Recipe infusions in the cashtan dals of varicosis
Who would have imagined that these small, ugly fruits could be so useful? But this is a storehouse of useful substances! Horse chestnut helps to cleanse the body, restore male strength and heal severe wounds. And that’s not all, the list of useful properties is very long.
Today's edition. "Site" will tell you horse chestnut, and also share the recipe for tincture, which has a stunning effect on varicose veins.
It is believed that horse chestnut was introduced to Central Europe by the Ottomans as horse feed. The true homeland of this plant is the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula: Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria. In our region, the tree is planted in parks for decoration and landscaping of urban areas.
But this is not just a decorative tree - it is a real healer. All parts of the plant are useful: fruits, leaves, bark. From all this, ointments and tinctures are prepared. Horse chestnut is recognized even by traditional medicine, its extract is added to various drugs with anti-inflammatory and venoprotective properties.
DepositPhotos In folk medicine, the most healing are considered horse chestnut. They are used to cure all kinds of diseases. Healers say that these fruits have a special energy and recommend keeping a couple of chestnuts in your pockets.
If we talk about the workpiece, then the flowers and leaves of chestnut are harvested in May. Nuts are harvested from the beginning of September to the end of October, bark - from the beginning of October.
This incredible benefit of horse chestnut provides its chemical composition. The juicy fruits contain a lot of escin, tannins, as well as vitamins C, K, B1. In folk medicine, chestnut is considered an excellent tool for accelerating blood flow in the body, preventing blood clots and reducing blood viscosity.
Horse chestnut when used in ointments is able to treat old and purulent wounds, extensive burns, frostbite and abscesses. And a real treasure is considered a tincture of horse chestnut, which, among other things, helps perfectly with varicose veins. The recipe for this tincture we will share with you.
Tincture of chestnut from varicose veins For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, you need to take the fruits of chestnut, clean them of spiny, and then from brown shells. The flesh must be crushed in a blender or meat grinder. Then 100 grams of crushed chestnuts pour 1 liter of quality vodka.
After that, you need to leave the mixture for about a week in a dark and cool place, shaking it daily. Then tincture the strain and pour into a clean container. Here she is. The tincture can be taken orally 15 drops three times a day, as well as rubbed into damaged areas in the morning and evening. It helps well with swelling, heaviness in the legs, convulsions that occur with varicose veins.
Complex therapy perfectly helps to improve blood circulation in the legs. This, of course, is not a magical elixir, and it will not cure advanced varicose veins in a couple of receptions. But the effect will be noticeable if you do the procedure regularly. Tincture is also used for bruises and bruises.
There is another recipe for tincture, which is prepared from the chestnut peel. Collect 30 chestnuts, peel them, grind it, fold the mass in a convenient container and pour 1 liter of vodka. Then insist in a dark place for 2 weeks and strain at the end. You need to take the tincture 30 minutes before a meal, you need to dilute 25 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water.
This course lasts about three weeks, after which you need to take a break for a week and repeat again. This tincture is great for hypertension and varicose veins. Just remember that self-medication is dangerous, so be sure to consult a doctor before taking.
And this is not the entire list of diseases that horse chestnut can cope with. We have recently written to you about the other benefits of these fruits and the remedies that can be prepared from them.
Treatment of varicose veins should be comprehensive. Earlier we wrote about gymnastics against varicose veins, which will help keep the vessels in tone.
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Today's edition. "Site" will tell you horse chestnut, and also share the recipe for tincture, which has a stunning effect on varicose veins.

It is believed that horse chestnut was introduced to Central Europe by the Ottomans as horse feed. The true homeland of this plant is the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula: Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria. In our region, the tree is planted in parks for decoration and landscaping of urban areas.
But this is not just a decorative tree - it is a real healer. All parts of the plant are useful: fruits, leaves, bark. From all this, ointments and tinctures are prepared. Horse chestnut is recognized even by traditional medicine, its extract is added to various drugs with anti-inflammatory and venoprotective properties.

DepositPhotos In folk medicine, the most healing are considered horse chestnut. They are used to cure all kinds of diseases. Healers say that these fruits have a special energy and recommend keeping a couple of chestnuts in your pockets.
If we talk about the workpiece, then the flowers and leaves of chestnut are harvested in May. Nuts are harvested from the beginning of September to the end of October, bark - from the beginning of October.
This incredible benefit of horse chestnut provides its chemical composition. The juicy fruits contain a lot of escin, tannins, as well as vitamins C, K, B1. In folk medicine, chestnut is considered an excellent tool for accelerating blood flow in the body, preventing blood clots and reducing blood viscosity.

Horse chestnut when used in ointments is able to treat old and purulent wounds, extensive burns, frostbite and abscesses. And a real treasure is considered a tincture of horse chestnut, which, among other things, helps perfectly with varicose veins. The recipe for this tincture we will share with you.
Tincture of chestnut from varicose veins For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, you need to take the fruits of chestnut, clean them of spiny, and then from brown shells. The flesh must be crushed in a blender or meat grinder. Then 100 grams of crushed chestnuts pour 1 liter of quality vodka.
After that, you need to leave the mixture for about a week in a dark and cool place, shaking it daily. Then tincture the strain and pour into a clean container. Here she is. The tincture can be taken orally 15 drops three times a day, as well as rubbed into damaged areas in the morning and evening. It helps well with swelling, heaviness in the legs, convulsions that occur with varicose veins.

Complex therapy perfectly helps to improve blood circulation in the legs. This, of course, is not a magical elixir, and it will not cure advanced varicose veins in a couple of receptions. But the effect will be noticeable if you do the procedure regularly. Tincture is also used for bruises and bruises.
There is another recipe for tincture, which is prepared from the chestnut peel. Collect 30 chestnuts, peel them, grind it, fold the mass in a convenient container and pour 1 liter of vodka. Then insist in a dark place for 2 weeks and strain at the end. You need to take the tincture 30 minutes before a meal, you need to dilute 25 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water.
This course lasts about three weeks, after which you need to take a break for a week and repeat again. This tincture is great for hypertension and varicose veins. Just remember that self-medication is dangerous, so be sure to consult a doctor before taking.

And this is not the entire list of diseases that horse chestnut can cope with. We have recently written to you about the other benefits of these fruits and the remedies that can be prepared from them.
Treatment of varicose veins should be comprehensive. Earlier we wrote about gymnastics against varicose veins, which will help keep the vessels in tone.
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