Folk methods of bath washing to make a candy from an ungroomed poor thing
To me, cleanliness in the toilet and bathroom is one of the main indicators of a neat housewife. And there to maintain order much more difficult than in the same kitchen, for example. You've just washed all the plumbing to the brilliance, and in a couple of days, a hated raid appears. And the ever-smoky divorce mirror? Clean up and clean up again! We’re not going to talk about the bathroom today. Here. flushI'll tell you.
On the Internet you can find many ways, How to clean the bath from dirt and plaque. However, it is very important to consider the material from which the bath is made. After all, the wrong tool can simply spoil the coating.
For example, if you have an acrylic bath, do not experiment again. Under no circumstances should be used. particleThey may leave scratches on the surface. Under the ban chlorine, acetone, ammonia and formaldehydes.
Much more resistant to various chemicals are considered cast-iron. In the private house where I lived most of my life, there was just such a bath. And to be honest, her condition left much to be desired. Over time, microcracks begin to appear in it, into which dirt is clogged. Getting rid of her is hard enough. But nothing is impossible!
Folk methods: clean cast-iron bath Cast-iron plumbing is perfectly washed with ordinary washing powder. But if you do not want to use household chemicals again, here are some simple and budget options. Of course, soda! This wand is able to cope with almost any pollution.
For the bath it is best to use baking-soda in equal proportions. Just apply the product to a wet surface. After 30 minutes, wipe the bath with a sponge with a gentle whitening powder and give the composition another 40 minutes. Next, wash the resulting gruel with warm water. Voila!
Brave and experienced hostess often use ammonia on the farm. Mix it with soda in a ratio of 1: 2. Then rub the resulting mixture in all the dirty areas of the bathroom and wash it all in 30 minutes.
Another working life hack. soda in combination with liquid detergent and vinegar. You can use this method if your detergent just doesn't work. To do this, mix all the components in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively. Apply the resulting mass on the dirtiest places in the bathroom. In 20-30 minutes you can flush the product. By the way, this trio does a great job with lime deposits.
Steel bath is not as capricious as acrylic, but you need to be very careful with it. For example, the coverage is quite sensitively. In addition, you should not wash such a bath with powders and means with abrasive particles.
With pollution on the steel coating copes well. ammonia. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tbsp. Distribute the liquid over a dry surface and remove all the dirt after 10 minutes. Next, be sure to wash the bath.
If you are used to using ordinary household chemicals, remember that steel baths are best suited for you. gel. Always wear gloves when washing your bath. It is very important to keep the skin of your hands intact.
Can you use folk tricks to wash a capricious acrylic bath? Turns out I did! For this, you can use the usual toothpaste. Apply it with a generous layer on dirty (for example, yellowed) areas and wash the coating after 30 minutes.
Vinegar will do as well. Do it. vinegarmixed with water (1:2). Wet it with paper napkins and put them on a dirty surface. After 2 hours, remove the napkins and rinse the bath.
In addition, it can also be used and citric acid. To do this, you need to take a bath and pour powder into the water. 200 liters of water will need 50 g of "lemon". After two hours, drain the water, rinse the bath and wipe the surface dry.
If you have a very old bathtub that is difficult to wash, you can always improve the picture of the room visually. It's a great job. bath-curtain. Moreover, this indispensable accessory will save you from excessive moisture and condensation.
For example, my first rented apartment had a great bathroom, but there were no curtains. How uncomfortable that is! Each time after the shower had to tinker with a wet floor, and during bath procedures to concentrate on once again not to splash everything around water.
By the way, maybe you're planning on renovating the bathroom. That's why you're gonna need it very soon. bath-curtain. In addition to classic polyethylene, there are also fabric curtains, curtains on the lifting mechanism, sliding glass doors and a solid glass partition. We suggest to get acquainted with this topic in more detail in our article.
I wonder if you're using folk methods to shine off? It would be great if you could share your proven tricks with us. We'll see you in the comments!

On the Internet you can find many ways, How to clean the bath from dirt and plaque. However, it is very important to consider the material from which the bath is made. After all, the wrong tool can simply spoil the coating.
For example, if you have an acrylic bath, do not experiment again. Under no circumstances should be used. particleThey may leave scratches on the surface. Under the ban chlorine, acetone, ammonia and formaldehydes.

Much more resistant to various chemicals are considered cast-iron. In the private house where I lived most of my life, there was just such a bath. And to be honest, her condition left much to be desired. Over time, microcracks begin to appear in it, into which dirt is clogged. Getting rid of her is hard enough. But nothing is impossible!
Folk methods: clean cast-iron bath Cast-iron plumbing is perfectly washed with ordinary washing powder. But if you do not want to use household chemicals again, here are some simple and budget options. Of course, soda! This wand is able to cope with almost any pollution.

For the bath it is best to use baking-soda in equal proportions. Just apply the product to a wet surface. After 30 minutes, wipe the bath with a sponge with a gentle whitening powder and give the composition another 40 minutes. Next, wash the resulting gruel with warm water. Voila!
Brave and experienced hostess often use ammonia on the farm. Mix it with soda in a ratio of 1: 2. Then rub the resulting mixture in all the dirty areas of the bathroom and wash it all in 30 minutes.

Another working life hack. soda in combination with liquid detergent and vinegar. You can use this method if your detergent just doesn't work. To do this, mix all the components in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively. Apply the resulting mass on the dirtiest places in the bathroom. In 20-30 minutes you can flush the product. By the way, this trio does a great job with lime deposits.
Steel bath is not as capricious as acrylic, but you need to be very careful with it. For example, the coverage is quite sensitively. In addition, you should not wash such a bath with powders and means with abrasive particles.

With pollution on the steel coating copes well. ammonia. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tbsp. Distribute the liquid over a dry surface and remove all the dirt after 10 minutes. Next, be sure to wash the bath.
If you are used to using ordinary household chemicals, remember that steel baths are best suited for you. gel. Always wear gloves when washing your bath. It is very important to keep the skin of your hands intact.
Can you use folk tricks to wash a capricious acrylic bath? Turns out I did! For this, you can use the usual toothpaste. Apply it with a generous layer on dirty (for example, yellowed) areas and wash the coating after 30 minutes.

Vinegar will do as well. Do it. vinegarmixed with water (1:2). Wet it with paper napkins and put them on a dirty surface. After 2 hours, remove the napkins and rinse the bath.
In addition, it can also be used and citric acid. To do this, you need to take a bath and pour powder into the water. 200 liters of water will need 50 g of "lemon". After two hours, drain the water, rinse the bath and wipe the surface dry.
If you have a very old bathtub that is difficult to wash, you can always improve the picture of the room visually. It's a great job. bath-curtain. Moreover, this indispensable accessory will save you from excessive moisture and condensation.
For example, my first rented apartment had a great bathroom, but there were no curtains. How uncomfortable that is! Each time after the shower had to tinker with a wet floor, and during bath procedures to concentrate on once again not to splash everything around water.

By the way, maybe you're planning on renovating the bathroom. That's why you're gonna need it very soon. bath-curtain. In addition to classic polyethylene, there are also fabric curtains, curtains on the lifting mechanism, sliding glass doors and a solid glass partition. We suggest to get acquainted with this topic in more detail in our article.
I wonder if you're using folk methods to shine off? It would be great if you could share your proven tricks with us. We'll see you in the comments!
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