Application of cedar tincture in folk medicine
One common evergreen plant belonging to the pine family is cedar. Cedars have always been considered powerful trees, and not in vain. The average cedar can reach 45 m in height. The girth of the trunk of such a giant is usually 1.8 m. In the cedar forest you can find trees that are more than 700 years old. Finding a cedar tree is easiest in Siberia. The indigenous people of this region have long used the fruits of cedar not only as a delicacy, but also as the most effective remedy for various diseases. The shells and kernels of pine nuts contain many nutrients and biologically active substances. In addition, pine nuts are well absorbed and do not load the digestive system. One of the remedies based on nuts is alcohol cedar tincture.
For the preparation of any drug based on cedar seeds, cedar nuts in the shell are best suited. If possible, buy nuts right in the cones. So they are stored much longer, which means that their benefits do not decrease over time. But in cooking it is better to use peeled nuts. Cooking dishes with peeled pine nuts takes much less time. In addition, a handful of pine nuts can completely replace a full lunch. So use them more often for snacks.
It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of pine nuts. The seeds of powerful cedar are rich in vitamins B, P, D, E, A, C. Most of these vitamins from nuts go into an alcohol-containing base during the preparation of tincture. In addition, the tincture of pine nuts contains a number of important minerals - phosphorus, magnesium potassium, zinc, boron, iron, tin, molybdenum, iodine, nickel, silicon. Cedar tincture also contains many antioxidants and beneficial amino acids. The use of tincture of pine nuts is still important in many areas of traditional medicine.
Tincture on cedar cones in Russia was used as a cure for a variety of, often severe, diseases. This tradition has reached us as well. The benefit of cedar tincture is, first of all, that it can be used to combat stomach diseases. So, cedar tincture is recommended to be taken with gastritis. Cedar tincture on alcohol, moonshine or vodka helps to cope with skin diseases. For this, infused pine nuts can be used both externally and internally.
Cedar nuts are an excellent immunomodulator. Therefore, cedar tincture to raise immunity is recommended to be taken during colds, flu, after severe infectious diseases, in the postoperative period. Tincture of cedar nuts on alcohol invigorates and tones. If a person is exhausted by insomnia, constant stress, infections and any other negative factors, the tincture of pine nuts will help to improve health and restore strength. Take note of this medicine and take tincture as a prevention of vitamin deficiency in the spring and to promote health in the fall. Among other things, the tincture of pine nuts on alcohol or vodka allows you to get rid of salt deposits, joint pain and normalize pressure.
You have probably already noticed that the list of useful properties and the scope of application of cedar nut tincture is quite extensive. Many doctors recommend this medicine as a means to relieve edema and rheumatism. In some cases, tincture allows you to completely get rid of eye diseases. Another advantage of cedar tincture is that it helps to cleanse the blood of toxins, and its regular use rejuvenates cells, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
Treatment with cedar tincture is always effective and successful, especially if you use it in the fight against inflammatory diseases. Rheumatism, gout, arthritis are the most common joint diseases. But if you regularly use tincture in the treatment of joint diseases, you can significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. In addition, science knows cases when cedar tincture allowed to stop the development of oncology. So, with uterine fibroids, the tincture of cedar nuts allows you to completely get rid of a benign neoplasm. If you supplement traditional therapy with tincture of pine nuts, you can forever forget about this serious disease. Cedar tincture does not always have to be taken inside. It can be used in the form of applications, lotions, compresses, douching, etc.
Tincture of pine nuts can be prepared in different ways. Depending on the recipe, tincture can be not only an excellent medicine, but also an excellent addition to the festive table. However, this tool has a number of contraindications. Despite the impressive benefits of cedar seeds, tincture of pine nuts is forbidden to take in any trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, in childhood. Tincture will bring more harm than benefit to people suffering from allergies, as well as serious diseases of the kidneys, liver. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult a doctor whether it is possible to take cedar tincture as an adjunct therapy to the main treatment.
During treatment, tincture of pine nuts is better to drink in a diluted form. Most often it is added to tea or diluted with clean water. The therapeutic effect of tincture can be felt even if you take only one teaspoon of the medicine. However, for each disease, the recommended dose of cedar tincture may be different. So in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take 20 drops of tincture after eating, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Unlike many other alcohol-containing drugs that are prohibited for erosive and peptic diseases of the stomach and intestines, drinking cedar tincture is quite permissible, since it has a milder effect on the digestive organs.
Externally, tincture of cedar nuts should be used for wounds and sores on the skin, with first-degree burns, inflammation of the mucous membranes and joints.
Recipes of cedar tinctures on alcohol or vodka are quite a lot. But they all differ only in additional ingredients such as raisins, honey, vanillin and other spices. The rest of the cooking technology is about the same.
To make cedar tincture you will need: 3 liters of moonshine, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 55 g of black raisins and 100 g of cedar nuts in the shell.
Pine nuts and raisins thoroughly wash, pour into a large glass bottle, add sugar and pour moonshine. Close the bottle tightly. Insist cedar nuts in a dark place for three months. Then filter the tincture and pour into bottles.
Tincture prepared according to the following recipe, drink not only useful, but also pleasant, as it turns out to be very tasty.
For the preparation of cedar tincture take: half a liter of moonshine, vodka or diluted alcohol, a tablespoon of sugar, a black currant leaf, a pinch of vanillin, 40 g of pine nuts in shells and 3 g of orange peel.
To get orange peel, take an orange. Wash it and dry it. Then thinly cut its top layer. Grind it if necessary. At the same time, try not to touch the white part of the orange peel, because it contains the main bitterness of the citrus fruit. Then dry the zest for two days in the sun.
In general, cedar can be prepared without additional ingredients, but vanillin, currant leaf and orange peel will make cedar tincture softer. As for the liquid base, it is better to take vodka to prepare the tincture. If it is not, then alcohol diluted to 45 degrees with water or double distillation moonshine is suitable. It should be borne in mind that the taste of the tincture will also change from the selected alcohol.
So, put the nuts in a metal container, pour boiling water, mix. Pour the water. Do this manipulation three times. Such evaporation will get rid of the oily base of nuts, so that the smell of tincture will become more pleasant.
Well-washed nuts put in a glass container, add vanillin, currant leaf, orange peel and sugar. Pour all the vodka and stir. Close the can or bottle tightly. Put it in a warm place for ten days. Put the drink in the refrigerator for another 4 days. When the tincture stands, you can try it.
Prepare cedar tincture with vodka can be not only from nuts, but also from the shell. The shell of pine nuts also contains vitamins and minerals, but the nutritional value of the shell is much less than cedar kernels. It has a lot of poorly digestible fiber, so even in the manufacture of animal feed, nut shells are used extremely rarely. But for medicinal purposes, shells of pine nuts are very useful. Tincture of cedar nut shell is used as a rubbing for joint pain, gout, rheumatism, body aches and bronchitis. However, such a tincture can be used inside. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves intestinal peristalsis, restores normal digestion, gives strength and raises tone.
To prepare cedar tincture you will need: half a liter of vodka (samogone or diluted alcohol), 1.5 cups of cedar shell.
First, wash the shells, dry them with a napkin. Then put it in a glass jar. Pour some vodka. Close it with a lid and shake it. Insist the shell in a dark place for at least ten days. Then strain the tincture and pour into the bottle. Take the tincture of cedar shells in a tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 40-60 days, depending on the disease. In general, tincture on cedar shell can be treated up to five times a year.
Source: krugznaniy.ru
Source: /users/1077
For the preparation of any drug based on cedar seeds, cedar nuts in the shell are best suited. If possible, buy nuts right in the cones. So they are stored much longer, which means that their benefits do not decrease over time. But in cooking it is better to use peeled nuts. Cooking dishes with peeled pine nuts takes much less time. In addition, a handful of pine nuts can completely replace a full lunch. So use them more often for snacks.

It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of pine nuts. The seeds of powerful cedar are rich in vitamins B, P, D, E, A, C. Most of these vitamins from nuts go into an alcohol-containing base during the preparation of tincture. In addition, the tincture of pine nuts contains a number of important minerals - phosphorus, magnesium potassium, zinc, boron, iron, tin, molybdenum, iodine, nickel, silicon. Cedar tincture also contains many antioxidants and beneficial amino acids. The use of tincture of pine nuts is still important in many areas of traditional medicine.
Tincture on cedar cones in Russia was used as a cure for a variety of, often severe, diseases. This tradition has reached us as well. The benefit of cedar tincture is, first of all, that it can be used to combat stomach diseases. So, cedar tincture is recommended to be taken with gastritis. Cedar tincture on alcohol, moonshine or vodka helps to cope with skin diseases. For this, infused pine nuts can be used both externally and internally.
Cedar nuts are an excellent immunomodulator. Therefore, cedar tincture to raise immunity is recommended to be taken during colds, flu, after severe infectious diseases, in the postoperative period. Tincture of cedar nuts on alcohol invigorates and tones. If a person is exhausted by insomnia, constant stress, infections and any other negative factors, the tincture of pine nuts will help to improve health and restore strength. Take note of this medicine and take tincture as a prevention of vitamin deficiency in the spring and to promote health in the fall. Among other things, the tincture of pine nuts on alcohol or vodka allows you to get rid of salt deposits, joint pain and normalize pressure.
You have probably already noticed that the list of useful properties and the scope of application of cedar nut tincture is quite extensive. Many doctors recommend this medicine as a means to relieve edema and rheumatism. In some cases, tincture allows you to completely get rid of eye diseases. Another advantage of cedar tincture is that it helps to cleanse the blood of toxins, and its regular use rejuvenates cells, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
Treatment with cedar tincture is always effective and successful, especially if you use it in the fight against inflammatory diseases. Rheumatism, gout, arthritis are the most common joint diseases. But if you regularly use tincture in the treatment of joint diseases, you can significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms. In addition, science knows cases when cedar tincture allowed to stop the development of oncology. So, with uterine fibroids, the tincture of cedar nuts allows you to completely get rid of a benign neoplasm. If you supplement traditional therapy with tincture of pine nuts, you can forever forget about this serious disease. Cedar tincture does not always have to be taken inside. It can be used in the form of applications, lotions, compresses, douching, etc.
Tincture of pine nuts can be prepared in different ways. Depending on the recipe, tincture can be not only an excellent medicine, but also an excellent addition to the festive table. However, this tool has a number of contraindications. Despite the impressive benefits of cedar seeds, tincture of pine nuts is forbidden to take in any trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, in childhood. Tincture will bring more harm than benefit to people suffering from allergies, as well as serious diseases of the kidneys, liver. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult a doctor whether it is possible to take cedar tincture as an adjunct therapy to the main treatment.
During treatment, tincture of pine nuts is better to drink in a diluted form. Most often it is added to tea or diluted with clean water. The therapeutic effect of tincture can be felt even if you take only one teaspoon of the medicine. However, for each disease, the recommended dose of cedar tincture may be different. So in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take 20 drops of tincture after eating, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Unlike many other alcohol-containing drugs that are prohibited for erosive and peptic diseases of the stomach and intestines, drinking cedar tincture is quite permissible, since it has a milder effect on the digestive organs.
Externally, tincture of cedar nuts should be used for wounds and sores on the skin, with first-degree burns, inflammation of the mucous membranes and joints.
Recipes of cedar tinctures on alcohol or vodka are quite a lot. But they all differ only in additional ingredients such as raisins, honey, vanillin and other spices. The rest of the cooking technology is about the same.
To make cedar tincture you will need: 3 liters of moonshine, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 55 g of black raisins and 100 g of cedar nuts in the shell.
Pine nuts and raisins thoroughly wash, pour into a large glass bottle, add sugar and pour moonshine. Close the bottle tightly. Insist cedar nuts in a dark place for three months. Then filter the tincture and pour into bottles.
Tincture prepared according to the following recipe, drink not only useful, but also pleasant, as it turns out to be very tasty.
For the preparation of cedar tincture take: half a liter of moonshine, vodka or diluted alcohol, a tablespoon of sugar, a black currant leaf, a pinch of vanillin, 40 g of pine nuts in shells and 3 g of orange peel.
To get orange peel, take an orange. Wash it and dry it. Then thinly cut its top layer. Grind it if necessary. At the same time, try not to touch the white part of the orange peel, because it contains the main bitterness of the citrus fruit. Then dry the zest for two days in the sun.
In general, cedar can be prepared without additional ingredients, but vanillin, currant leaf and orange peel will make cedar tincture softer. As for the liquid base, it is better to take vodka to prepare the tincture. If it is not, then alcohol diluted to 45 degrees with water or double distillation moonshine is suitable. It should be borne in mind that the taste of the tincture will also change from the selected alcohol.
So, put the nuts in a metal container, pour boiling water, mix. Pour the water. Do this manipulation three times. Such evaporation will get rid of the oily base of nuts, so that the smell of tincture will become more pleasant.
Well-washed nuts put in a glass container, add vanillin, currant leaf, orange peel and sugar. Pour all the vodka and stir. Close the can or bottle tightly. Put it in a warm place for ten days. Put the drink in the refrigerator for another 4 days. When the tincture stands, you can try it.
Prepare cedar tincture with vodka can be not only from nuts, but also from the shell. The shell of pine nuts also contains vitamins and minerals, but the nutritional value of the shell is much less than cedar kernels. It has a lot of poorly digestible fiber, so even in the manufacture of animal feed, nut shells are used extremely rarely. But for medicinal purposes, shells of pine nuts are very useful. Tincture of cedar nut shell is used as a rubbing for joint pain, gout, rheumatism, body aches and bronchitis. However, such a tincture can be used inside. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improves intestinal peristalsis, restores normal digestion, gives strength and raises tone.
To prepare cedar tincture you will need: half a liter of vodka (samogone or diluted alcohol), 1.5 cups of cedar shell.
First, wash the shells, dry them with a napkin. Then put it in a glass jar. Pour some vodka. Close it with a lid and shake it. Insist the shell in a dark place for at least ten days. Then strain the tincture and pour into the bottle. Take the tincture of cedar shells in a tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 40-60 days, depending on the disease. In general, tincture on cedar shell can be treated up to five times a year.
Source: krugznaniy.ru
Source: /users/1077
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