wash the tool under a stream of warm water from remnants of paper and foil and wipe dry. The knife is ready for use.
This way of using aluminum foil is really very effective, but it is not ideal. It is suitable for blades that have just begun to dull. This method does not work with knives that have long been blunted or have mechanical damage and defects. It is also worth remembering that the foil itself cannot sharpen the knife. This is a hard abrasive film, which by its rigidity scratches the blade and thus removes from it microscopic remains of dust, dirt and food. This method allows you to keep your instrument clean and in order.
Of course, the most effective way to return cutting tools to their former sharpness is the method of professional sharpening or the use of grinding stone, which should be in every kitchen. However, this method can be used for preventive purposes. How do you deal with the stupid blade problem? Share your methods in the comments.

Editorial "Site" He'll tell you about the unusual way you'll need foil balls. With this method, your knives will always be sharp. It sounds amazing, but it really works.
Today it is difficult to meet a person who does not use aluminum foil in everyday life. It is ideal for storing food residues, a protective layer on the cooking surface of the stove and even for making your own smokehouse in the oven. But the ability of this multifunctional thing to sharpen kitchen knives is still little known. This way you can sharpen any cutting object, not just a kitchen knife.

Of course, this method will not help you to return to life long dull, rusted or bent knife. Few people think about sharpening knives or scissors before they start to dull. And this is the main mistake in using cutting objects. If you perform this manipulation for prevention, you will have to think less about how to return the sharpness of the knives. Therefore, foil balls stored in a cutlery drawer can be very useful.

Peels How to use foil balls to sharpen a knife? How to use aluminum foil balls to sharpen a knife? All you have to do is take a small piece of foil and put it together several times. Ideally, there should be at least six layers. Then, with sharp knife strokes, cut the foil into 10-12 stripes. If you need to sharpen the scissors, just cut the foil into thin strips. After that, you can check the sharpness of the blade using a piece of paper.
Peels If the knife is sharpened not sharply enough, you can do a second operation with the foil. When the sharpness of the knife fully satisfies you, wash the tool under a stream of warm water from remnants of paper and foil and wipe dry. The knife is ready for use.

This way of using aluminum foil is really very effective, but it is not ideal. It is suitable for blades that have just begun to dull. This method does not work with knives that have long been blunted or have mechanical damage and defects. It is also worth remembering that the foil itself cannot sharpen the knife. This is a hard abrasive film, which by its rigidity scratches the blade and thus removes from it microscopic remains of dust, dirt and food. This method allows you to keep your instrument clean and in order.

Of course, the most effective way to return cutting tools to their former sharpness is the method of professional sharpening or the use of grinding stone, which should be in every kitchen. However, this method can be used for preventive purposes. How do you deal with the stupid blade problem? Share your methods in the comments.
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