An unforgivable mistake, after which strawberry jam exactly ferments
June gives us a generous strawberry harvest. But the age of fragrant berries is short. Therefore, many housewives plan to make jam from them. But it doesn’t always turn out the way you wanted it. It is too liquid, bitter or begins to wander. How much strawberry jam to cook, is it worth saving on sugar and how to thicken it if it turned out to be too liquid?
How much to cook strawberry jam Lack of sugar "Strawberries are already sweet, why so much sugar?" It is with this phrase that our path to spoiled jam often begins. First, oddly enough, the sugar in strawberries is even less than in lemon. And secondly, many do not quite understand its role in the preparation of a sweet delicacy.
Sugar here is not so much a flavor additive as a preservative that prolongs the shelf life of jam. And with its lack, the chances of seeing mold under the lid increase many times.
In addition, dissolved in water, sugar forms a syrup. Thanks to him, jam subsequently acquires homogeneity and correct consistency. So if you think that there is too much sugar in the recipe, do not rush to change something. Perhaps as a result, your jam will turn into a watery liquid and / or in a month it will begin to ferment.
By the way, in this case we have recommendations. Pour the fermented jam into a pan, add 100 grams of sugar, bring to a boil over a slow heat and cook for 10 minutes. Then put it in a sterile jar.
More cooking or enough? How much strawberry jam should I cook? It is very difficult to give a single answer here, because much depends on the preferences of a particular hostess. Someone likes thick jam like jam. And someone likes liquid, preserved the shape of berries and a maximum of vitamins. Each side has its own arguments.
On the one hand, there is an opinion that cooking too long harms strawberries. Like, with a single boil, more vitamin C is stored. In fact, most vitamin C when boiling jam is destroyed anyway. However, the shape and structure of the berries are really better preserved with a shorter duration of cooking.
But as for safety, the so-called “five-minute” spoils the fastest. The reason is that it undergoes less heat treatment. So, there is a greater chance that any microorganisms will remain in the finished dessert.
According to the classic recipe, jam is boiled 3-4 times for 5-10 minutes on a slow heat. And the more repetitions, the thicker the mass will be in the end. But if the product is too liquid, the situation can be corrected.
This is usually due to the fact that strawberry berries secrete a lot of juice. Therefore, the syrup is too liquid. To thicken the syrup and not to boil strawberry berries will help a little trick. Strain the jam through the badge to separate the syrup from the berries. Add some sugar to the syrup and put it on the stove for 5-10 minutes. A thickened mass of berry bays. Put the jam on the fire, bring it to a boil and immediately remove it from the stove.
Should I take the foam off? Before answering the question whether it is necessary to remove the foam during cooking jam, let's figure out what, in fact, this foam is and where it comes from. In the process of cooking, the lightest fractions of the products that make up jam rush up and connect with each other, forming a dense foam.
The foam from the jam should be removed because there accumulate moulds that are not washed. If this is not done, the jam can sour and all the work will go to waste. Jam without foam will be much better to boil, and it will also retain its unique berry aroma much longer.
I hope that our tips will tell you how to cook jam without mistakes. And jars with sweet delicacies in slender rows will fill the shelves in the pantry.

How much to cook strawberry jam Lack of sugar "Strawberries are already sweet, why so much sugar?" It is with this phrase that our path to spoiled jam often begins. First, oddly enough, the sugar in strawberries is even less than in lemon. And secondly, many do not quite understand its role in the preparation of a sweet delicacy.

Sugar here is not so much a flavor additive as a preservative that prolongs the shelf life of jam. And with its lack, the chances of seeing mold under the lid increase many times.

In addition, dissolved in water, sugar forms a syrup. Thanks to him, jam subsequently acquires homogeneity and correct consistency. So if you think that there is too much sugar in the recipe, do not rush to change something. Perhaps as a result, your jam will turn into a watery liquid and / or in a month it will begin to ferment.
By the way, in this case we have recommendations. Pour the fermented jam into a pan, add 100 grams of sugar, bring to a boil over a slow heat and cook for 10 minutes. Then put it in a sterile jar.
More cooking or enough? How much strawberry jam should I cook? It is very difficult to give a single answer here, because much depends on the preferences of a particular hostess. Someone likes thick jam like jam. And someone likes liquid, preserved the shape of berries and a maximum of vitamins. Each side has its own arguments.

On the one hand, there is an opinion that cooking too long harms strawberries. Like, with a single boil, more vitamin C is stored. In fact, most vitamin C when boiling jam is destroyed anyway. However, the shape and structure of the berries are really better preserved with a shorter duration of cooking.

But as for safety, the so-called “five-minute” spoils the fastest. The reason is that it undergoes less heat treatment. So, there is a greater chance that any microorganisms will remain in the finished dessert.
According to the classic recipe, jam is boiled 3-4 times for 5-10 minutes on a slow heat. And the more repetitions, the thicker the mass will be in the end. But if the product is too liquid, the situation can be corrected.

This is usually due to the fact that strawberry berries secrete a lot of juice. Therefore, the syrup is too liquid. To thicken the syrup and not to boil strawberry berries will help a little trick. Strain the jam through the badge to separate the syrup from the berries. Add some sugar to the syrup and put it on the stove for 5-10 minutes. A thickened mass of berry bays. Put the jam on the fire, bring it to a boil and immediately remove it from the stove.
Should I take the foam off? Before answering the question whether it is necessary to remove the foam during cooking jam, let's figure out what, in fact, this foam is and where it comes from. In the process of cooking, the lightest fractions of the products that make up jam rush up and connect with each other, forming a dense foam.

The foam from the jam should be removed because there accumulate moulds that are not washed. If this is not done, the jam can sour and all the work will go to waste. Jam without foam will be much better to boil, and it will also retain its unique berry aroma much longer.
I hope that our tips will tell you how to cook jam without mistakes. And jars with sweet delicacies in slender rows will fill the shelves in the pantry.
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