How to apply ash in the country
The very beginning of the next summer season. It’s time for flowering, spring freshness... and garden pests! About how get rid of insectsYou can read our advice to the young gardener. This and many more country tricks and secrets that will make your site the most pleasant and beautiful place.
Often it is garden pests that most spoil the life of gardeners and summer residents. Unfortunately, they not only harm a pleasant pastime, but can also seriously influence your crop. Perhaps some of our tips will help you avoid unpleasant consequences, or even eliminate the problem altogether.
Guest advice
And this is not all the tricks for gardeners that we can recommend to you. Be sure to read on our website about how to double, or even triple your harvest with simple and understandable methods without “chemistry” and unnecessary monetary investments.
If you are just starting to ennoble your cottage, remember that there are some important rules for building a house and a fence that must be followed. This and a few more tips on how to rid yourself of the attention of unpleasant neighbors, you can find in our article!
When you deal with the construction and neighbors, be sure to try to grow cucumbers in a barrel of water. We'll tell you how!

Often it is garden pests that most spoil the life of gardeners and summer residents. Unfortunately, they not only harm a pleasant pastime, but can also seriously influence your crop. Perhaps some of our tips will help you avoid unpleasant consequences, or even eliminate the problem altogether.
Guest advice
- Colorado beetles are the curse of all lovers of growing potatoes on their land. Do not see tasty mashed potatoes or crispy fried potatoes if you are annoyed by these pest. 397768
If I don't save you from them, here's the one for you. radicalism It's about dealing with these intrusive bugs. Take 300 g of dry mustard, add more water and half a glass of vinegar. Be sure to make sure that the mustard dissolves well and sprinkle the potato bushes with the resulting mixture. - If only flowering They will give you happiness, and they are not in a hurry to finally please you, then we will please you! Dissolve 100 g of yeast in 10 liters of water and water your favorite flowers once a month with this solution.
Very soon your favorites will please you with spring colors! - Unfortunately, almost all fertile black soil has long been depleted, and to get a good harvestIt is necessary to fertilize the soil well. But where do you get that much fertilizer? And what is the point of buying fertilizers specifically, if you planted a carrot to save at least a little?
The answer is simple! Use it. waste. Coffee, egg shells and even tea brewing with banana skins are perfect for soil fertilizer! - Start of the season It can be quite cool sometimes. That is why it is necessary to protect such tender and tender sprouts. With such a task individual greenhouses from gluten will cope perfectly. They’re cheap, they’re easy to make, and they’ll be available next year!
- It’s not just insects that can significantly damage your crop. There are more rodents, and this attack is much more serious! But I don’t want to use it that way. heavy-chemical And poison the vegetables that you'll then cut into salad for your children.
And don't! Trust me. common-soap He can also do this task well. And he'll keep the aphids away from your landings. - Aphids and Colorado beetles want to scare away, but butterflies are harmless and very beautiful creatures. You can easily attract them to your site. delight.
To do this, place containers with water and small pieces of fruit everywhere. Sweet smell. It will quickly attract these insects, and your children will enjoy this little magic! - Even our grandmothers could find 10 ways to use ordinary ash from the oven. And here's one. Wood ash is an excellent eco-friendly remedy against cabbage mite, snails and aphids. In order to protect your site from these pests, just sprinkle the ash earth around the plants.
Orchard pest control It is difficult, and the money for it also needs serious. - How to water the plants quickly without damaging them root-system? A regular plastic bottle will help. Make a couple of holes in it and bury it near the plants. Pouring water into a bottle, you irrigate the root system, but you do not damage it with jets of water.
- If you have heard the superstition that climbing They can suck energy or do worse things, forget about these prejudices and boldly plant a bottle or rose near your fence.
Such plants are the perfect way to improve flat-face Or decorate an old hedge. If you want to do it faster, plant sweet peas and nasturtium! - Fresh air is needed not only for people, but also for plants. If you do not have enough flowers at the cottage, be sure to bring flowers from the house in pots and place them in the yard and in the garden. Most domestic plants feel great in the fresh air.
And this is not all the tricks for gardeners that we can recommend to you. Be sure to read on our website about how to double, or even triple your harvest with simple and understandable methods without “chemistry” and unnecessary monetary investments.

If you are just starting to ennoble your cottage, remember that there are some important rules for building a house and a fence that must be followed. This and a few more tips on how to rid yourself of the attention of unpleasant neighbors, you can find in our article!
When you deal with the construction and neighbors, be sure to try to grow cucumbers in a barrel of water. We'll tell you how!