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A day in the life of transplant

Yulia Gryaznov tell and show how the normal working day of transplant. From photo essay, you will learn about saving the baby, which was transplanted donor liver her own grandmother. Such miracles happen regularly in the Institute for transplantation.

In the director's office of the current Director of the Federal Scientific Center of Transplantation and Artificial Organs them. Acad. V.I.Shumakova, chief specialist of the transplant Health Ministry of Russia, Sergey V. Gauthier, was appointed in 2008. Before that, he worked in '34 at the Center for surgery.

In the previous year 2007 the Institute made only 10 heart transplants. In 2008, thanks to the new director - already 15, in 2009 - 28, in 2010 - 38, as is the level of a major European center. In Europe, only 10 points that make 40 or more transplants per year.

In addition to the Institute for transplantation make more in a year about 100 liver transplants, more than 100 - the kidneys.

43 photos

1. Employees say that their director is coming to college early in the morning and goes - after midnight. The busy day of the main Russian transplant? We wanted to find out, and Sergey agreed all show. I saw even more than expected ...

2. At the beginning of the ninth in the morning in the courtyard of the Research Institute of Transplantation and Artificial Organs - empty.

3. There is a time to read a quote from Lucretius on a rock at the entrance,

4. Say hello to the hare, which has left under the tree one of the children.

5. 8.45 transplant chief of Russia Sergey Gaultier come to work. It begins working day.

6. The first case - the total planёrka where executives reported on the state of the sick and planned operations for today.


8. After planёrki - discussion of urgent problems of employees.

9. begin endless "seating" of the case in the director's office. A thousand questions: urgent need to resolve technical problems, resolve issues with the chief physician, make an appointment to take visitors,

10. The answer to the questions of the State Duma on the 47th article "On the organ transplant" on the bill "On health protection of citizens»,

11. monitor the progress of operations in seven operating institution that is seen on the monitor at the same time the director's computer,

12. view an impressive folder of documents. And to answer the incessant phone:

13. stationary

14. and mobile.

15. Between phone calls to return to the amended articles of the draft law "On protection of the health of citizens."

16. Sergey loves the director's work, despite the fact that it takes away from time-consuming operations, which he does with pleasure. But it works, remaining because of his directorship of the institute up to 12 nights. And trains young surgeons who could replace him. It turns out he, too: shortage of young staff at the Institute there. Students perform what a few years ago, he could not charge anyone. While there he was forced to leave for a liver transplant mate to perform the final stage of the fence of the graft from the donor and then transfer it to the recipient. But Sergey believes that very soon this will be someone to replace him.

17. Interrupting a "sit-director's" director goes round. For children who have recently had a liver transplant. Their donor - father, mother, adult brother or sister.

To become a donor, you need to coincide blood and tissue compatibility was also. But this is not always enough. "In order to become a donor - it is necessary, first of all, maintain a healthy lifestyle, - says Gauthier. - Our men are often a long history of making beer, or they do every evening drink a glass of vodka. Cirrhosis is not such a person, but rather the liver is damaged. And here he comes and says:

 - Doctor, save my son. I am willing to be a donor.
 - And you can not be a donor.
 - As well? I am healthy.
 - You have liver or to hell. Here you grow thin for 10 kg, you stop drinking today, and in a few months we'll see what you'll be a donor.

The liver can recover. It needs a family who wants everything in it were alive. And, you know, guys sometimes take himself in hand, donors are very good. "

18. How are they going to live on? "Normally should live - meets Sergey. - Here, I have recently seen with our patient. 18. She gave birth to a healthy child only. We operated on her in 11 years. The donor was a father - a tractor. And the pope is also doing well. Still working".

19. And then to confirm him in the lobby - the guy. 7 years ago, he transplanted liver. It looks great, has a family with two children. It works driver.

20. Gauthier - Chief Specialist transplant Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. Therefore, it is often necessary to go on with Shchukinskaya Ilinka Ministry.

21. For example, as it is today - on the meeting of the Commission for sending patients abroad for operations that are not made in Russia. Including organ transplant. Position Gauthier on this issue tough, "We can and are willing to do the transplantation children themselves. We lack the legal framework (and it appears after the adoption of the "Health Act", which was first spelled out children's transplantation, and then followed the Law "On transplantation of organs"). After all, when we send our children abroad, we have to save them, but deprives the child of a host transplantation. Donor resources anywhere a small, no country is going to save our children instead of their patients. "

22. At the beginning of the third starts the sake of what, and all work at the institute - an operation to transplant. On the eve of transplanted heart and kidney. Today - related liver transplant girl 2, 5 years. A rare case - waiting for the second child Mom, Dad did not fit on the blood group. The donor was the grandmother - 53 years.

23. Actually, the operation began a long time ago. More in the morning. There are two teams of young surgeons. Sergey has come to do as he was told, the most crucial stage.

24. He, along with a team completes the separation of the left lobe of the liver at the grandmother donor.

25. The institute 7 modern operating. Now the two of them talking one operation. In the operating room to the right - take part of the liver from a donor. In operating the left - operate with the recipient.

26. The most important part of the operation is complete. Transplant (in blue basin) was transferred to the operating room to the girl.

After surgery Sergey admitted that the transaction from a donor for him - the most emotionally costly. "After all, the donor - a healthy person! We must not only get a good graft, which then will serve as a full liver in small or adult, but no harm to the donor. Operation must pass without any accidents related to the pressure drop, blood loss. Donor - an adult, a healthy person. If this operation when adult children give to parents of the liver - it's working men, it is women who are mothers. This fateful step. The donor then has to live completely full. "

27. This is the main transplant Russia emerges from operating donor,

28. takes a few steps

29 and it is in operating the recipient.

30. With the help of the operating sisters puts on new gloves

31 and proceeds to the phase of implantation.

32. A piece of the left lobe of the liver donor grandmother is standing in the corner in the basin cerulean. Why in the basin? (I, too, asked after the operation). "And what? - Retaliatory surprised Gauthier. - By the way, this is a special, medical bowl. Here in 1990, when we first transplanted liver, for carrying it bought a dog bowl. And when the Center surgeon makes the first heart transplant in 1989 - then it was transferred into an enamel pot with flowers. " And looking at my photos from the operating room, he suddenly asks the question: "Why, I wonder, in the basin of the holes? The first time they saw. "

33. Preparation for the implantation is completed.

34. Basin transplant moved to the operating table

35. "Look, this is - the liver," - says for me Gauthier.

36. Minutes 5-10 manipulation,

37 and moves graft recipient.

38. The transfer took place. Sergey withdraws from operating only at 7 pm. Full operation will more in an hour. At 9 pm Gaultier leaves the institution. Because - summer. Smaller cases. And many people are on vacation ... and the autumn - will again go after midnight.


Surely everyone wants to know how was the operation?

I came back in the Institute for transplantation on the fifth day after the surgery. Grandmother donor once could not see. She was walking in the park.

39. After it went. It really felt good.

40. felt pretty good, and a granddaughter.

41. yuloy skewer so that the doctors had, as you can see, the lock arms and legs.

42. She farther should be good.

43. Because it operated - the main transplant Russia, director of the Institute of Transplantation, a talented surgeon who is very intelligent and a good person - Sergey Gaultier.
