That is why being a donor is not only honorable, but also very good for health.
Donation is an honorable thing, an opportunity to help other people and even save someone’s life. That's just blood donation causes people fear, which is fueled by a bunch of myths and conjectures. Should I donate blood?? How safe is it? Is there any benefit to the donor?
Editorial "Site" He will answer these questions and tell you why. donate blood and become a donor!
Donated blood is the only remedy that at the moment cannot be replaced by anything else. Donation is a noble and honorable act. In addition, regular blood donation, despite various myths, is very useful for the health of the donor. There are 11 benefits to doing this!
This is how you can help another person and improve your life. So if you’ve been thinking about donating blood for a long time, it’s time to decide!
All these problems are solved through donation, but do not rely on this. Our circulatory system is a complex and fragile thing, so it requires special care. Therefore, do not forget to take a blood test from time to time and be sure to check if you have problems with blood viscosity. Take care!
How long have you been giving blood yourself? How do you feel about donating? Tell us in the comments!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" He will answer these questions and tell you why. donate blood and become a donor!
Donated blood is the only remedy that at the moment cannot be replaced by anything else. Donation is a noble and honorable act. In addition, regular blood donation, despite various myths, is very useful for the health of the donor. There are 11 benefits to doing this!
- Stimulation of circulation
Many people have had the problem of thick blood. This problem can be invisible for a long time, but cause considerable harm to the body. After all, blood circulation worsens, from which all internal organs suffer. Clogged arteries, strokes, heart attacks - it's all from thick blood. Donation can be a great way to solve this problem, because regular blood donation improves blood circulation and prevents the occurrence of such problems.
DepositPhotos - Blood update.
Blood is constantly circulating through the body, delivering nutrients to its cells. Also, it is constantly updated, new blood cells are formed. This process is rather slow, and it is much faster for donors. The process of blood renewal begins 48 hours after blood donation, the new cells completely restore the lost volume. This process has a positive impact on donor health.
DepositPhotos - Blood iron levels
Low hemoglobin levels, which means low iron levels in the blood, cause anemia. Bad for the body affects the excess of iron, up to damage to the vessels. Regular donation regulates the level of iron in the blood, brings it back to normal. Statistics show that this method of iron regulation favorably affects the work of the whole body and prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
DepositPhotos - Life expectancy
There is a study published in Health PsychologyIt proves that selfless help to other people prolongs life by 4 years. If donation is free, it is a manifestation of altruism. Trying to save someone’s life saves your own.
DepositPhotos - Oncology prevention
Studies show that high levels of iron can cause free radicals to affect the body. Namely, free radicals contribute to the development of cancer and premature aging. It follows that normal iron levels protect the body from cancer. Regular donation regulates iron levels.
DepositPhotos - Reducing the risk of heart attacks
Numerous studies prove that regular blood donation reduces the risk of heart attacks. For example, in men, the probability decreases by 30%. All because blood donation helps to get rid of excess iron and renew the blood.
DepositPhotos - Prevention of liver disease
Excess iron can also accumulate in the liver, which increases the risk of cirrhosis and liver failure. If you are a regular blood donor, the iron level in the blood is optimal, which protects your liver from harmful effects.
DepositPhotos - Reducing the risk of vessel blockage
When the level of bad cholesterol in the blood is too high, there is a risk of blockage of blood vessels and blocking blood access to tissue. This is due to the oxidation of iron on the walls of blood vessels. And since blood donation reduces the amount of iron, it thereby reduces the risk of blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.
DepositPhotos - Preserving youth
With regular blood donation, it is renewed. Regular cell renewal is the key to youth. Donation will make you look much younger.
DepositPhotos - Regular medical examinations
Blood donation requires a preliminary medical examination. Before the procedure, the donor is measured by pressure, temperature and hemoglobin levels. After donation, the blood undergoes many checks for the possible presence of infectious diseases in it. If found, the donor is notified. This allows you to be aware of what is happening in your body.
DepositPhotos - Good mood.
When we help others, we feel important. It's a way of doing things. Being a donor is a way to help others do something good. And it helps to cheer up and change yourself and your life for the better.
This is how you can help another person and improve your life. So if you’ve been thinking about donating blood for a long time, it’s time to decide!
All these problems are solved through donation, but do not rely on this. Our circulatory system is a complex and fragile thing, so it requires special care. Therefore, do not forget to take a blood test from time to time and be sure to check if you have problems with blood viscosity. Take care!
How long have you been giving blood yourself? How do you feel about donating? Tell us in the comments!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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