The recipe for strawberry jam "Dark Ruby"
Summer has finally arrived! In our cottages and gardens sprouted strawberries, it is time to start harvesting jam. Why don’t you try something unusual this time?
“What is unusual about jam?” you might ask. Of course, nothing if you just cook it with berries and sugar. But if you show some imagination, the result will be very original, I assure you.
Jam from strawberries for the winter of Strawberries is quite delicate, so you should treat it accordingly. It should be washed very carefully so as not to damage it in the process.
First, go through the berries, cleaning them from leaves, twigs and other debris. Then gently put it in the coop. Mine is under the tap with an aerator (or under the shower) for about 3-4 minutes.
Leave the berries in a dud hose for 10-15 minutes - during this time the water will almost completely drain from them. After that, remove the tails. It's basic training.
Strawberry jam "Dark Ruby" Ingredients
Jam "Fantasia" from strawberries and squash Ingredients
Raw strawberry jam and kiwi ingredients
Now you know, How to cook strawberry jam. The article describes only a small part of its unusual variants. In fact, there are many more such recipes.
DepositPhotos Strawberries are perfectly combined with various fruits and herbs, spices and even vegetables. So do not be afraid to experiment, combine the seemingly incompatible! And you will definitely find it - unusual and original taste!
Sweet emerald mint jam. Trying at least a spoon, you will forever love this treat. Mint jam can be spread on pancakes, put in tea, prepare Mojito and other drinks.
Some may find this strange, but you can make jam from pine cones. And it is fragrant, tasty and, of course, useful. Even a small spoon of such jam gives a charge of cheerfulness and positiveness for the whole day.

“What is unusual about jam?” you might ask. Of course, nothing if you just cook it with berries and sugar. But if you show some imagination, the result will be very original, I assure you.
Jam from strawberries for the winter of Strawberries is quite delicate, so you should treat it accordingly. It should be washed very carefully so as not to damage it in the process.

First, go through the berries, cleaning them from leaves, twigs and other debris. Then gently put it in the coop. Mine is under the tap with an aerator (or under the shower) for about 3-4 minutes.

Leave the berries in a dud hose for 10-15 minutes - during this time the water will almost completely drain from them. After that, remove the tails. It's basic training.

Strawberry jam "Dark Ruby" Ingredients
- 3kg strawberries
- 2kg of sugar
- 100ml vodka
- 1 tsp citric acid

- Prepare the berries carefully. If very large, then you can cut into 2-4 parts.
- Take a deep pan with a thick bottom, lay out a layer of berries, sprinkle sugar on top and sprinkle vodka. Then a new layer of strawberries, then sugar and vodka. Put the pan aside, or it is better to send it to the refrigerator for the night so that the strawberries give juice and the sugar dissolves.
- Take the pot out of the fridge and put it on the stove. Bring the mass to a boil, add citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice, stir.
- Boil on an average heat for 5 minutes and set aside. After a couple of hours, when the mass is completely cooled, again put on the stove and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Repeat the procedure until you are satisfied with the thickness of jam. In this case, jam should not change the original color.
- When you have achieved the desired thickness of jam, prepare containers. Carefully wash the cans, lids with boiling water and wipe dry with a clean towel. After that, put the cans in the oven or microwave and calcined.
- Put the jam on the fire, bring it to a hot state, but do not boil, remove and start pouring. Pour to the brim and leave the cans cool. The jam will freeze, a dense layer forms on top, which will not allow the jam to spoil. Only then can the banks be closed.
Jam "Fantasia" from strawberries and squash Ingredients
- 500g young zucchini
- 500g strawberries
- lemon juice
- 1.5 kg of sugar

- Peel the zucchini, slice it, sprinkle 500g of sugar and splash it with lemon juice. Wash the strawberries, peel the peduncles and also fill 500 g of sugar. Leave it for 4 hours.
- The resulting juice is poured into one pan, put the remaining sugar in it and bring it to a boil. Add strawberries and cook 5 minutes, removing the foam. Let me cool down and repeat. The third time bring to a boil, put the zucchini and cook for another 5 minutes.
- Spray the sterilized banks and sunset. It is better to store jam in a dark cool place.
- Delicious strawberry jam Ready. Bon appetit!
Raw strawberry jam and kiwi ingredients
- 500g strawberries
- 600g sugar
- 2 kiwis

- Free the strawberries from sepals, wash them under running water. Put it on a paper towel so that the berries dry a little.
- Peel the kiwi off the peel and cut the cubes.
- Grind kiwi and strawberry berries with a blender, mix the resulting puree.
- Add sugar to the resulting mass and whip it with a mixer until it dissolves completely (if the jam is slightly heated, the sugar will dissolve much faster).
- Put it in sterilized containers and roll it.
Now you know, How to cook strawberry jam. The article describes only a small part of its unusual variants. In fact, there are many more such recipes.

DepositPhotos Strawberries are perfectly combined with various fruits and herbs, spices and even vegetables. So do not be afraid to experiment, combine the seemingly incompatible! And you will definitely find it - unusual and original taste!
Sweet emerald mint jam. Trying at least a spoon, you will forever love this treat. Mint jam can be spread on pancakes, put in tea, prepare Mojito and other drinks.
Some may find this strange, but you can make jam from pine cones. And it is fragrant, tasty and, of course, useful. Even a small spoon of such jam gives a charge of cheerfulness and positiveness for the whole day.
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