Trouble bad mood and prolong life

People who spend all their time on routine work and largely skeptical, more likely to live to a ripe old age. And laughter, despite the well-known judgment does not prolong life. To such a disappointing conclusion drawn by researchers from the University of California, Riverside.
American psychologists rely on these long sociological experiment called «Longevity Project».
The experiment began half a century ago, when Dr. Lewis Terman Psychology compiled a list of a half thousand subjects, which in 1921 celebrated its ten years. The aim of the experiment was to study the influence of the emotional state of the individual for the duration of his life.
The scientist was psychological portraits of participants who supplemented with details of every decade. Participants were required to share their experiences Terman and report on work and family relations in certain moments of life.
In the early nineties followers Terman decided to end the experiment, using the archives of the famous psychologist and his colleagues. Among the documents revealed details about studying in schools and universities, military service records, employment records - including, of dead subjects.
Only by now psychologists have finally completed the monitoring and systematization of the data. Analysis of the information kopivsheysya ninety years, has led to an unexpected result: the key to longevity - pessimism. It is those of the participants, who died long before his graduation with a distinct sense of humor and zest for life.
"Until the elderly lived mostly miser, and the skeptics. The fact that an optimistic outlook on life is often threatened with arrogance. As a result, the optimists lose their sense of prudence: they like to drink, smoke, and did not take care of a healthy diet "- quoted by The Daily Mail Dr. Friedman, one of the leading specialists of« Longevity Project ».
Contrary to common sense, life is carefree optimists is not extended by any favorable emotional background, or from a variety of friends and pets. The success of longevity, Californian researchers believe, is to neglect the pleasures of hard work and late retirement.
"The most optimistic and cheerful participants lived far fewer of those who, for example, was no different sense of humor and never joked," - said colleague Friedman.
This conclusion does not imply the rejection of an upbeat assessment for the extension of life. In contrast, only a timely optimism may help solve the problem, or get out of the crisis, the scientists believe.
Source: www.utro.ru
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