15 interesting and useful facts about chocolate

1. real chocolate called a confection in the manufacture of which uses only cocoa butter and cocoa mass (rastёrtaya mixture of grains of cocoa beans into cocoa butter), rather than a product based on cocoa powder and substitutes of cocoa butter, based on a mixture of vegetable fats.
2. at the tasting chocolate are eaten, washed down with a good gulp of strong tea without sugar.
3. According to the standard chocolate is divided into the following types:
Chocolate ordinary: comprises at least 92% of particles smaller than 30 microns, and the percentage of cocoa butter 31 - 33%. Chocolate dessert: comprises at least 96% of particles smaller than 30 microns, and the percentage of cocoa butter 32 - 35%. Chocolate porous: the parameters similar to dessert chocolate, but has a porous structure due to handling pressure swing. White Chocolate: confectionery mass cocoa butter, without the addition of cocoa grated, the particle size is similar to the dessert chocolate. Milk chocolate: it is chocolate with milk products and cocoa butter from 25 to 31%. Chocolate with major additions: it is chocolate, in which the manufacturing process introduced major add as nuts, candied fruits, raisins, wafer crumbs and other ingredients. 4. In the manufacture of aerated chocolate , chocolate mass during whipping intensively saturated with gas, and at the time of dosing of the chocolate in the mold the casting head, the intensive evolution of gas in form of bubbles throughout the volume of a chocolate bar. It is understood that the pore size and distribution of the volume of tiles is given technological parameters node "frothing". Each factory produces aerated chocolate, its modes and secrets of preparation of porous chocolate.
5. how to make white chocolate? The basis of chocolate bar, that makes her keep in shape, is cocoa butter, which is white in color. Adds the milk powder and powdered sugar to give a white color chocolate, chocolate flavor is attached cocoa butter.
6. The ancient Aztecs, who used chocolate long before the invasion of the Spanish colonizers, considered it an aphrodisiac (a substance that increases sexual energy) and stimulating the development of the spiritual substance.
7. Chocolate has a much greater impact on women than on men. Chocolate contains not only teobromin- drug very similar to caffeine, but also substances that affect the female hormone secretion. The complete elimination of the chocolate from the diet can lead to a period of characteristic symptoms of withdrawal from narcotic drugs.
8. You can not make the cold to a warm chocolate or raw room and then left there for safekeeping. Water vapor in the air, rapidly condense on the cold surface of the chocolate, and the sugar dissolves. With the acquisition of the chocolate room temperature the moisture evaporates and the sugar crystallizes on the surface as a white plaque or stains or microscopic small crystals (sugar graying).
9. At the time, the Indians used cocoa beans as a means of payment. Over 100 cocoa beans, for example, you could buy a slave.
10. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is a potent toxin to many animals. So for cats and dogs median lethal dose is 200 - 300 mg / kg theobromine. Horses and parrots are also sensitive to this substance. Theobromine poisoning in humans by eating chocolate is practically impossible because of the rapid metabolization of theobromine in the human body. Also, theobromine, being the main alkaloid in chocolate, gave him the second name "food of the gods" (theo bromine).
11. July 11 - World Day of chocolate (World Chocolate Day). Day chocolate was first invented by the French in 1995.
12. In the US, you can not buy a chocolate egg. There is a law that prohibits put inedible objects in food.
13. Japanese students eat before exams chocolate Kit Kat, since the name is consonant with the words "Kitto Katsu" ("sure to win»).
14. Armenian Grand Candy confectionery factory on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of activity set a world record by producing the biggest chocolate bar weighing 4, 41 tons, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Tile record of chocolate was produced for 4 days, its length is 5 to 6 m, width - 2, 75 m and a height of 25 cm.
15. The chocolate fountain is used not the usual chocolate, sold in tiles and special chocolate - from the cocoa-rich oils. Its main difference is that it melts at a lower temperature (about 45 ° C) and has a lower viscosity. This is necessary for the proper operation of the fountain, as well as for ease of use with fruit and pastries for the creation of a fund.
Sources: tehnochoc.narod.ru and ru.wikipedia.org
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