Tincture of Hemlock — cancer properties and not only
The spotted Hemlock, Conium maculatum aka, the people – Grigorova, p, Stolnik poisonous, mutnik, is a dangerous poisonous plant from the flower to the root, at the same time is an effective means to cure the most severe diseases. Healers of the middle ages was made of Conium maculatum tincture to reduce pain. But before Hemlock was used as the strongest poison paralyzing effect. The similarity of its leaves with parsley are often the cause of accidental poisonings in our time.
Application of tincture poligraphoformlenie scientific research and years of practice has proved that the Hemlock has the ability to anesthetize, relieve spasms, reduce convulsions, stop inflammation and dissolve tumors. This unique plant is able to calm the nervous system and stimulate the immune system. But perhaps most importantly, what known Hemlock is its anti-cancer properties. Composed of Hemlock, several strong poisons, including Konin, pseudocodeine, propylpiperidine, which prevent the division of tumor cells, thereby slowing their growth. In response to the action of the poison coniine, poisonous organism, aktiviziruyutsya the immune system begins to produce antibodies that are deleterious and cancer cells. Established that made from Hemlock herb tincture is successfully used as an adjuvant in the final stages of cancer, as it stops the development of metastases.
Tincture of Hemlock in Oncology gives good results in cases of brain tumor, larynx, throat, stomach, liver, pancreas, lung, breast, female genital organs, as well as in leukemia.
Folk medicine uses anticancer properties of Hemlock and in dealing with benign tumors. More just found tincture of Hemlock used in gynecology. It is used for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids and uterine fibroids, mastitis and fibrosis of the breast, and various cystic formations polosnyj, lipomas. Men receiving infusions Hemlock will be useful in prostate cancer.
Thanks to the powerful anesthetic property of the Hemlock helps with various pains, headaches and toothache to cancer.
It has long been observed that the Hemlock can decrease blood pressure, so it is recommended in hypertension associated with headaches and migraines. In addition, it's relaxing, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant action is useful in such diseases as neuralgia, epilepsy, nervous disorders.
Application of tincture of Conium maculatum, as vascular equipment in a short time get rid of hemorrhoids and helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Demonstrates the use of the tincture of the herb Hemlock in diseases of the lymphatic system.
Anti-inflammatory properties of Hemlock will be used in cases of arthritis, polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, gouty, erysipelatous inflammation and gangrene.
Treatable with Hemlock and systemic lupus erythematosus.
How to prepare a tincture belogolovaya hardy and grows like a weed, at any place. The plant is biennial and blooms the second year complex inflorescences, umbrellas. Medicinal properties of Conium maculatum is most pronounced during the flowering period, but can be used for preparation of Hemlock tincture his young shoots, leaves, seeds and at another time. Hemlock is distinguished by the mouse smell, which dramatically increases with drying of grass. Drying Hemlock in a well-ventilated place, as indoors strong smell causes headaches, what, in principle, obliged the plant its name.
For therapeutic purposes is prepared from Hemlock tincture on alcohol. Pharmacies are not difficult to purchase ready-made drug, but it is not always possible to be sure of its quality cooking and proper storage. Traditional recipes will tell you how to make a tincture of Hemlock in the home. The greatest effect has alcohol tincture from the fresh-cut the fresh herb Hemlock, as even after 30 minutes, the healing properties of the plant are significantly reduced. Before to prepare the tincture of Hemlock, it is recommended to prepare a three-liter jar, pour it into 2 cups of vodka and immediately throw it cut raw material, shaking occasionally. When filling banks should consider one feature: the flowers of the Hemlock impose full capacity (not much compacting), and the leaves, stems or seeds – the third part. Then add vodka until full banks and insist in a cool place for 18 days. The finished product should have a mouse smell and maybe a little foaming. Store tincture in a cool dark place in a tightly sealed container for up to three years, paying attention to what color the tincture of Hemlock and has not lost whether it is a specific smell. Brown tincture of Hemlock shows its good quality.
To prepare the tincture of Hemlock from cancer prepare a more concentrated solution of 96% alcohol, where two parts of alcohol taken 1 part of young leaves, stems, or unripe seed.
In some cases, will come in handy 10% alcohol tincture of Hemlock. To prepare 50 grams of dried herb of Hemlock, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 21 days, shaking daily to the Bank.
Treatment with tincture belogolovskii are known antitumor properties of Hemlock. Therefore, most treatment of cancer tincture of Hemlock, and various benign tumors. It is important to understand that Hemlock is still poison and take it haphazard is dangerous for life. There are a number of methods, like drinking an infusion of Hemlock, including the method of Dr. V. V. Tishchenko, A. M. Ermolina, T. V. Makeenko and many others.
For example, an oncologist and herbalist Vladimir Tishchenko has developed more than one regimen of tincture of Hemlock:
Technique No. 1, called the Royal, it is recommended for all types of tumors in normal health and for the prevention of cancer. Begin therapy with 1 drop of tincture of Hemlock, daily by adding 1 drop more and reached 40 drops, start the countdown also 1 drop per day. The infusion is necessary to drink at 8 am. The first 13 drops taken with 100 ml of water, and for every 13 drops should add 50 ml of water. Overdose, and deterioration of receiving the drug should be discontinued for three days, during which it is necessary to cleanse the body weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk. Then, you can continue to drink the infusion, but gradually reducing the daily dose to 1 drop. Most importantly, do not forget that for more than 40 drops can not be accepted. But two or three of the course can be done in a row and in six months to repeat the treatment.
Method № 2 is intended for patients who had radiotherapy, chemotherapy and requires continuous application. Start receiving the drug with 1 drop of tincture, and increasing the dose every day by 1 drop, 15 drops stop. The course of treatment lasts 3 months. This scheme is considered optimal for the normal functioning of healthy cells and the organism as a whole. Patients of this group the doctor advises before take tincture of Hemlock, you need to cleanse the body in a decoction of flax seed. To prepare a glass of seeds pour 3 liters of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 2 hours. Drink warm broth should be at least one liter a day for 3 weeks. In addition, simultaneously with the tincture of Hemlock, it is desirable to make a decoction of oregano beneficial to the process of hematopoiesis. You need to take three tablespoons of marjoram in half a liter of water, bring to boil, cover and infuse for 6-8 hours. A day to eat three times 100 ml, you can add honey.
Special techniques developed for weak patients and children.
Hemlock is so powerful painkiller, which in some cases could replace medicine. When the pain is recommended to drink 2 drops of tincture per tablespoon of water before a meal. During a severe attack, you can increase the dose to 10 drops.
In the last stages of cancer can be a methodology, V. Nikiforova, who advises to start treatment dose of tincture of Hemlock immediately with 5 drops. Adding a day 1 drop, you need to increase the number of infusion to 30 drops, and then also reducing drop-by-drop to reach 5 drops. Drink the mixture three times a day, stirred in 50 ml of water. The course must be repeated 3 times, stopping for 5 days to stay.
In severe forms of hypertension tincture of Hemlock should take 2 drops 3-4 times a day for 3 months. This requires constant monitoring of blood pressure, as possible sharp decline.
For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, systemic lupus erythematosus, faces used technique No. 1 Dr. Tishchenko, combined with the external application of alcohol tincture 3 times a day.
By the same procedure applies a 10% tincture of Hemlock in mastitis, endometriosis, uterine myoma, fibroids, infertility and other gynecological diseases. The tool will help men in the fight against impotence, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
We must not forget that tincture of Hemlock also has contraindications as any other drug. Pregnant and nursing women to take it is prohibited. In addition, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the Hemlock.
Source: /users/1077

Application of tincture poligraphoformlenie scientific research and years of practice has proved that the Hemlock has the ability to anesthetize, relieve spasms, reduce convulsions, stop inflammation and dissolve tumors. This unique plant is able to calm the nervous system and stimulate the immune system. But perhaps most importantly, what known Hemlock is its anti-cancer properties. Composed of Hemlock, several strong poisons, including Konin, pseudocodeine, propylpiperidine, which prevent the division of tumor cells, thereby slowing their growth. In response to the action of the poison coniine, poisonous organism, aktiviziruyutsya the immune system begins to produce antibodies that are deleterious and cancer cells. Established that made from Hemlock herb tincture is successfully used as an adjuvant in the final stages of cancer, as it stops the development of metastases.
Tincture of Hemlock in Oncology gives good results in cases of brain tumor, larynx, throat, stomach, liver, pancreas, lung, breast, female genital organs, as well as in leukemia.
Folk medicine uses anticancer properties of Hemlock and in dealing with benign tumors. More just found tincture of Hemlock used in gynecology. It is used for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids and uterine fibroids, mastitis and fibrosis of the breast, and various cystic formations polosnyj, lipomas. Men receiving infusions Hemlock will be useful in prostate cancer.
Thanks to the powerful anesthetic property of the Hemlock helps with various pains, headaches and toothache to cancer.
It has long been observed that the Hemlock can decrease blood pressure, so it is recommended in hypertension associated with headaches and migraines. In addition, it's relaxing, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant action is useful in such diseases as neuralgia, epilepsy, nervous disorders.
Application of tincture of Conium maculatum, as vascular equipment in a short time get rid of hemorrhoids and helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Demonstrates the use of the tincture of the herb Hemlock in diseases of the lymphatic system.
Anti-inflammatory properties of Hemlock will be used in cases of arthritis, polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, gouty, erysipelatous inflammation and gangrene.
Treatable with Hemlock and systemic lupus erythematosus.
How to prepare a tincture belogolovaya hardy and grows like a weed, at any place. The plant is biennial and blooms the second year complex inflorescences, umbrellas. Medicinal properties of Conium maculatum is most pronounced during the flowering period, but can be used for preparation of Hemlock tincture his young shoots, leaves, seeds and at another time. Hemlock is distinguished by the mouse smell, which dramatically increases with drying of grass. Drying Hemlock in a well-ventilated place, as indoors strong smell causes headaches, what, in principle, obliged the plant its name.
For therapeutic purposes is prepared from Hemlock tincture on alcohol. Pharmacies are not difficult to purchase ready-made drug, but it is not always possible to be sure of its quality cooking and proper storage. Traditional recipes will tell you how to make a tincture of Hemlock in the home. The greatest effect has alcohol tincture from the fresh-cut the fresh herb Hemlock, as even after 30 minutes, the healing properties of the plant are significantly reduced. Before to prepare the tincture of Hemlock, it is recommended to prepare a three-liter jar, pour it into 2 cups of vodka and immediately throw it cut raw material, shaking occasionally. When filling banks should consider one feature: the flowers of the Hemlock impose full capacity (not much compacting), and the leaves, stems or seeds – the third part. Then add vodka until full banks and insist in a cool place for 18 days. The finished product should have a mouse smell and maybe a little foaming. Store tincture in a cool dark place in a tightly sealed container for up to three years, paying attention to what color the tincture of Hemlock and has not lost whether it is a specific smell. Brown tincture of Hemlock shows its good quality.
To prepare the tincture of Hemlock from cancer prepare a more concentrated solution of 96% alcohol, where two parts of alcohol taken 1 part of young leaves, stems, or unripe seed.
In some cases, will come in handy 10% alcohol tincture of Hemlock. To prepare 50 grams of dried herb of Hemlock, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 21 days, shaking daily to the Bank.
Treatment with tincture belogolovskii are known antitumor properties of Hemlock. Therefore, most treatment of cancer tincture of Hemlock, and various benign tumors. It is important to understand that Hemlock is still poison and take it haphazard is dangerous for life. There are a number of methods, like drinking an infusion of Hemlock, including the method of Dr. V. V. Tishchenko, A. M. Ermolina, T. V. Makeenko and many others.
For example, an oncologist and herbalist Vladimir Tishchenko has developed more than one regimen of tincture of Hemlock:
Technique No. 1, called the Royal, it is recommended for all types of tumors in normal health and for the prevention of cancer. Begin therapy with 1 drop of tincture of Hemlock, daily by adding 1 drop more and reached 40 drops, start the countdown also 1 drop per day. The infusion is necessary to drink at 8 am. The first 13 drops taken with 100 ml of water, and for every 13 drops should add 50 ml of water. Overdose, and deterioration of receiving the drug should be discontinued for three days, during which it is necessary to cleanse the body weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk. Then, you can continue to drink the infusion, but gradually reducing the daily dose to 1 drop. Most importantly, do not forget that for more than 40 drops can not be accepted. But two or three of the course can be done in a row and in six months to repeat the treatment.
Method № 2 is intended for patients who had radiotherapy, chemotherapy and requires continuous application. Start receiving the drug with 1 drop of tincture, and increasing the dose every day by 1 drop, 15 drops stop. The course of treatment lasts 3 months. This scheme is considered optimal for the normal functioning of healthy cells and the organism as a whole. Patients of this group the doctor advises before take tincture of Hemlock, you need to cleanse the body in a decoction of flax seed. To prepare a glass of seeds pour 3 liters of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 2 hours. Drink warm broth should be at least one liter a day for 3 weeks. In addition, simultaneously with the tincture of Hemlock, it is desirable to make a decoction of oregano beneficial to the process of hematopoiesis. You need to take three tablespoons of marjoram in half a liter of water, bring to boil, cover and infuse for 6-8 hours. A day to eat three times 100 ml, you can add honey.
Special techniques developed for weak patients and children.
Hemlock is so powerful painkiller, which in some cases could replace medicine. When the pain is recommended to drink 2 drops of tincture per tablespoon of water before a meal. During a severe attack, you can increase the dose to 10 drops.
In the last stages of cancer can be a methodology, V. Nikiforova, who advises to start treatment dose of tincture of Hemlock immediately with 5 drops. Adding a day 1 drop, you need to increase the number of infusion to 30 drops, and then also reducing drop-by-drop to reach 5 drops. Drink the mixture three times a day, stirred in 50 ml of water. The course must be repeated 3 times, stopping for 5 days to stay.
In severe forms of hypertension tincture of Hemlock should take 2 drops 3-4 times a day for 3 months. This requires constant monitoring of blood pressure, as possible sharp decline.
For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, systemic lupus erythematosus, faces used technique No. 1 Dr. Tishchenko, combined with the external application of alcohol tincture 3 times a day.
By the same procedure applies a 10% tincture of Hemlock in mastitis, endometriosis, uterine myoma, fibroids, infertility and other gynecological diseases. The tool will help men in the fight against impotence, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
We must not forget that tincture of Hemlock also has contraindications as any other drug. Pregnant and nursing women to take it is prohibited. In addition, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the Hemlock.
Source: /users/1077
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